Davis Family Library: 9am - 5pm

The use of library materials is governed by various policies that provide information such as who can borrow from Middlebury Libraries, how long materials can be checked out, what happens when materials are lost, and other important information.

Responsible Use

Responsible use of the Library is covered in Section D.3 of the Middlebury College Handbook.

  • Share library resources responsibly; consider other borrowers by returning materials by their due date and time
  • Borrowing is a privilege
  • Abuse of borrowing privileges and a disregard for returning library materials by their due date/time will result in loss of borrowing privileges
  • Overdue materials will block borrowing and requesting
  • Keeping Reserve, Equipment, ILL, and Recalled materials past their due dates may result in a permanent loss of borrowing privileges
  • Overdue materials will result in replacement charges being added to your College bill

Loan Periods

Loan periods are based on demand and inventory of type of material; default loan periods are set as long as possible, while ensuring access for borrowers to shared collections.

College Borrowers


  • Books, Music Scores, CDs, Gov Docs: 112 days
  • Browsing media: 14 days 
  • Media and equipment: 4 hours - 7 days, depending on item

Faculty and Retired Faculty

  • Books, Music CDs and scores, Gov Docs: 112 days
  • Browsing media: 14 days
  • Media and equipment: 4 hours - 14 days, depending on item

Staff, Retired Staff, and Faculty Spouse/Partner

  • Books, Music Scores, CDs, Gov Docs: 112 days
  • Browsing media: 14 days 
  • Media and equipment: 4 hours - 14 days, depending on item


Alumni and Guests

Alumni and Guest borrowers

  • Books, Music Scores, CDs, Gov Docs: 28 days
  • Other media: 4 hours, library use only
  • Equipment: Not Available


Accessing library materials

All Borrowers

  • A library card is required to check out materials.  Using your Middlebury ID or guest borrower library card is the only way to guarantee that we are accessing the correct record
  • Borrower account expiration date will override all loan periods shown below
  • Summer borrowers are not included in the college licensing agreement and therefore cannot borrow licensed software
  • Media needed for scheduled film screenings is not available for checkout on the day of the screening

Number of items that can be checked out

  • If you are a student, faculty, or staff, the limit is set high to facilitate borrowing
  • If you are a guest borrower or alumni, there is a 25 item limit
  • Vermont Consortium of Academic Libraries (VCAL) guest borrowers have a limit of 10 items

Renewal Periods

  • Most non-media materials allow for three renewals, each of the same length as the original loan period. These renewals will happen automatically without the need for patron or staff intervention, assuming there is not another patron waiting for the item.
  • Renewals are not allowed on any material with an hourly loan period (as opposed to daily)
  • Most equipment can be renewed one time
  • DVDs may be renewed once 
  • ILL renewals: contact ILL staff or login to Illiad to request a renewal
  • Contact Circulation staff to request longer loans or more renewals on library materials needed for your research
  • Remember to renew before things go overdue via your library account.
  • All materials are subject to recall

Overdue materials

  • Borrowers are responsible for replacement cost and/or repair cost of any library materials borrowed on their library accounts
  • There are no overdue fines, but keeping library materials past their stated due dates will result in loss of borrowing and requesting privileges
  • The Borrowing system will automatically block borrowing and requesting privileges if library materials are kept beyond stated due dates; once the items are returned, the block is automatically cleared
  • For students: Overdue reserves and equipment will be billed (charges will be moved to your college bill) weekly
  • Reserve, media equipment, ILL, hold and recalled materials are in high demand by our user community. Library staff may impose a manual block on your account if these items are kept past their due date
  • Manual blocks will be added to borrower accounts for overdue materials at the discretion of Circulation staff on the basis of repeated abuse of borrowing privileges
  • Manual blocks can only be cleared by speaking directly with a supervisor
  • Repeated abuse of borrowing privileges may result in permanent loss of borrowing privileges; and could result in referral for College judicial procedure

Returning library materials when library is closed

  • Most library materials may be returned by using one of our library book drops
  • Please return all oversize, reserve, media, and equipment loans directly to the Circulation Desk of the branch library from which it was borrowed

Location of Library Book Drops

  • Davis Family Library front book drop: In the wall on your left as you enter the first set of doors
  • Davis Family Library back book drop: On your right as you face the back side of the library. Easy drive up access. Open all hours

Lost or Damaged Library Materials

  • The Libraries make every effort to maintain the collections and it is the responsibility of the borrower to alert Circulation Services to any existing damage or problems with library materials at the time of discovery
  • Default system replacement values are determined by the type of item - book, media, equipment, etc. - and are based on the estimated cost of replacing the item, staff processing time, and on publisher and manufacturer availability of models/editions
  • Repair charges are determined on a case by case basis after careful evaluation by Library staff. The Libraries reserve the right to make the final decision regarding the repair or replacement of a damaged item. The Libraries reserve the right to retain damaged materials. Payment of replacement or repair charges does not constitute purchase of the library-owned material
  • Replacement charges (bills) are incurred when materials are not returned in a timely manner, based on loan periods. Charges remain on borrower accounts until resolved.
  • Unresolved, outstanding charges are removed from the borrower’s library account and are transferred to the College bill
  • Once an item has been paid for or transferred to the College bill, it is the responsibility of the borrower to contact the Circulation Services Manager to request a refund, if the lost material is found/returned
  • A non-refundable $25 billing fee will be deducted from any credit issued on items returned after being moved to the college bill.
  • Replacement charges may block library borrowing privileges
  • The immediate return of billed items (if still on the library account) will clear the replacement charge
  • It is the responsibility of the borrower, when returning a billed item, to speak with staff at the Circulation Desk to verify that charges have been cleared from the library account
  • Library accounts may be cleared at any time by paying the replacement charge at the Davis Family Library Circulation Desk. We encourage the use of credit card payments. Please save your receipt!
  • A refund may be requested by contacting Library Circulation. The payment receipt is required. Refunds cannot be guaranteed if the item has been lost or missing for more than a year. The payment must be verified before issuing a refund. A receipt is not required for items that have been transferred to the college bill
  • Please direct inquiries about billing and replacement procedures to the Circulation Services Manager

