187 Items

Course Code Title Course Type Subject Credit Course Availability
ARBC 0010 Arabic Tutorials
CHNS 0010 Chinese Tutorials
CLAS / ENAM / HIST / GSFS / HARC / LITS / MUSC / PHIL / PSCI / RELI 2499 Europe and the World Research
CLAS 0030 Greek Literature of the Fifth Century BCE Tutorials
CLAS 0040 Greek Tragedy Tutorials
CLAS 0043 Greek Lyric Tutorials
CLAS 0046 Greek Epic Tutorials
CLAS 0051 / HIST 0051 Greek Historical Writing Tutorials
CLAS 0071 / HIST 0071 Athens, Sparta, Persia Tutorials
CLAS 0073 / HIST 0073 Republic to Principate Tutorials
CLAS 0075 / HIST 0075 Augustus to Hadrian Tutorials
CLAS 0080 Latin Literature of the First Century BCE Tutorials
CLAS 0082 Virgil's Aeneid Tutorials
CLAS 0084 / HIST 0084 Roman Historical Writing Tutorials
CLAS 0100 / RELI 0100 Classical Religion Tutorials
CLAS 0200 Ancient Greek Tutorials
CLAS 0250 New Testament Greek Tutorials
CLAS 0300 Classical Latin Tutorials
CLAS 0700 Classics Special Topic Tutorials
CMLT 0020 / SPAN 0020 / PGSE 0020 Epic Tales of Rivalry. Non-European Encounters in Iberian Epic Poetry and New World Plays (1500‒1700) Tutorials
CMLT 0040 Medieval Latin Tutorials
CMLT 0050/ENAM 0050 Introduction to Old English Tutorials
CMLT 0055/ENAM 0055 Introduction to Middle English Tutorials
CMLT 0060/FREN 0060 Old French Tutorials
CMLT0030 / GSFS 0030 Social and Sexual Transgressions in Late Medieval and Early Modern European Literature (1200‒1700) Tutorials
ENAM 0020 Narrative Tutorials
ENAM 0030 Poetry Tutorials
ENAM 0040 Drama Tutorials
ENAM 0100 Old English Literature in Translation Tutorials
ENAM 0120 Chaucer Tutorials
ENAM 0125 Medieval English Drama Tutorials
ENAM 0200 English Renaissance Literature Tutorials
ENAM 0210 Shakespeare I: Histories and Comedies Tutorials
ENAM 0212 Shakespeare II: Tragedies & Romances Tutorials
ENAM 0245 / GSFS 0245 Women & Literature in the English Renaissance Tutorials
ENAM 0250 / GSFS 0250 Women & Literature, 1660-1800 Tutorials
ENAM 0260 Milton Tutorials
ENAM 0350 Eighteenth-Century Fiction Tutorials
ENAM 0355 Eighteenth-Century Poetry and Drama Tutorials
ENAM 0360 / ESLI 0360 / ESNF 0360 Romanticism Tutorials
ENAM 0365 Gothic Nature Tutorials
ENAM 0370 Nineteenth-Century Fiction Tutorials
ENAM 0400 Jane Austen Tutorials
ENAM 0420 Poetry of the Victorian Era Tutorials
ENAM 0430 British Travel Writing Tutorials
ENAM 0550 Twentieth-Century British Poetry Tutorials
ENAM 0555 Twentieth-Century British Fiction Tutorials
ENAM 0558 Contemporary British Fiction Tutorials
ENAM 0560 The Inklings Tutorials
ENAM 0565 Modern British Drama Tutorials
ENAM 0570 British Children's Literature Tutorials
ENAM 0700 English Special Topic Tutorials
ENAM 0835 Shakespeare II: Tragedies and Comedies Seminars
ENAM 0920 The Country House Tutorials
ENAM 0990 Bestiaries: The Medieval Book of Beasts Seminars
FMMC 0485 The Middle Ages in Cinema Tutorials
FMMC 0490 / ENAM 0490 Novels on Screen Tutorials
FREN 0010 French Tutorials
GRMN 0010 German Tutorials
GRMN 0070 / CMLT 0070 Middle High German Tutorials
