All scheduling policies for event scheduling, scheduling prioritization, and use of space apply to Specialized Venues. Schedulers of these venues are expected to understand and adhere to these policies.

  • The Academic Calendar prioritizes the scheduling of all facilities.
  • The initial scheduling of courses in academic venues takes priority over all other scheduling.
  • Courses will not be scheduled in the public areas of buildings.
  • Annual events listed as part of the academic calendar have first priority for scheduling of all campus facilities (Orientation, Clifford Symposium, Campus Preview, etc.)

All events held in specialized venues will be scheduled utilizing the central scheduling system, 25Live Pro.

Athletic Venues

 Scheduling Priority

  • Generally, courses in Physical Education will be the only courses scheduled in non-academic athletic venues.
  • The Athletics Department then has priority use of all athletic fields, the Natatorium, Pepin Gym, Nelson Arena, Kenyon Arena, Virtue Field House, Bostwick Squash Center and the Memorial Field House 3rd Floor Classroom.

 Scheduling Protocol

The Athletics Operations and Events Manager will schedule only those events that are hosted by the Athletics Department, and the non-college athletic events scheduled on behalf of our community friends and neighbors. 

All requests for non-college use of athletics facilities that are not athletic in nature will be directed to the Department of Event Management.

All other requests for events to be held in the Athletics Complex will be directed to Event Management who will consult with the Athletics Department for input prior to approving use of the Athletics Complex.

Student or Faculty/Staff Workshops

Events that occur on a cyclical basis will be limited to scheduling one term at a time. Venues will be approved no further than two weeks in advance of the term to permit athletic needs to be prioritized. In an effort to create opportunity of use for as many organizations as possible, initial approval for use of space will be for no more than a 2 hour maximum session, with sessions held no more than twice per week.

Virtue Field House Room 288

Courses will be scheduled in VFH 288 from Monday through Friday only and will not be scheduled to occur beyond 1:30 p.m. to allow the instructional needs for athletics to occur as well.

In keeping with the academic scheduling process for all buildings, scheduling in VFH 288 will not occur until the term course schedule is complete and the room schedule is released by the Registrar’s Office.  

Virtue Field House

The only events that are not athletic in nature that will be considered for use of Virtue Field House will be hosted by the Office of the President and will require the scale of the facility to meet the needs of the event (Commencement severe weather site, Inauguration, etc.)  

All events held in Virtue Field House will be restricted to water only as food and other beverages will not be permitted.

Atwater Dining Hall

All events at Atwater Dining Hall are scheduled through the Department of Event Management. Approval for dining hall use is required before arranging menu plans with Catering.

  • Atwater is in use as a student dining hall and unavailable for events Sunday through Friday during the academic year term. 
  • During the academic year term, catered meals (no board plan meals) may be scheduled on Saturdays, pending availability and review by Event Management and Dining Services.
  • Atwater is not open for student dining or other events during the summer, except for Language School programming.

Axinn Center at Starr Library


  • All classrooms can accommodate 1-2 banquet tables for light refreshments.
  • Refreshments for the screening room (AXN 232) must be set up in the Winter Garden area.


  • Limited to table/linen decorations, and displays on easels.
  • No helium balloons, due to the fire alarm beam detectors. No stapling, taping, or tacking anything to the walls.
  • You may tape posters/decorations to white boards in the classrooms.


  • If the arrangement of existing furniture is not conducive to your event, please seek an alternative venue.
  • Ability to remove and store furnishings from the Reading Room and Winter Garden areas is extremely limited and strongly discouraged.
  • Academic department wings are not available as event space or storage.

Bread Loaf Campus

The Bread Loaf School of English and the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference have priority use of Bread Loaf campus for their regular academic programs in June, July, and August.

The Bread Loaf Campus is then available for New England Young Writers’ Conference, Commencement, Reunion, Alumni College and Leadership Conference, Fall Family Weekend, and Homecoming.

Any time remaining may be reserved for other college-related functions at the discretion of the Department of Event Management in conjunction with Catering/Dining, and Bread Loaf staff. Decisions will be based upon assessment of the need and the feasibility of providing necessary service to support the events.

For events requesting housing and catering, the following criteria is required:

  • Self-catering is not permitted on the first floor of the Bread Loaf Inn, including the Bread Loaf Inn Dining Room, on Inn porches, on the West Lawn, or in the Little Theater. These spaces are exclusively licensed by Middlebury Catering.
  • Events with an overnight component are required to have a two-night minimum as well as a 50-person minimum.
  • Events with an overnight component are required to use Middlebury Catering for food and beverage service.

