The college does not provide reimbursement for using your personal mobile device for work, nor does the college provide mobile phone service for employees.

Verizon Wireless and AT&T Wireless offer the best reception for the Middlebury area. For details on any company’s coverage, please visit their Web sites. Pre-paid cellular services are also an option. To check coverage, use the Middlebury zip code 05753.

Reception can be weak in some campus locations due to building design and use of dense materials, as well as Vermont’s terrain and cell tower location. The college has installed mobile service enhancement units for Verizon and AT&T, covering portions of the Bread Loaf campus and the Snowbowl.

Android or iPhone Users

Contact the Technology Helpdesk (802-443-2200) for assistance and guidance.

Employee Discounts from AT&T Wireless and Verizon Wireless

Two cellular carriers in Vermont provide selected discounts to college employees. See Employee Discounts Wireless Providers (box in the upper right corner) for details.

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