Printer and Copier Accounts
All students start each term with quota amounts given to them to cover their printing and copying. To cover thesis work, seniors, and MIIS graduate students, are given double funds:
Fall term
$30 (Middlebury College seniors and all Middlebury Institute students $60)
Winter term
$12 (seniors $24)
Spring term
$30 (Middlebury College seniors and Middlebury Institute students $60)
Language Schools
$23 (see LS-specific information)
PaperCut Semester (term) dates are:
August 21 (start) through December 31
January 1 (start) through January 31
February 1 (start) through June 4
Language Schools
June 5 (start) through August 20
Unused balances roll over to the following semester until the end of the student’s enrollment at the college, whether it end upon graduation or earlier. At that point, the remaining balance is forfeited. No refunds will be granted.
Poster Printing for a Class
A professor may request additional funds be added to students’ accounts if their course demands printing posters on a plotters in Armstrong Library or The Davis Family Library’s Wilson Media lab (VT only). To do so, once a term, at the end of the add/drop period, the professor (or coordinator) must send a list of student names, student IDs, the amount to be added to each student account, and the Oracle EDORDA that will cover this expense. The students on the list will have their quotas increased by that amount. Students should consult with the professor if they feel the amount is insufficient. If the professor agrees, she should forward, to, a copy of the original e-mail with a request to add an additional amount to the same student accounts.
Quota Increases
Students should contact the HelpDesk to request a quota increase if a machine is producing unusable or damaged pages.
Spring Symposium
The Undergraduate Research Office (URO) covers the cost of printing a poster for the Spring Symposium. You will receive a username and password from the URO for this. Contact the URO with any questions.
Faculty & Staff
Faculty and staff are not charged for printing, although they are using their individual PaperCut accounts. Printing through PaperCut allows Printer Management to track the amount and type of usage printers across campus, allowing for effective maintenance.
Many offices and departments have shared network printers. These can be added to the printer list on any college-owned computer (for personal computers you should use Mobility Print. The Helpdesk Knowledge Base provides instructions on adding a printer to a Mac or a PC.
Faculty and staff may print on any campus printer. They are given unlimited PaperCut accounts. Printing is tracked only so Printer Management may gather information about which machines are being used, for what, how often and how much.
Copying is not charged against a departmental or project Banner index. Copiers in your department are unrestricted, unless restriction is requested. If a department wants copying to have ID restriction, notify Printer Management. We will provide one generic ID for for staff to use.
If a printer or copier is not working properly, please let the Helpdesk know so it may be returned to service as quickly as possible.