Our students are among the top liberal arts candidates in the nation.

While here at Middlebury, students excel intellectually, think critically, naturally embrace challenges, and gain experience leading groups but also collaborating within a multicultural, complex, environment to solve problems.

Our employer relations professionals are committed to producing a one-stop, results-oriented recruiting experience for your organization. We are excited to assist you in building your brand on campus, promoting your opportunities, and facilitating a seamless on-campus or virtual recruiting process.

Using Handshake

The Middlebury Center for Careers and Internships (CCI) uses Handshake to post internship and entry-level job opportunities for undergraduates, graduating seniors, or recent graduates.

Recruit On Campus

We invite employers to engage with our students through a variety of in-person and virtual programs recruiting on campus.

  • On-campus interviews Pre-select student candidates for a day or more of on-campus or virtual interviewing.
  • On-campus information sessions and tables Provide students with details about your organization and the positions you seek to fill. Please submit your request at least two weeks in advance to schedule an event.