DML student.

The Doctor of Modern Languages degree, established in 1927, is unique to Middlebury and differs from the more traditional Ph.D.

The Doctor of Modern Languages (DML) prepares teacher-scholars in two modern foreign languages. Middlebury’s intent in the design of the DML program is to provide an alternative to the Ph.D. that retains the traditional focus on depth in research while meeting the special needs of language teachers and administrators for competence in the areas of second language acquisition, literature, linguistics and cultural studies.

The DML curriculum incorporates pedagogical and cultural elements and is sufficiently flexible to accommodate the professional commitments of in-service teachers. All of the course requirements for the DML can be met by attending summer sessions of the Middlebury Language Schools.

Academic Program

The DML program includes graduate-level courses in both the principal (L1) and secondary (L2) languages, comprehensive exams in the principal language, documentation of residency abroad and teaching experience, and a dissertation and oral defense. See your languages of interest for information on your principal and secondary languages. Contact the Assistant Director of the School for information about the DML admissions process and the experience of DML students at a particular Language School.

Principal Language Options

  • French
  • German
  • Hebrew
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Russian
  • Spanish

Secondary Language Options

  • French
  • German
  • Hebrew
  • Italian
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Arabic
  • Chinese
Spanish student Craig Clemens

Craig Clemens, French and Spanish: “I do not know of any other program that combines a total immersion experience with quality education in a fun, encouraging atmosphere than Middlebury. You will both make great progress on your knowledge and competence in the target language and culture as well as have an unforgettable experience.”

Academic Program for Hebrew and Japanese

The DML program for Hebrew and Japanese includes graduate-level courses in the principal (L1) only. Students fulfill the second language (L2) requirement by completing a summer as a full-time student in a non-degree Middlebury Language School (beginner or advanced beginner level) other than Hebrew or Japanese. 

2025 Fees

Tuition: $7,875
Housing and Food: $3,810
Total: $11,685

Dissertation Fee: $3,595 (due upon dissertation submission)
Non-enrolled DML Fee: $635 per week
Hebrew DML Fee: $2,625

Application Deadline

March 1 (DML applicants should submit an application to the L1 language only.)


Christina Ilgner

Assistant Director, German School and DML