The Bunker at FIC

Student organizations without dedicated social space have priority use of The Bunker. Social Houses are expected to host events within their own dorm.

Guidelines for use:

  • Events must be requested 2 weeks in advance.
  • The Bunker is an alcohol-free space. Evidence of alcohol use and/or damage to the space may result in increased security requirements at future events, or loss of privilege to use the space for the hosting organization.
  • The hosting organization is required to have monitors at the 3 access points (the stairwell entrance, exterior door, and exterior door upstairs near the restrooms) to maintain the maximum occupancy capacity of 150.
  • No additional equipment can be added to the space, as that reduces capacity and creates egress concerns.
  • Use of restrooms in the spin room is not permitted. All attendees must use the upstairs restrooms.
  • Depending on the nature of the event and at the discretion of the Student Activities Office, events ending before midnight may not be required to hire security services.
  • Events ending after midnight are required to have a security plan, likely to include hiring Green Mountain Concert Services (GMCS), at the expense of the hosting organization.
  • All events must end by 2:00 a.m.

Carr Hall Lounge

Carr Hall will be scheduled in collaboration between the Anderson Freeman Resource Center (AFC) and The Department of Event Management. All events will be routed to Event Management for entry into the central scheduling system. As the AFC approves events, they will inform Event Management to allow one central calendar to hold all scheduling detail.

All other scheduling will first be prioritized for use by cultural organizations or events. 

Those wishing to utilize Carr Hall for events that are not sponsored by the AFC or CCSRE should contact Event Management. Event Management will consult with the AFC prior to approval. Events will be approved based on the impact of the event to the space and the needs of the Center.

The meeting space is central to the building, with support staff assigned to a reception desk within the meeting venue through 9 p.m. Monday through Friday. Confidential or sensitive topics for discussion are best held in more private venues on campus.

Generally, Carr Hall will be available for events only during non-business hours, to any group that has been approved.

Chateau 005 Performance Space

Following the first priority of key events identified as part of the Academic Calendar, the Language Departments have priority use of the Chateau Performance Space.

The Chateau Performance Space may be scheduled for student org. rehearsals provided there is nothing scheduled in the Grand Salon (108) that would create a noise conflict.

This room will be used for non-performance related events only if an alternative venue is not available.

College Park

  • An event reservation request shall be submitted to the Department of Event Management at least 15 days prior to the proposed activity. 
  • The park shall be open for public use from 7 a.m. until midnight. At no time will a special event prohibit casual use of the park by individuals.
  • The park shall not be used for the purpose of street vending, any for-profit venture, or any activities that are not complementary to the mission of the College.
  • One 50-amp power supply is available on site. Power needs cannot exceed 50 amps. 
  • One water hose connection is available on site. Water is not to be freely flowing on the grounds at any time.
  • Smoking, alcohol, and open flames are prohibited.
  • Users are responsible for leaving the park in the same condition it was found. In the event of damages beyond normal wear and tear, users are responsible for costs associated with repair. Any damages must be reported to the Middlebury College Department of Event Management within 24 hours of the event or the event organizers may be held responsible. 
  • Event Signage: Please note that the Town of Middlebury has an ordinance for Placement of Signs on Public Property.  If you plan to put up directional signage for your event, please contact the Middlebury Planning and Zoning office at 388-8105 for more information.
  • Users will read and abide by the Town of Middlebury Noise Ordinance.
  • Middlebury College reserves the right to approve, deny or impose conditions to any proposed use of the College Park.

Dormitory Lounges

The following lounges are set aside primarily for hall programming and are not available for regular meetings or rehearsals. Requests for use of these lounges will be directed to Event Management who will consult with Residential Life prior to approving events in these lounges.

  • Hepburn Lounge
  • Gifford Annex Lounge
  • Stewart Lounge
  • Forest West Lounge
  • Coffrin Annex Lounge
  • Allen Lounge

The Knoll

The Knoll is a working garden and learning environment. Events at The Knoll are limited to those which:

  • align with The Knoll’s mission,
  • are part of related educational programming,
  • and/or are in educational partnership with The Knoll.

Use of The Knoll is contingent on approval from Knoll staff. Please visit The Knoll website for details on hosting an event.

