Davis Family Library: 7:30am - 12am

Anyone can take the Academic Integrity Tutorial on their own, but if you link it from the Course Hub page for a class, it will collect and display the results of the students in the class.

Giving Your Students Access

To make the tutorial available to your students, add the tutorial to the Course Hub for your class. This will make it easier for you to learn who has, and who has not, taken the tutorial.

  1. Go to Course Hub and log in.
  2. Find your class and click +Resource.
  3. Click Shared Canvas Resource.
  4. Choose Academic Integrity Tutorial.
  5. Click Save. A link to the tutorial will be added to your Course Hub.
  6. Tell your students to access the tutorial by following these instructions:
    • Go to Course Hub and log in.
    • Select your class.
    • Under Resources, select Academic Integrity Tutorial.
  7. [If this is the first time you are using Canvas, you might want to leave the Course Hub and log in to Canvas to confirm that your Administrative Notifications are set to off (Canvas > Account > Notifications > Alerts > Administrative Notifications > “x - Do not send me anything”). If Administrative Notifications are turned on, you might receive messages when people access the tutorial.]

Visual overview:

  • go/aithelpslides:  Screenshots that show how to set up the Academic Integrity Tutorial

Seeing the Results

To see the results for your class, log in to Canvas and view the results online via the SpeedGrader, or download the results via Grades. (If you haven’t already added the tutorial to the Course Hub for your class, you’ll need to do that first. Follow the instructions for “Giving Your Students Access,” above.)

  1. Go to Course Hub and log in.
  2. Find your class and click and select Academic Integrity Tutorial. 
  3. To view the results online..
    • Click Quizzes in the left menu
    • Scroll down and find Tutorial and Self-Test for… [semester] 
    • Click on the three vertical dots to the right
    • This will open the SpeedGrader
    • In the upper right corner there is a small downward-pointing arrow to the right a student’s name. Click it and select your class.
    • You will be able to see the details of each student’s results.
  4. To download the results…
    • Click on Grades in the left menu
    • Click on the APPLY FILTERS button at the top of the list, choose Sections, then select your class.
    • Click the EXPORT button and choose Export Current Gradebook View.
    • This will produce a downloadable spreadsheet.
  5. Note: A few instructors have seen unusual AIT-related grading tasks show up in their Canvas site (for example, an alert to fifty quizzes, despite a course enrollment of only fifteen students). If this happens to you, deleting the grading task should take care of the issue.

How to Get Help

For more advice on navigating the tutorial and viewing student responses, contact Instructure staff. This support is available every day at all hours. When you’re logged into Canvas, you will see a “?” (“Help”) button in the blue bar on the left-hand side of the screen. This will lead you to options for online help, live chat, or phone support. (You must log in to Canvas first because the “Help” button will generate different options depending on the role of the user.)