Let’s explore what’s next!

Whether you are just beginning to think about careers or already have a sense of the direction you’d like to pursue, we can help.

Meeting with a Career Advisor is a great way to explore possibilities and focus your thinking. We can meet you wherever you are in the process! Use the pages in this section to review our resources and then let us know where you want to start.

Signature Events and Programs

The CCI hosts and cosponsors numerous events and programs throughout the year that will help give you a good sense of what’s out there in terms of careers, internships, graduate opportunities, and more. Be sure to check the calendar regularly and register to attend.

Where to Start?

First-Years: Get Started

  • Attend a CCI Open House and get to know the CCI team.
  • Complete your Handshake Profile and get access to thousands of internship opportunities, plus up-to-the minute information about alumni Career Conversations, visiting recruiters, events, and workshops.
  • Create a résumé for internships and summer job applications; have it reviewed by a Peer Career Advisor during Quick Questions
  • Get involved on campus—explore your interests through student activities or community service.
  • Attend a Career Conversation event and information sessions to learn about liberal arts career paths from Middlebury alumni.
  • Join Midd2Midd and begin exploring alumni majors and careers—you can ask questions, get advice, and explore what’s next.

Sophomores: Gain Skills and Experience

  • Come to Quick Questions to find out about career resources.
  • Make an appointment with a Career Advisor to discuss your strategy.
  • Seek leadership roles in a student organization, athletic team, or through community service.
  • Apply for a winter term or summer internship.
  • Update your résumé and have a Peer Career Advisor review it during Quick Questions.
  • Attend Career Conversations with Middlebury alumni to learn more about a potential career field.
  • Sign up for MiddMentors and get paired with an alum for a one-on-one mentoring relationship supporting your personal, professional, and intellectual growth.
  • Apply for a stipend for your unpaid summer internship or project.

Juniors: Focus Your Strategy

  • Apply for a winter term or summer internship to gain additional experience.
  • Update your résumé and have a Peer Career Advisor review it during Quick Questions
  • Make an appointment with a Career Advisor to discuss your strategy.
  • Apply for funding for an unpaid summer internship or project.
  • Review our Networking Guide and update your LinkedIn profile.
  • Continue to use Midd2Midd as a networking resource. 

Seniors: Achieve Your Goals

  • Update your Handshake Profile and your résumé.
  • Meet with a Career Advisor to discuss your post-graduate options.
  • Attend employer and graduate school information sessions. 
  • Continue networking
  • Apply for jobs, post-grad internships, and fellowships, or other opportunities posted in Handshake and relevant opportunity portals.
  • Schedule a practice interview with a Career Advisor or Midd2Midd volunteer. 
  • Report your outcomes to your career advisor.

Downloadable Guides

CCI Self Reflection Guide

This Self-Reflection Guide is designed to help you learn more about yourself in terms of planning for the future—whether that means getting the most out of your time at Middlebury or thinking ahead to graduate school and a career.

Resume and Cover Letter Guide Cover Image

Review our Résumé and Cover Letter Guide for all majors and industries. It outlines suggestions for creating, formatting and organizing your content, and includes suggestions for word choices.

CCI Career Guide

Our Career Exploration Guide includes a series of steps and resources designed to help you navigate the possibilities and identify options that might be a good fit for you.

CCI's Networking Guide

This Networking Guide helps connect with people who can show you the connection between majors and careers, position yourself for opportunities, and more.

CCI Interviewing Guide

Our Interview Preparation Guide will give you tips for practicing and preparing for a successful experience. You can also schedule a practice interview with a Career Adviser.

Are you ready to talk with someone? 

CCI advisors are here to help you explore what’s next! We welcome everyone—all class years and majors. You can have specific questions, or no questions at all. Our team of advisors consists of people with expertise in career communities (like arts, media, and communications; social impact; and more). Advisors are also very happy to talk with you even if you’re not sure where to start! 

Here are some tips to make the most of our 30-minute appointment together:

  1. Before our session, think about what you want to get out of the conversation. Do you have any goals? You can come with specific questions, or general thoughts, or even express that you’re just beginning. It’s all good! 
  2. Common topics for exploration with a CCI advisor include, depending on class year: how to find an internship, best strategies to find a job or career path that’s the right fit for you, how to connect with alumni, what role does major play in career development, the best way to prepare for interviews, and so much more!  
  3. We are happy to meet in-person in Kitchel House or on Zoom. 
  4. Appointments with advisors are made on Handshake. After you select a day, time, appointment type, and specific advisor, you will be asked to write a short note about what you’d like to talk about.  Please be as thoughtful and detailed as you can. You can expect us to start off the appointment getting to know you a little bit by asking questions and referring to this intro to get the conversation going. 
  5. If you have a specific career interest, select that appointment type (e.g. technology advising) to get more targeted advice from an advisor specializing in that area.   
  6. If you are not sure where to start in your internship or job search and career exploration (which is fine!), you can select appointment type “Internship Advising - General”  or “Career Exploration for {insert class year here}.” This will be a more general overview type of appointment. 
  7. Sometimes it takes more than one time together to explore. We encourage you to come back for repeat appointments with the same advisor or with a different advisor.   
  8. For help with resumes and cover letters, please visit the Peer Career Advisors at Quick Question Drop-In Hours instead of making an appointment with an advisor.