There are a variety of tools that support those working or studying elsewhere; you’ll find details gathered here for your convenience.  Many resources and services are available remotely; please refer to our list of Middlebury resources available from off-campus to get acquainted with the possibilities.

Course Content


Middlebury’s learning management system


This software allows you to upload, edit, store, and share videos. 

General Guidance

  • DLINQ resource page offering pedagogical practices and strategies related to teaching/learning with tech on-ground, online, or in a hybrid mode: DLINQ resource page

Video Meetings


Recommended videoconferencing software available to all Middlebury users

Zoom’s status page is available here.  If Zoom is down or not working, please try one of our other backup solutions listed below in recommended order.

Minimum network and hardware requirements for Zoom are available here.

Bandwidth requirements for 1:1 video calling:

  • 600kbps (up/down) for high quality video
  • 1.2 Mbps (up/down) for 720p HD video
  • Receiving 1080p HD video requires 1.8 Mbps (up/down)
  • Sending 1080p HD video requires 1.8 Mbps (up/down)

Bandwidth requirements for group video calling:

  • 800kbps/1.0Mbps (up/down) for high quality video
  • For gallery view and/or 720p HD video: 1.5Mbps/1.5Mbps (up/down)
  • Receiving 1080p HD video requires 2.5mbps (up/down)
  • Sending 1080p HD video requires 3.0 Mbps (up/down)

Google Meet

Video conferencing software available to all Middlebury users

Microsoft Teams

Video conferencing software available to all Middlebury users

Sign in here with Middlebury credentials to download and use.



  • The Zoom application offers chat functionality outside of meetings between any users who have a Zoom account.  Users can have individual or group chats and can create public or private channels.
  • Zoom can be downloaded here.
  • More information on Zoom chat here

Microsoft Teams

  • Microsoft Teams is another option for chat and offers much other functionality as well.
  • Visit on the web and sign in with Middlebury credentials to use.  We recommend downloading the application — the download option is in the bottom left corner of the web application.

Home Internet & WiFi Guidance

Network Storage

Files you store in the cloud (Google and OneDrive) are easily accessible from any networked device and provide back up to protect your work.

Remote Access to Resources and Software

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

If you only need access files on Middfiles or MIISfiles, VPN is not required.  You can access these storage locations by signing in with your Middlebury email address and password. For usage instructions, visit

You’ll need this software (Global Protect) to access certain Middlebury resources from off of our network.

Computer Labs / Software

Some lab applications are now being delivered through a tool called Azure Virtual Desktop which allows access to apps using a web browser.  Azure Virtual Desktop does not require VPN. Refer to Azure Virtual Desktop documentation to learn more.

If you need access to software which is normally only available in computer labs on campus, please fill out this form. Please use the form even if the software you need isn’t for academic purposes.

More info on campus software can be found at

Library E-resources

Search for e-resources from any library webpage, including the homepage, LibrarySearch, Research Guides or Journals. Before you’re able to access our resources, you will be prompted for your Middlebury credentials. Visit our Off-Campus Access page for more information.


Zoom Phone

This software lets you turn a device (such as your laptop) into a phone.  Refer to our Zoom Phone information for setup and usage details.

Need help with technology at Middlebury?

Submit a Ticket