ARBC 0010 |
Arabic |
Tutorials |
CHNS 0010 |
Chinese |
Tutorials |
Europe and the World |
Research |
CLAS 0030 |
Greek Literature of the Fifth Century BCE |
Tutorials |
CLAS 0040 |
Greek Tragedy |
Tutorials |
CLAS 0043 |
Greek Lyric |
Tutorials |
CLAS 0046 |
Greek Epic |
Tutorials |
CLAS 0051 / HIST 0051 |
Greek Historical Writing |
Tutorials |
CLAS 0071 / HIST 0071 |
Athens, Sparta, Persia |
Tutorials |
CLAS 0073 / HIST 0073 |
Republic to Principate |
Tutorials |
CLAS 0075 / HIST 0075 |
Augustus to Hadrian |
Tutorials |
CLAS 0080 |
Latin Literature of the First Century BCE |
Tutorials |
CLAS 0082 |
Virgil's Aeneid |
Tutorials |
CLAS 0084 / HIST 0084 |
Roman Historical Writing |
Tutorials |
CLAS 0100 / RELI 0100 |
Classical Religion |
Tutorials |
CLAS 0200 |
Ancient Greek |
Tutorials |
CLAS 0250 |
New Testament Greek |
Tutorials |
CLAS 0300 |
Classical Latin |
Tutorials |
CLAS 0700 |
Classics Special Topic |
Tutorials |
CMLT 0020 / SPAN 0020 / PGSE 0020 |
Epic Tales of Rivalry. Non-European Encounters in Iberian Epic Poetry and New World Plays (1500‒1700) |
Tutorials |
CMLT 0040 |
Medieval Latin |
Tutorials |
CMLT 0050/ENAM 0050 |
Introduction to Old English |
Tutorials |
CMLT 0055/ENAM 0055 |
Introduction to Middle English |
Tutorials |
CMLT 0060/FREN 0060 |
Old French |
Tutorials |
CMLT0030 / GSFS 0030 |
Social and Sexual Transgressions in Late Medieval and Early Modern European Literature (1200‒1700) |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0020 |
Narrative |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0030 |
Poetry |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0040 |
Drama |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0100 |
Old English Literature in Translation |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0120 |
Chaucer |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0125 |
Medieval English Drama |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0200 |
English Renaissance Literature |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0210 |
Shakespeare I: Histories and Comedies |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0212 |
Shakespeare II: Tragedies & Romances |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0245 / GSFS 0245 |
Women & Literature in the English Renaissance |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0250 / GSFS 0250 |
Women & Literature, 1660-1800 |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0260 |
Milton |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0350 |
Eighteenth-Century Fiction |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0355 |
Eighteenth-Century Poetry and Drama |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0360 / ESLI 0360 / ESNF 0360 |
Romanticism |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0365 |
Gothic Nature |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0370 |
Nineteenth-Century Fiction |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0400 |
Jane Austen |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0420 |
Poetry of the Victorian Era |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0430 |
British Travel Writing |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0550 |
Twentieth-Century British Poetry |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0555 |
Twentieth-Century British Fiction |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0558 |
Contemporary British Fiction |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0560 |
The Inklings |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0565 |
Modern British Drama |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0570 |
British Children's Literature |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0700 |