Library 105A and 105B

Video conferencing needs will take first priority in the use of Library 105A and 105B. Individual course meetings that require use of video conferencing on an ad hoc basis will be given priority over other needs.

Library 105A and B will be reserved for Trustee meetings.  

Videoconferencing needs will dictate the priority of all other uses for Library 105A and 105B. If videoconferencing is not required, ad-hoc uses of the room will be permitted as approved by Course Scheduling and Event Management. Ad hoc users may be asked to reschedule and/or relocate to allow for use of video conferencing with two weeks notice.

During June, July, and August, Library 105 will be scheduled for the needs of Language Schools, including library and technology instruction in support of the Language Schools. Non-Language Schools uses of the room must be for the purposes of videoconferencing needs only.

Library 140

During the course scheduling process, the Economics Department will have priority for use of Library 140 for courses and for each evening during the academic term. Evening hours will begin @ 5:30 p.m.

Second priority will be given to course-based library and technology instruction.

At the completion of each course scheduling cycle, when academic venues are open for the purpose of non-academic needs, the scheduling will be managed through the Department of Event Management and reserved on a per semester basis.  

Once the Economics courses and the library instruction needs are met, any remaining time will be made available on a per request basis for any appropriate uses. 

Mahaney Arts Center

The MAC Associate Director of Operations will schedule only those events that are hosted by the departments that reside within the MAC.

All other requests for use of the facilities will be directed to the Department of Event Management. Event Management will consult with the MAC Associate Director of Operations, or appropriate staff,  for input prior to approving events in these venues.

McCardell Bicentennial Hall

Approval for events in public spaces will be based on the impact of the requested event to the space and the other activities previously scheduled in the building.

Because the Great Hall serves as the building’s circulation hub and functions as an important student study space, requests for use of this space will face particular scrutiny. The Department of Event Management will approve and schedule all events in public spaces.

Most rooms can accommodate lectures without the support of amplification.The Great Hall does require amplification support, and events should be planned accordingly to allow ample time to prepare to meet this need.

Refreshments can be served in the classrooms, following the setup guidelines identified by Event Management as noted in 25Live Pro.

No helium filled balloons are permitted, due to fire alarm beam detectors. Stapling, taping, or tacking anything to the walls is not permitted. Decorations are limited to table/linen decorations, displays on easels, or bulletin boards only.

McCullough Student Center

Generally, courses will not be scheduled in McCullough.

Regular rehearsals will be approved for McCullough only when other appropriate venue options are not available. This will be approved at the discretion of the Department of Event Management.

Following the first priority of key events identified as part of the Academic Calendar, student organization events will have priority use of:

Wilson Hall

  • Thursday evenings after 7:00 p.m.
  • All day Friday, Saturday & Sunday

Mitchell Green Lounge

  • Evenings after 6:00 p.m.

Reflection Space

Not available for scheduled use. Dedicated for student use as drop-in meditation/reflection space.

Middlebury Chapel

Scheduling Priority

  • Generally, courses in Music will be the only courses scheduled in Middlebury Chapel.
  • After course scheduling and annual events listed as part of the academic calendar, annual religious services then have priority use of Middlebury Chapel.

Scheduling Protocol

The Administrative Program Coordinator for the Chaplain’s Office will schedule only those events that are hosted by the Scott Center, weddings held at Middlebury Chapel, and memorial services held at Middlebury Chapel. However, memorial services will not be scheduled until first approved by the Department of Event Management.

Any exceptions to the policies that may apply to weddings will be approved by Event Management.

All other requests for use of the facilities will be directed to Event Management. Event Management will consult with the Scott Center for input prior to approving events in these venues.

Outdoor Spaces

Outdoor spaces are schedulable spaces. Outdoor events are scheduled and managed to ensure they do not conflict with events in proximate buildings, with other outdoor events, or with any planned outdoor maintenance. 

Robert A. Jones ’59 House

After course scheduling and annual events listed as part of the academic calendar, priority for use of the Robert A. Jones Conference room is then given to academic lectures of an international content.

Given space availability, and no competing needs for lectures of international content, academic lectures will be permitted use of the conference room.

Wright Theatre

The MAC Associate Director of Operations will schedule Wright Theatre for only those events that are hosted by the departments that reside within the Mahaney Arts Center.

All other requests for use of the facilities will be directed to the Department of Event Management. Event Management will consult with the MAC Associate Director of Operations for input prior to approving events in these venues.