GSFS 0470 / HIST 0470 Gender and Sexuality in Modern Britain Tutorials
HARC 0010 Archaeology & Prehistory Tutorials
HARC 0050 Classical Art and Architecture Tutorials
HARC 0060 Art & Architecture of Late Antiquity Tutorials
HARC 0070 Early Medieval Art & Architecture Tutorials
HARC 0073 Romanesque Art and Architecture Tutorials
HARC 0075 Gothic Art and Architecture Tutorials
HARC 0080 Early Italian Renaissance Tutorials
HARC 0085 Italian High and Late Renaissance Tutorials
HARC 0086 Renaissance Women: Artists, Poets, Patrons Tutorials
HARC 0088 Leonardo da Vinci: Universal Artist Tutorials
HARC 0095 Seventeenth-Century Dutch Painting Tutorials
HARC 0100 Baroque Art & Architecture Tutorials
HARC 0110 English Architecture, 1530-1790 Tutorials
HARC 0120 Painting in Britain, 1530-1790 Tutorials
HARC 0125 Architecture and Painting in Britain, 1790-1830 Tutorials
HARC 0140 Art of the Garden Tutorials
HARC 0150 Art of the Enlightenment Tutorials
HARC 0155 Art, Architecture and Design in Nineteenth-Century Britain Tutorials
HARC 0160 Modern British Art Tutorials
HARC 0300 Archaeological Method and Theory Tutorials
HARC 0310 Early Human Archaeology Tutorials
HARC 0320 The Prehistoric British Isles Tutorials
HARC 0340 Early Medieval European Archaeology Tutorials
HARC 0350 Viking Archaeology Tutorials
HARC 0700 HARC Special Topic Tutorials
HARC 0701 Alexander the Great in Manuscript Arts from the Medieval to the Early Modern Periods Tutorials
HARC 0900 The Northern Renaissance Tutorials
HEBM 0100 Modern Hebrew Tutorials
HEBR 0100 Classical Hebrew Tutorials
HIST 0040/RELI 0040 Judaism from Qumran to Rambam Tutorials
HIST 0095 Romans and Barbarians, 370-750 Tutorials
HIST 0110 Carolingian Europe Tutorials
HIST 0115 The Celtic Middle Ages Tutorials
HIST 0130 Heresy and Authority in the Middle Ages Tutorials
HIST 0133 / GSFS 0133 Gender and Sexuality in Medieval Europe Tutorials
HIST 0135 Christians and Jews in the Middle Ages Tutorials
HIST 0140 Occult Sciences in the Middle Ages Tutorials
HIST 0160 Byzantium c. 814-1025 Tutorials
HIST 0163 The Byzantine World, 1071-1204 Tutorials
HIST 0165 Byzantium 1204-1453 Tutorials
HIST 0190 The Crusades Tutorials
HIST 0210/RELI 0210 Medieval Monasticism Tutorials
HIST 0260 Culture and Society in Early Renaissance Italy Tutorials
HIST 0270 Culture and Society in Later Renaissance Italy Tutorials
HIST 0280 Reformation Europe Tutorials
HIST 0290 Witches in Early Modern Europe Tutorials
HIST 0300 Historical Approaches Tutorials
HIST 0400 Anglo-Saxon England Tutorials
HIST 0405 England after the Conquest Tutorials
HIST 0410 Later Medieval England Tutorials
HIST 0415 Tudor England Tutorials
HIST 0430 Liberty and Monarchy in the Seventeenth Century Tutorials
HIST 0440 Glorious Revolution to American Revolution Tutorials
HIST 0450 Nineteenth-Century British History Tutorials
HIST 0460 Twentieth-Century British History Tutorials
HIST 0480 / FMMC 0480 Cinema and Society in Twentieth-Century Britain Tutorials
HIST 0486 The Printing Revolution Tutorials
HIST 0487 The British Empire 1600–1850 Tutorials
