Two Langauge students walking and talking in language.

While each of the schools has its own version of a daily schedule, here’s a general idea of how your typical day might flow.

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Taking the Language Pledge®

Language Schools students take the pledge.

The pledge is one of the foundations of the Middlebury Language School’s experience. Once you take the pledge with your school you should make every effort to remain in language. I want you to think of the pledge, not as a rule you live in fear of violating, but rather as your best ally in your studies.

The more you embrace it, the more you surround yourself with the pledge, and with others who are doing the same. The more you will find yourself making rapid progress in your goal that you’ve set yourself for this summer. I just wanna thank everyone at the Academy. My parents, my professors, without whom I would not be here stumbling through Portuguese with all of you this summer.

Amazing Progress!

He went from knowing nothing to speaking with ease.

Nǐ hǎo, wǒ jiào Jason. I am South African. I am just about to start the program here at Middlebury. The 8-week Chinese summer program. I’m really excited. I can’t speak any Chinese further than what I told you and I’m hoping to use Mandarin within engineering for  a long term goal.

8 Weeks Later

Hello. My name is Jason. I am South African. I am currently studying Chinese at Middlebury’s Chinese summer school. I think Middlebury’s teachers are excellent and very professional. Also, I think Middlebury is beautiful. But I really think the Middlebury advantage is that teachers spend a lot of time helping students practice speaking Chinese.

Classroom Learning

After breakfast, you’ll spend anywhere from four to five hours in classroom settings, followed by lunch with your professors and peers. You will live and eat on the Middlebury Campus or Bennington Campus.

Cocurricular Activities

Student holding handmade pizza.

In the afternoons, you put your newly learned language skills to work, participating in cocurricular activities ranging from cooking, calligraphy, and yoga to music, soccer, and hiking. While students are expected and encouraged to participate in the activities of their school, the activities are voluntary.

Lectures, Cultural, and Career Events

During the evenings after dinner with classmates and faculty, you might attend a lecture by a visiting scholar or commentator, watch a film, or participate in a cultural celebration relevant to your language and culture of study. Weekends are also times to engage in performances, dances, and other special programming.

Students are able to work with the Middlebury Center for Careers and Internships and attend career information sessions and advising appointments. Students will have access to networking and career opportunity resources.

Admitted Students

Admitted students receive access to the Accepted Student Website which includes information such as what to bring, paying your tuition, resources on campus, and housing.

Admitted students interested in using Middlebury credit toward a degree at their home institution are advised to speak with their home department or registrar about the approval of transfer credit prior to attending the Language Schools. 

Language Schools programs are typically worth 3 or 4 units of Middlebury credit, equivalent to 9 or 12 semester hours of credit (see the Dates & Fees page of your program). Your home university has discretion in determining the number of transfer credits awarded and how those credits are applied toward degree requirements. The Assistant Director can provide documentation such as course numbers or a sample syllabus (based on your estimated level of study) if needed. Please see more Frequently Asked Questions from our Registrar’s Office.

Upon completion of the program, you should order a Middlebury College transcript from the Registrar’s Office and have it sent to your home institution.

A Typical 24/7 Immersion Day

Time Activity
7:00 a.m. Breakfast with your school, faculty, their families, and guests
Morning Classes
Noon Lunch with your school
Afternoon Co-curricular activities (cooking, dance, soccer…)
6:00 p.m. Dinner with your school
Evening Lectures, film screenings, and tutoring
Weekends Cultural events and celebrations, dances, and special programs
Students in the School of Russian dance.
Co-curricular activities and cultural events allow students to stay in the Language Pledge for the entire day.