Commencement Ceremony
The ceremony for Language Schools Master of Arts & Doctor of Modern Languages degree recipients will be held Friday, August 8, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. at the Mahaney Arts Center (MAC) Olin C. Robison Concert Hall in Middlebury, Vermont.
Students are expected to arrive at 3:15 p.m. in order to line up for the ceremony. We will have a photographer to take pictures of each graduate.
Commencement will be live-streamed for graduates, friends, and families who are unable to attend. Please see the live-stream link and order of ceremony.
Each graduate can have up to two guests attend the ceremony. Please pick up tickets for your guests at any point August 5 to 7 (10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.) on the 2nd floor of Sunderland in the Language Schools main office. An overflow room is available for extra guests in the MAC 232 (next to the Concert Hall).
A reception will be held outside on the 1st floor following the ceremony.
All Language Schools MA and DML degree recipients attending in-person are required to wear traditional regalia (caps and gowns). Graduates without regalia will not be allowed to participate in the ceremony.
MA candidates may purchase regalia at the Middlebury College bookstore from Wednesday, August 6, through Friday, August 8, at 3:00 p.m. The cost to purchase MA regalia is $66.75 (plus tax of 7%). The bookstore is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
DML candidates may purchase or rent doctoral regalia. The cost of a cap and gown rental is $37.50 (plus tax of 7%). DML candidates will be given a doctoral hood during the ceremony. To purchase (deadline is June 4), contact Sue Hebert. To rent (deadline is July 12), go to the Middlebury bookstore online and click “Graduation Items.” Select Item 2008630 and “PICKUP ORDER” (if attending in-person).
Updated regalia prices will be posted for 2025.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q I will have more than 2 guests. How do I get more tickets?
Since the Concert Hall is small, unfortunately we do limit the number of guests to two. However, you can ask your classmates for their tickets. Commencement will also be livestreamed.
Extra guests are welcome to come to Commencement to watch in an overflow room. If we do have extra space, we will let guests from the overflow room come into the Concert Hall as Commencement is starting. All guests are welcome to the reception directly following Commencement.
Q I can't pick up my tickets during the time - is there another time?
Please do your best to pick up tickets during the scheduled time. Your classmates can also pick up your tickets. If this doesn’t work, we should have someone in the Sunderland office on Friday morning. We will also have some extra tickets at the door of the Concert hall.
Q I am an Arabic or Italian student coming from Bennington - do you have more details?
We will have a shuttle for Arabic and Italian students who are graduating. The shuttle will leave on Friday, August 8 in the morning. Students have the option to stay on the Middlebury campus on Friday night.