Compensation, Materials, Supplies, and Equipment
Compensation for Human Subjects Research and Services
If your project involves human subjects you must contact the Institutional Review Board (IRB) about your project. See Ethics and Safety.
Contact if you need a cash advance to compensate human subjects. We need 10 business days to arrange advances. Payments must be tracked using Middlebury’s Research Participant and Gift Log and any unused funds returned to Middlebury.
Be careful about making verbal or written agreements to pay someone for a service without getting approval first, especially if you are unsure if the service provider is an established business or if it is a foreign individual, as Middlebury may not be able to honor your agreement.
Any services, such as translation, provided by a Middlebury student or employee will need to be paid through Student Employment or Human Resources.
All other compensation is considered a service provided and will require a detailed invoice and a completed W-9 or W-8BEN by the business or individual.
Gift cards and prizes are considered supplies (see below).
Obtaining Source Materials
Check a research librarian about what books and other source materials, such as data sets, might already be accessible through library holdings, subscriptions or interlibrary loans.
If an item is not available, an acquisition request must be submitted or other documentation provided from the Library, before URO will approve a purchase.
See travel information about expenses related to on-site archival research.
Ordering Supplies
Check with your faculty advisor, departmental coordinator or building coordinator what supplies may already be available within your department or building—you might be surprised what you find!
If you need to obtain items, your department may be able to order it directly.
Gift cards and prizes for human subject compensation or experiment incentives can be direct charged through campus entities (Campus Store, Grille) or town vendors and restaurants similar to other supplies.
Borrowing Equipment
Equipment may be housed within a department, ITS, facilities, or the Library. Unless you plan to personally pay for an item, you will need to use what Middlebury has available or go through a procurement process to see if it is an appropriate item for Middlebury to purchase.
If equipment is purchased (or you are reimbursed) with Middlebury funds, the item must remain the property of Middlebury at the conclusion of your project, so other students can benefit from the purchase.
Remember to check if your department’s website has a facilities or equipment page to get additional ideas about what is available and talk with your advisor and departmental coordinator.
For equipment available through the libraries, URO may be able to arrange extended loan periods for research projects.
Middlebury’s Makerspace provides tools and community to support hands-on projects.
Middlebury Outdoor Programs has outdoor gear available to borrow.
The best place to borrow Media Services Equipment is the Circulation Desk at the Davis Family Library.
Find information about ITS Equipment.