Fellows for Peace
The Fellows for Peace fellowships are awarded to 12 languages and cover tuition, housing, and food for one summer at any level of study.
The Fellows for Peace fellowship is a highly competitive, merit-based full tuition, on-campus housing and food award.
Successful fellowship applications typically have a strong background in peace work or conflict resolution, broadly construed. They have represented a wide range of professions, from NGO work to government service, journalism to law, medicine to the arts, and so on. Applications should have a plan for future peace work and knowledge of the region and relevant issues. The fellowship committee gives more weight to accomplishments and related future projects than it does to academic qualifications alone.
If you have questions, please contact lsfellowships@middlebury.edu. Students also are encouraged to apply for Middlebury financial aid (awarded on a demonstrated-need basis). The award does not cover travel, books, or incidentals.
Applications are due by 11:59 PM EST, December 15.
- An online Language Schools application, which includes:
- $75 non-refundable application fee
- Letter(s) of recommendation (required for the Language Schools application only. Letters of recommendation are not required for the Fellowship application, and will not be reviewed by the Fellowship Committee)
- Transcript(s)
2. Online scholarship supplement (After you have submitted your application, you will receive an email with a link to apply for all scholarships.), which includes:
- Essay (500-600 words): Outline your past experience in contributing to more peaceful relationships between people, institutions, or communities, and highlight how increased proficiency in your language will help you to mediate conflict in the future. Discuss your interest in the region and language as these relate to your proposed peace work.
- CV or resume
Your Fellows for Peace application will not be considered if you are missing any of the above components of the application by the deadline. Mailed items (if needed) should be received by December 15:
Middlebury Language Schools
14 Old Chapel Road
Middlebury, VT 05753
Notification of Fellowship
Students will be notified about the status of the fellowship by email on or around February 1.
Fellows for Peace student Michelle Munyikwa
Find more videos on our YouTube channel.
For the last few years I’ve been working with refugees and asylum seekers who come to Philadelphia, many of whom speak French. If everything goes well, some point in the future I’ll be a professor in both medicine and anthropology. And I’m really interested in how we can teach people who do things like practice medicine or global health to work with different kinds of populations that are different from them.
For me, Middlebury was a great choice. One, because as a turns out in normal life, I am super busy. And I think that that was the main thing that kept me from progressing in my language progress. And also, it was very affordable because I received a Kathryn Davis fellowship which made it possible for me to take time off at school.