District K
About District K
Beyond providing three all-you-care-to-eat dining halls and various retail options like the Grille and Wilson Café, Dining Services boasts an exceptional catering staff adept at supporting campus events and private functions. Whether during the academic year or the bustling summer months when Middlebury programs are in session, their committed team endeavors to serve and satisfy the needs of students, faculty, and staff alike. With each meal, they embrace the opportunity to foster connections, build community, and showcase their culinary expertise, all while upholding their pledge to locally sourced, sustainable, and premium-quality ingredients.
104 members
District K Representative (VT)
Brent Simons, Commons Dining Room Manager, Ross Dining (Dining Services)
Term: 2022-2024
Roles: TBD
- Office: Ross Commons Dining
- Phone: (802) 443-5967
- Email: simons@middlebury.edu
Brent Simons, Manager of Ross Dining, has been a dedicated member of the Middlebury community for 34 years. With his extensive experience, Brent plays a vital role in ensuring the smooth operation in Laforce Hall/Ross Dining for students and employees alike. When a coworker sought Brent’s assistance, the collaboration resonated with his want to make Middlebury a better place for everyone. Looking to increase positive changes for his colleagues, he became an active participant in the Middlebury Staff Council last year.
Serving as the Dining (District K) Representative Brent has been a member of the HR-6 Committee and also serves as an Ombudsperson, furthering both effective communication and conflict resolution within our community. Consider joining Brent on Staff Council as a representative. Simply fill out this form to submit your interest.
Fun fact about Brent: He is a bass guitarist and an amateur historian. He also finds inspiration in the views that Middlebury’s Vermont campus offers.
District K Updates
Welcome new employees!
- Jeffrey Trump (Ross Dining)
- Renee Miller (Dining Services)
- Blake Emilo-Webb (Proctor Dining)
- Colvin Hathaway (Catering)
- Jefferey Heath (Grille)
- Tim Pecor Jr (Dining)
- Quentin Paciorek (Dining)
- Olivia Odell (Midd Express)
- Jen DelMonte (Grille)
- Ellyzabeth Austin (Bread Loaf Dining)
- Kylie Scheck (Midd Express)
- Marie Casseus (Bread Loaf Dining)
- Pete Kono (Dining)
- Zach Coulter (Dining)
- David Forster (Atwater Dining)
- Jonathan Skogstrom (Ross Dining)
- Jeremy Keach (Dining Services)
- Hannah Bove (Proctor Dining)
- Richard Hoenes (Dining Services)
- Courtney Ethier (Dining)
- Alice Zhang (Dining)
- Jessica Kimball (Dining)
- Robert Whittemore (Dining)
- Chad Fredette (Dining)
- Sebastien Crowell (Dining)