About Knoll Internships

The Knoll Spring/Fall Internship is offered as a work study position starting ~ April 1 through spring final exams, and resuming at the start of fall classes through ~ November 1. Interns primarily help support Garden Volunteer Hours and receive training to help host Outdoor Kitchen and other events. 

The Knoll Summer Internship is designed as an intensive 15-16 week, four-six person cohort-based experience. Interns learn about and come into relation with all aspects of care, management, and programming for the Knoll’s 1-acre educational garden and 3-acre site. We work closely with on- and off-campus community partners and explore the rich fabric of our community foodways.

How do I apply?

Our annual hiring process is currently underway! Update as of 2/13: We have re-opened our application for Summer Internships.

Update as of 1/7/24: Please note, we have streamlined the process to flow entirely through Workable

Please note, our Spring/Fall application is currently closed.

Summer: Re-opened as of 2/13/25

2025 Hiring Timeline (Updates 2/13)

  • Summer Application re-opens Thursday, 2/13/25
  • Megan’s Calendly link to schedule a 20-minute one-to-one if you have individualized questions
  • We will close this application form on Friday, February 28, 2025 at noon EST
  • Selected candidates will be interviewed the following week
  • Further selected candidates will be offered positions in early March and have about a week to accept and finalize the offer

Who can apply to Knoll Internships?

Both Knoll internships are available to current Middlebury College undergraduate students who are on campus for Spring ’25 and plan to return in-person for Fall ‘25. The spring/fall position is intended to follow the arc of the season, beginning in the spring and resuming again the consecutive fall semester, so seniors planning to graduate in Spring ’25 will not be considered.

Summer internships are available to currently active Middlebury College undergraduate students. As with most summer employment opportunities at the college, the position is not open to graduating seniors. 

Help shape the Knoll! Applications are re-open for our Summer 2025 internship!

The 15-week summer internship is deeply mycelial - rooted in connection, collaboration, and care. With peer-to-peer co-learning at its core, we rely on interns to bring adaptability and a willingness to learn from the land, our community partners, and each other. We strongly encourage students in their second year and above to apply. 

Knoll Internships are only ONE way to participate in what we do— everyone is strongly encouraged to participate in Garden Volunteer Hours and to stay tuned at go/knollhours for the latest!

The Knoll, as a part of Middlebury College, is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, age, religion, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, political orientation, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local law. We strongly encourage applications from people of color, people from working class backgrounds, women, LGBTQIA people, or those who are members of other marginalized communities. Data shows that women and BIPOC candidates more frequently do not apply to a job because they don’t feel that they meet all of the qualifications listed. Our job descriptions are general overviews, not a mandatory comprehensive list. If you have great peer leadership skills, feel passionate about our efforts, and believe that you have the skills to succeed in this role, we want to hear from you! (Language used and adapted with permission from the National Young Farmers Coalition.)

Have more questions?

The best way to learn more about Knoll Internships is to join us, in-person, during Garden Volunteer Hours. Read more in the Knoll Programming page.