Replacement Charges

  • Default values are determined by type of item. Individual items may have a higher replacement cost
  • Default replacement values include a processing fee of $20


Books, Music scores, Gov Docs $70
Media Collection (DVDs, CDs) $45
Browsing Collection books $30
Equipment $25 - $2000, depending on item


College Borrowers

Proxy Borrower Information (Faculty only)

Proxy Borrowers are students, staff, or TA’s designated by Faculty members that may check out library materials on behalf of that faculty member.

Fill out the Application Form.

Reciprocal Borrowing at Other Vermont Institutions (Faculty only)

For more information on reciprocal borrowing, visit the Vermont Consortium of Academic Libraries website.

Spouse/Partner of College Employee

Spouses or domestic partners of benefits-eligible employees who are eligible to receive a Spouse/Partner card at Public Safety

Dependent of College Employee

  • Dependents of benefits-eligible academic year employees are eligible to receive a library card
  • Parent/guardian must submit the application
  • Parent/guardian assumes responsibility for all materials checked out on their dependent’s account

Guest Borrowers

Introduction and Application

Please review eligibility and policies below before applying for a card. Fill out the application online. Applications may take up to one week to process. Cards must be picked up in person with a valid photo ID.


The Library is unable to extend borrowing of equipment, DVDs, licensed software, Interlibrary Loan (ILL), to any guest borrowers. Access to some online databases and e-books is restricted on campus. Remote access (i.e. off-campus access) to subscription electronic resources is restricted in almost all cases.

Guest Borrower Responsibilities

Middlebury College maintains its Libraries for the use of Students, Faculty, and Staff in support of the instructional goals of the College. Others are welcome to visit and use the resources available within the Library. Library use is a privilege extended to those who observe the regulations and procedures established to make materials accessible to all. The loan of library materials is limited to authorized borrowers.

Guest borrowers, like members of the College community, are pledged to the ethical use of library materials. Guest borrowers assume full responsibility for the physical condition of all materials checked out on their Library card. Guest borrowers are responsible for knowing due dates and for timely return of materials.

Guest borrowers must present their Library card to borrow materials. Guest borrowers may have up to 25 items checked out at any time. 

Fines: All Guest Borrowers at Middlebury College Libraries are responsible for replacement charges for lost materials. Outstanding charges will block borrowing privileges and may result in permanent loss of privileges. Questions regarding fines or bills must be brought to the attention of the Circulation Services Manager. 

Recalls: Guest borrowers must return a book immediately when it is recalled. Overdue recalls are subject to charges and borrowing privileges are blocked. The Library is unable to provide recall or hold services for guest borrowers.

Other Services: Guest borrowers should be clearly aware that members of the College community always have priority in the use of services including, but not limited to: research and reference services, online catalog and databases, photocopiers, microfilm readers/printers, A/V equipment, computers, study carrels and rooms. Many electronic resources are available to guests on the physical library premises. A large portion of our e-resources are subscriptions from vendors. Due to licensing agreements and contract restrictions, many e-resource vendors allow remote access (i.e. off-campus access) to Middlebury College users only.

Addison County Educators

  • As approved by the Middlebury College Education Studies Department
  • Please contact the Education Studies Department with questions about eligibility criteria
  • Exempt from annual fees
  • Valid for 1 academic year; renewable in September of each year, if eligible

Addison County Residents

  • Residents of Addison County must be eighteen years of age or older
  • Proof of residency required
  • Annual Fee: $50/year or $20 for 3 months


  • Alumni ID required (request from Alumni and Parent Programs)
  • Exempt from annual fees
  • Life-long privileges
  • Alumni have access to most library subscription databases from on campus only.  Once on campus, connecting to the campus wifi or using a library computer, will allow you to view library databases.

Auditors of classes, high school students taking a class at Middlebury, or MUHS IB program

  • Community members interested in auditing a class at the college need to fill out this form and be approved
  • Auditors need to provide circulation staff with a letter from the professor of the class they are auditing indicating that they should have library borrowing privileges
  • No fee
  • MUHS students taking classes at the College should inquire at the Circulation Desk.

Give to the Middlebury College Libraries

  • Make a donation to the Middlebury Libraries. An annual gift of $50 or more grants borrowing privileges with the Middlebury College Libraries.
  • Sign and fill out guest borrowing application; Circulation staff will verify membership before processing the card

Vermont Consortium of Academic Library (VCAL) Members

More information can be found at the VCAL website.

Boston Library Consortium (BLC)

Middlebury College Students, Faculty, and Staff are eligible to borrow materials from other libraries in the Boston Library Consortium (BLC).  Interested patrons should ask for a BLC card at the Davis Family Library Circulation Desk.  That card can then be presented at a BLC library for access.  Please see the BLC Policies page for more information.  

Members of BLC libraries are also eligible to borrow materials from the Middlebury College Libraries.  Patrons should present their BLC card at the Davis Family Library Circulation Desk.  Middlebury borrowing cards will be valid for one year and carry the same borrowing privileges as Guest Borrowers (outlined above).

Accessing Government Documents

Access to Government Documents materials is provided in-library during open hours

Guest Printing

Information on guest printing.


Daniel Frostman

Circulation Services Manager/Systems Specialist