Considering Sustainability When Choosing a Program

Here are some questions to consider and ask a program:
- Does the program/organization integrate environmental responsibility into their mission? Do they have sustainability-focused academic programs? Have they set carbon neutrality goals?
- Does the program/organization have a commitment to diversity and social justice? Programs that honor diverse perspectives provide more opportunities for ecological sustainability that considers all parties.
- Does the program provide an authentic cultural experience? Programs that emphasize integration into local cultures (and, for example, hire local faculty and staff) are best able to support environmental efforts in local communities.
- How is the program giving back to the communities that support them? Are they using resources to strengthen collective assets (local schools, libraries, health programs) and/or land and water conservation projects?
- Are there opportunities to take courses related to sustainability on the program? If you’re interested in a program or university that focuses on sustainability, check out our list of suggestions.
- Does the program/university offer other opportunities that focus on environmental and/or social sustainability (e.g., internships, excursions, etc.)?
Some questions adapted with permission from Williams College’s Sustainability and Studying Away website