Welcome to the online Writing Center using WCOnline!

*The Online Writing Center is closed for summer. Schedule at Go/WCOnline

*Asynchronous online feedback is unavailable.

Did you know that the Writing Center now offers students the flexibility to schedule their own appointments online and attend them remotely? Simply create a WCOnline account—or log back into the account you created with your peer writing tutor during your first-year seminar (FYS) or upper-level writing course (CW)—to get started!

WCOnline Registration and User Directions for Live Tutoring

Step 1: If you do not have a WCOnline account, please register for one. This is our specific WCOnline link and you should register with your Middlebury email account.

Step 2: Once you have an account, go to the home page to log on.

Step 3: Once you have logged on, you will need to select the appropriate schedule at the top of the screen (“Online Writing Center”). For live appointments, selected “online writing center.”

Step 4: Once you access the schedule, select an appointment that is currently available and that suits your time/date needs. Available appointment boxes will be blank/white.

Step 5: When you click on the appointment make sure that:

  • You can attend the time you are selecting.
  • You are adjusting for time zone differences as all appointments will take place on Eastern Time.

Fill out the appropriate information in the form. If you have a draft or an assignment prompt, feel free to upload a copy of it at the bottom of the appointment form to share with your tutor. Once the form is completed and saved, you will receive an email confirmation.

Step 6: On the day of your appointment, a few minutes before it starts, log back into WCOnline and click into your appointment on the schedule grid. In the appointment pop-up box there are directions to join the chat room where you will have your appointment. Join by clicking on the link “start or join online conversation.”

Step 7: Once you click “start or join an online conversation,” you will be bounced to a chat room that includes webcam, audio, and chat functions. There is also an interactive whiteboard (with directions on how to use the program interface). There, you can copy and paste your paper/outline. After the session, you can print or copy the notes from the whiteboard for your own revisions.

Online Writing Center System Policies and Advice

Live appointments are approximately 25 - 30 minutes long. If you need more time, schedule two appointments back-to-back!

  • All students who have a tutor attached to a CW/FYS/WRPR course should work with their course peer writing tutor, as there are a limited number of online appointments available.
  • Check your email account for an appointment confirmation message and note the day and time that you scheduled your appointment. You will need to log back into WCOnline and select your specific appointment to access the tutoring session on the day of your appointment.
  • Note the time zone—all sessions will be scheduled in Eastern Time. If you are on the West Coast, please make sure to adjust the time and set a reminder alarm.
  • Try to attend live appointments by laptop or computer since WCOnline works best on those platforms. WCOnline may work on mobile (cell phone) platforms but the online interface will not be as easy to use.
  • Be prepared to talk or type with your tutor—you might want to have a set of headphones ready if you are in a noisy or busy spot. Or you might prefer simply use the text box to type and disable audio/video.
  • Technology can sometimes have issues—please be patient and try to arrive ahead of your appointment to address any last minute issues with the system. If you find that you cannot access WCOnline because your account is locked, please email ctlr@middlebury.edu to reset your account.
  • Be aware, if you are marked as no-show for three or more appointments, you will be locked out of the system so please try to attend the sessions you schedule or cancel them, which you can do up to 3 hours beforehand.

Downloadable Guide to Live (Synchronous) Online Tutoring

Download these writing center directions that include visuals.

Registration and User Directors for Asynchronous Online Tutoring, (Currently Unavailable)

When possible, we offer limited asynchronous online tutoring for students who want feedback on outlines or drafts of their writing. These appointments do not happen in real time. Rather, the student uploads their writing and shares their feedback needs and the tutor returns feedback on the uploaded documents. The steps to access the appointments are largely the same as for live (synchronous) online tutoring except for the following. 

Step 1: Once you have an account, go to the home page to log on.

Step 2: Select the appropriate schedule (labeled “SP22 Asynchronous Writing Center”).

Step 3: Once you access the correct schedule, select an appointment that is currently available and that suits your time/date needs. Available appointment boxes will be blank/white.

NOTE: Tutors will return writing feedback 24 hours after the end of each appointment!

Step 4: When you click on the appointment to fill out the form, make sure that:

  • You upload your essay draft/outline, assignment prompt, and requests for feedback as attachments to the appointment form.
  • You click “create appointment” at the bottom of the form.
  • You will receive an email confirmation after creating your appointment. 

Step 5: After 24 hours, log back into WCOnline and your original appointment to download tutor feedback. It will be attached to the appointment you created. You should also receive an email notification when the feedback is ready.