Accessibility Services
Middlebury College is pleased to offer the following services to guests with disabilities during Commencement Weekend. Services will be clearly marked with signs posted at each event. There will be staff wearing “Usher” lanyards. Please feel free to ask for assistance.
All campus parking lots have designated accessible parking for vehicles bearing valid Department of Motor Vehicles disability parking placards or license plates. Available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Guests with mobility impairments may be dropped off near event venues. Vehicles must then park elsewhere.
Phi Beta Kappa Induction Ceremony
McCullough Student Center, Wilson Hall
Wheelchair seating is available in Wilson Hall.
All restrooms at the McCullough Student Center are wheelchair accessible. There are accessible/single-stall/all-gender bathrooms located on first floor, to the right off of MiddExpress Retail Store.
Additional Services
Assistive listening devices are available. Please ask a staff member.
Baccalaureate Service
Middlebury Chapel
Seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis. A live broadcast will be provided in both Wilson Hall in McCullough Student Center* and Dana Auditorium in Sunderland Language Center. The chapel is not air conditioned. For guests who prefer a more comfortable setting, Wilson Hall and Dana Auditorium offer cushioned seating and air conditioning. Guests may also be seated on the lawn in front of the chapel, where a live audio broadcast is provided.
*Parties with wheelchair users who wish to attend a viewing of Baccalaureate are encouraged to use McCullough Student Center, which offers more accessible parking spaces, seating, and restrooms on site.
There is no designated wheelchair seating in McCullough or on the chapel lawn. Guests are encouraged to find a place that works for their party in the general audience.
Please note: there are no restrooms in the chapel. There will be an accessible portable restroom located by Gifford Hall, which is next to the chapel.
There are accessible restrooms in McCullough, located on the same floor as Wilson Hall.
Additional Services
- American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation is provided in the chapel. Please ask an usher to seat you near the interpreter.
- Assistive listening devices are available in the chapel, McCullough, and Dana.
- Large-format programs are available for Baccalaureate at the program distribution tables.
Commencement Exercises
The Central College Lawn
Parking and Drop-Off Locations for Commencement
There are a limited number of accessible parking spots for guests who bring state-issued accessible parking placards. These spots are located on Old Chapel Road in front of the main entrance to the Commencement site.
When accessible parking is full, guests with mobility impairments may be dropped off on Old Chapel Road at the Commencement site. Vehicles must then park elsewhere. Shuttles are available from most parking lots.
Accessibility Services Check-In Location
There will be a small tent on the east side of the Commencement site serving as a check-in location for guests with disabilities. Guests may check in at the Accessibility Services tent for assistance with seating and other services.
Seating for guests in wheelchairs is located next to the Accessibility Services tent.
Look for signs at Commencement identifying portable accessible restroom facilities, or locate an usher for assistance.
Additional Services
- American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation is provided. If you require ASL services, please check in at the Accessibility Services tent and we will guide you to the ASL seating area.
- Assistive listening devices are available in the Accessibility Services tent.
- Large-format programs are available at the program distribution tables.