English Special Topic |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0835 |
Shakespeare II: Tragedies and Comedies |
Seminars |
ENAM 0920 |
The Country House |
Tutorials |
ENAM 0990 |
Bestiaries: The Medieval Book of Beasts |
Seminars |
FMMC 0485 |
The Middle Ages in Cinema |
Tutorials |
FMMC 0490 / ENAM 0490 |
Novels on Screen |
Tutorials |
FREN 0010 |
French |
Tutorials |
GRMN 0010 |
German |
Tutorials |
GRMN 0070 / CMLT 0070 |
Middle High German |
Tutorials |
GSFS 0470 / HIST 0470 |
Gender and Sexuality in Modern Britain |
Tutorials |
HARC 0010 |
Archaeology & Prehistory |
Tutorials |
HARC 0050 |
Classical Art and Architecture |
Tutorials |
HARC 0060 |
Art & Architecture of Late Antiquity |
Tutorials |
HARC 0070 |
Early Medieval Art & Architecture |
Tutorials |
HARC 0073 |
Romanesque Art and Architecture |
Tutorials |
HARC 0075 |
Gothic Art and Architecture |
Tutorials |
HARC 0080 |
Early Italian Renaissance |
Tutorials |
HARC 0085 |
Italian High and Late Renaissance |
Tutorials |
HARC 0086 |
Renaissance Women: Artists, Poets, Patrons |
Tutorials |
HARC 0088 |
Leonardo da Vinci: Universal Artist |
Tutorials |
HARC 0095 |
Seventeenth-Century Dutch Painting |
Tutorials |
HARC 0100 |
Baroque Art & Architecture |
Tutorials |
HARC 0110 |
English Architecture, 1530-1790 |
Tutorials |
HARC 0120 |
Painting in Britain, 1530-1790 |
Tutorials |
HARC 0125 |
Architecture and Painting in Britain, 1790-1830 |
Tutorials |
HARC 0140 |
Art of the Garden |
Tutorials |
HARC 0150 |
Art of the Enlightenment |
Tutorials |
HARC 0155 |
Art, Architecture and Design in Nineteenth-Century Britain |
Tutorials |
HARC 0160 |
Modern British Art |
Tutorials |
HARC 0300 |
Archaeological Method and Theory |
Tutorials |
HARC 0310 |
Early Human Archaeology |
Tutorials |
HARC 0320 |
The Prehistoric British Isles |
Tutorials |
HARC 0340 |
Early Medieval European Archaeology |
Tutorials |
HARC 0350 |
Viking Archaeology |
Tutorials |
HARC 0700 |
HARC Special Topic |
Tutorials |
HARC 0701 |
Alexander the Great in Manuscript Arts from the Medieval to the Early Modern Periods |
Tutorials |
HARC 0900 |
The Northern Renaissance |
Tutorials |
HEBM 0100 |
Modern Hebrew |
Tutorials |
HEBR 0100 |
Classical Hebrew |
Tutorials |
HIST 0040/RELI 0040 |
Judaism from Qumran to Rambam |
Tutorials |
HIST 0095 |
Romans and Barbarians, 370-750 |
Tutorials |
HIST 0110 |
Carolingian Europe |
Tutorials |
HIST 0115 |
The Celtic Middle Ages |
Tutorials |
HIST 0130 |
Heresy and Authority in the Middle Ages |
Tutorials |
HIST 0133 / GSFS 0133 |
Gender and Sexuality in Medieval Europe |
Tutorials |
HIST 0135 |
Christians and Jews in the Middle Ages |
Tutorials |
HIST 0140 |
Occult Sciences in the Middle Ages |
Tutorials |
HIST 0150 |
The Islamic World, c.600-c.1300 |
Tutorials |
HIST 0160 |
Byzantium c. 814-1025 |
Tutorials |
HIST 0163 |
The Byzantine World, 1071-1204 |
Tutorials |
HIST 0165 |
Byzantium 1204-1453 |
Tutorials |
HIST 0190 |
The Crusades |
Tutorials |
HIST 0210/RELI 0210 |
Medieval Monasticism |
Tutorials |
HIST 0260 |
Culture and Society in Early Renaissance Italy |
Tutorials |
HIST 0270 |
Culture and Society in Later Renaissance Italy |
Tutorials |
HIST 0280 |
Reformation Europe |
Tutorials |
HIST 0290 |
Witches in Early Modern Europe |
Tutorials |
HIST 0300 |
Historical Approaches |
Tutorials |
HIST 0400 |
Anglo-Saxon England |
Tutorials |
HIST 0405 |
England after the Conquest |
Tutorials |
HIST 0410 |
Later Medieval England |
Tutorials |
HIST 0415 |
Tudor England |
Tutorials |
HIST 0430 |
Liberty and Monarchy in the Seventeenth Century |
Tutorials |
HIST 0440 |
Glorious Revolution to American Revolution |
Tutorials |
HIST 0450 |
Nineteenth-Century British History |
