How Can I Travel More Sustainably?
— Consider these questions when you are researching options and selecting a program.
— Sustainability actions you can take while you’re studying abroad.
— Calculate your carbon emissions for your travel.
— Read up on sustainable travel:
How to travel sustainably in 2023 and beyond
How to reduce your use of plastic on a trip
Leaving Light Footprints
Article: “Sustainable Travel and Study Abroad”
CIS Australia’s “Green Book: Tips & Resources for Sustainable Learning Abroad”
— Get involved in is a global initiative launched by Middlebury graduates to spread a particular idea: 350 — the safe parts per million level of CO2 in the atmosphere, may just be the most important number in the world.’s goal is to bring people all across the globe together and with our collective voice move this number 350 to the very heart of public consciousness. You can help build this movement while you study abroad.We encourage you to get involved in local 350 groups, or local divestment campaigns.