HIST 0501 New World Encounters Tutorials
HIST 0520 Copernicus to Newton Tutorials
HIST 0525 / ESLI 0252 / ESNF 0252 Man and the Natural World Tutorials
HIST 0530 Seventeenth-Century Europe Tutorials
HIST 0540 Enlightenment Europe Tutorials
HIST 0550 Revolutionary Europe Tutorials
HIST 0700 / GSFS 0700 Gender & History Tutorials
HIST 0750 History Special Topic Tutorials
HIST 0825/ENAM 0825/LITS 0825 Vikings, Saxons and Heroic Culture Seminars
HIST 0850 The Crusades Seminars
ITAL 0010 Italian Tutorials
JAPN 0010 Japanese Tutorials
LITS 0120 Viking Literature and Culture Tutorials
LITS 0130 / GSFS 0130 / ENAM 0130 Women & Literature in the Middle Ages Tutorials
LITS 0150 Medieval Romance Tutorials
LITS 0160 Courtly Love Tutorials
LITS 0170 Medieval Travel Writing Tutorials
LITS 0180 Chivalric Literature Tutorials
LITS 0320 Tragedy Tutorials
MUSC 0110 Tudor Music Tutorials
MUSC 0120 Opera in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Tutorials
MUSC 0130 The Nineteenth-Century Symphony Tutorials
MUSC 0140 The String Quartet Tutorials
MUSC 0150 Techniques of Composition Tutorials
MUSC 0160 Composition and 20th Century Innovations Tutorials
MUSC 0700 Music Special Topic Tutorials
PGSE 0010 Portuguese Tutorials
PHIL 0010 / CLAS 0010 Classical Philosophy Tutorials
PHIL 0015 / RELI 0015 Late Antique Thought Tutorials
PHIL 0020 Medieval Philosophy Tutorials
PHIL 0030 Enlightenment Philosophy Tutorials
PHIL 0110 /PSCI 0110 Modern Political Philosophy Tutorials
PHIL 0120 Philosophy of Religion Tutorials
PHIL 0130 Epistemology Tutorials
PHIL 0140 Metaphysics Tutorials
PHIL 0150 Ethics Tutorials
PHIL 0160 Philosophy of Language Tutorials
PHIL 0170 Philosophy of Mind Tutorials
PHIL 0220 Jurisprudence Tutorials
PHIL/HIST/PSCI 0815 Political Philosophy II Seminars
PSCI 0011 Western Political Thought Tutorials
PSCI 0020 / CLAS 0020 Classical Political Thought Tutorials
PSCI 0030 Ancient and Medieval Political Thought Tutorials
PSCI 0040 Renaissance Political Thought Tutorials
PSCI 0050 Enlightenment Political Thought Tutorials
PSCI 0060 Nineteenth-Century Political Thought Tutorials
PSCI 0120 International Relations Tutorials
PSCI 0200 Modern Africa Tutorials
PSCI 0220 European Politics Tutorials
PSCI 0240 British Politics Since 1945 Tutorials
RELI 0010 Hebrew Bible Studies Tutorials
RELI 0020 New Testament Studies Tutorials
RELI 0030 The Early Church Tutorials
RELI 0050 Augustine of Hippo Tutorials
RELI 0060 The Eastern Church, 325-843 Tutorials
RELI 0070 The Western Church in the Middle Ages Tutorials
RELI 0080 Early Christian Mystical Theology Tutorials
RELI 0110 / ENAM 0110 Medieval English Mystics Tutorials
RELI 0140 / HIST 0140 Catholic Reformation Tutorials
RELI 0160 Classical Islam Tutorials
RELI 0220 / HIST 0220 English Reformation Tutorials
RELI 0300 Introduction to Buddhism Tutorials
RELI 0600 / HIST 0600 Christianity and Science Tutorials
RELI 0610 Modern Catholic Thought Tutorials
RELI 0700 Religion Special Topic Tutorials
RU 0010 Russian Tutorials
SOAN 0700 SOAN Special Topic Tutorials
SPAN 0010 Spanish Tutorials