Tutorials |
HIST 0460 |
Twentieth-Century British History |
Tutorials |
HIST 0480 / FMMC 0480 |
Cinema and Society in Twentieth-Century Britain |
Tutorials |
HIST 0486 |
The Printing Revolution |
Tutorials |
HIST 0487 |
The British Empire 1600–1850 |
Tutorials |
HIST 0501 |
New World Encounters |
Tutorials |
HIST 0520 |
Copernicus to Newton |
Tutorials |
HIST 0525 / ESLI 0252 / ESNF 0252 |
Man and the Natural World |
Tutorials |
HIST 0530 |
Seventeenth-Century Europe |
Tutorials |
HIST 0540 |
Enlightenment Europe |
Tutorials |
HIST 0550 |
Revolutionary Europe |
Tutorials |
HIST 0700 / GSFS 0700 |
Gender & History |
Tutorials |
HIST 0750 |
History Special Topic |
Tutorials |
HIST 0825/ENAM 0825/LITS 0825 |
Vikings, Saxons and Heroic Culture |
Seminars |
HIST 0850 |
The Crusades |
Seminars |
ITAL 0010 |
Italian |
Tutorials |
JAPN 0010 |
Japanese |
Tutorials |
LITS 0120 |
Viking Literature and Culture |
Tutorials |
LITS 0130 / GSFS 0130 / ENAM 0130 |
Women & Literature in the Middle Ages |
Tutorials |
LITS 0150 |
Medieval Romance |
Tutorials |
LITS 0160 |
Courtly Love |
Tutorials |
LITS 0170 |
Medieval Travel Writing |
Tutorials |
LITS 0180 |
Chivalric Literature |
Tutorials |
LITS 0320 |
Tragedy |
Tutorials |
MUSC 0110 |
Tudor Music |
Tutorials |
MUSC 0120 |
Opera in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries |
Tutorials |
MUSC 0130 |
The Nineteenth-Century Symphony |
Tutorials |
MUSC 0140 |
The String Quartet |
Tutorials |
MUSC 0150 |
Techniques of Composition |
Tutorials |
MUSC 0160 |
Composition and 20th Century Innovations |
Tutorials |
MUSC 0700 |
Music Special Topic |
Tutorials |
PGSE 0010 |
Portuguese |
Tutorials |
PHIL 0010 / CLAS 0010 |
Classical Philosophy |
Tutorials |
PHIL 0015 / RELI 0015 |
Late Antique Thought |
Tutorials |
PHIL 0020 |
Medieval Philosophy |
Tutorials |
PHIL 0030 |
Enlightenment Philosophy |
Tutorials |
PHIL 0110 /PSCI 0110 |
Modern Political Philosophy |
Tutorials |
PHIL 0120 |
Philosophy of Religion |
Tutorials |
PHIL 0130 |
Epistemology |
Tutorials |
PHIL 0140 |
Metaphysics |
Tutorials |
PHIL 0150 |
Ethics |
Tutorials |
PHIL 0160 |
Philosophy of Language |
Tutorials |
PHIL 0170 |
Philosophy of Mind |
Tutorials |
PHIL 0220 |
Jurisprudence |
Tutorials |
Political Philosophy II |
Seminars |
PSCI 0011 |
Western Political Thought |
Tutorials |
PSCI 0020 / CLAS 0020 |
Classical Political Thought |
Tutorials |
PSCI 0030 |
Ancient and Medieval Political Thought |
Tutorials |
PSCI 0040 |
Renaissance Political Thought |
Tutorials |
PSCI 0050 |
Enlightenment Political Thought |
Tutorials |
PSCI 0060 |
Nineteenth-Century Political Thought |
Tutorials |
PSCI 0120 |
International Relations |
Tutorials |
PSCI 0200 |
Modern Africa |
Tutorials |
PSCI 0220 |
European Politics |
Tutorials |
PSCI 0240 |
British Politics Since 1945 |
Tutorials |
RELI 0010 |
Hebrew Bible Studies |
Tutorials |
RELI 0020 |
New Testament Studies |
Tutorials |
RELI 0030 |
The Early Church |
Tutorials |
RELI 0050 |
Augustine of Hippo |
Tutorials |
RELI 0060 |
The Eastern Church, 325-843 |
Tutorials |
RELI 0070 |
The Western Church in the Middle Ages |
Tutorials |
RELI 0080 |
Early Christian Mystical Theology |
Tutorials |
RELI 0110 / ENAM 0110 |
Medieval English Mystics |
Tutorials |
RELI 0140 / HIST 0140 |
Catholic Reformation |
Tutorials |
RELI 0160 |
Classical Islam |
Tutorials |
RELI 0220 / HIST 0220 |
English Reformation |
Tutorials |
RELI 0300 |
Introduction to Buddhism |
Tutorials |
RELI 0600 / HIST 0600 |
Christianity and Science |
Tutorials |
RELI 0610 |
Modern Catholic Thought |
Tutorials |
RELI 0700 |
Religion Special Topic |
Tutorials |
RU 0010 |
Russian |
Tutorials |
SOAN 0700 |
SOAN Special Topic |
Tutorials |
SPAN 0010 |
Spanish |
Tutorials |