Artwork, yellow background with a repeating pattern of the word Middlebury

Take the Language Pledge® and dramatically improve your proficiency, in just one summer.

Seeking a graduate degree with us?*

The application for Summer 2025 is now open. APPLY NOW

For 110 years Middlebury Language Schools has offered Immersion Programs and Graduate Programs. More than 1400 students find success with us each summer.

Immersion Programs take place during the summers in Vermont. The 7- and 8-week programs are designed for beginning to advanced language learners. High school graduates to 80+ years old are eligible.

Graduate Programs can be completed over four summers in Vermont, or in one summer and an academic year abroad or online, depending on the language. We enroll about 400 graduate students.

Experience Success

  • We Take the Language Pledge®

    Only Middlebury offers the Language Pledge®, in which you pledge to communicate only in language while here. In a community of motivated learners and supportive faculty, this creates a 24/7 immersion environment.

    Learn About the Pledge®
  • We Live in Language

    You’ll exponentially grow your language skills in whichever program you choose. And you’ll put your language skills to work outside of the classroom as well, participating in all kinds of cocurricular activities.

    Experience the Language Schools
  • We Share a Commitment

    Each summer, we welcome students from all walks of life and all parts of the world, ages 18 to 80+. One thing they all have in common is the potential and the desire to succeed.

    See How It Works

A Rewarding and Rigorous Environment

1400 Students aged 18–80+
18% Beginning language learners
$7000000 Financial aid and scholarships each year

Find more videos on our YouTube channel.

A Summer at the Middlebury Language Schools

Amazing Progress!

Nǐ hǎo, wǒ jiào Jason. I am South African. I am just about to start the program here at Middlebury. The 8-week Chinese summer program. I’m really excited. I can’t speak any Chinese further than what I told you and I’m hoping to use Mandarin within engineering for  a long term goal.

8 Weeks Later

Hello. My name is Jason. I am South African. I am currently studying Chinese at Middlebury’s Chinese summer school. I think Middlebury’s teachers are excellent and very professional. Also, I think Middlebury is beautiful. But I really think the Middlebury advantage is that teachers spend a lot of time helping students practice speaking Chinese.