David Torres
Hesselgrave House rm.101--123 South Main Street (next to Public Safety)
(802) 443-5303
Office Hours
Spring 2024: 14:30-16:30 T/R and by appointment

David Torres, ‘84 is a Professor of the Practice of Social Entrepreneurship and Global Health, a member of the Innovation Hub team, a MiddMentor, and a Posse Faculty Mentor. He has worked at Middlebury College since January, 2019, teaching courses on Global Health, Social Entrepreneurship, MiddCORE, and the US response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

After graduating from Middlebury, David had a 22- year career in finance, working for JPMorgan Chase in a variety of investment banking and fixed income businesses across Latin America, the US and Europe.  

In 2006, David decided to end his career in banking and moved with his family to Cape Town, South Africa to join the management team at mothers2mothers, a Social Enterprise working across Sub-Saharan Africa to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV and promote maternal and child healthcare. David fulfilled a number of senior roles at m2m, including management and support for business development, new-country start-up, fundraising, governance; donor, ministry of health and implementing partner relationship management, and a ground-breaking outcomes-based funding initiative. During the 12 years that David spent at m2m, the organization scaled its programming to ten countries,  employed more than ten thousand women with HIV as Community Health Workers, and worked to support more than ten million women and children through its services. David serves as a board member to different social enterprises and foundations, and provides pro-bono organizational development support in the social sector

Courses Taught

Course Description

Concepts of Mortality and Immortality in Healthcare and Public Health
Life expectancy, based on long-term historical trends, increases by one year every five years. As students born in and around 2007, many of you will likely live long past 100 years of age. Most humans express a desire for longevity, quality of life, and painless death in old age, but when confronted with the full implications of decisions that affect our ability to achieve these, and the outsized impact on these of circumstances outside our control, we struggle to map out a path towards these goals. Medicine and public health offer different and oftentimes conflicting approaches to these desires, in circumstances affected more by privilege, wealth, human rights, ethics, and the myriad social determinants of our health. In this course we will read, reflect upon, discuss, and write about the concepts of mortality and immortality. We will also explore the impact of equity, racism, and the over-medicalization of healthcare in the US on themes of mortality and immortality. Our readings will be drawn from journals, newspapers and other articles, podcasts and TedTalks. We will also read Skloot’s The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks and Gawande’s Being Mortal, Medicine and What Matters in the End. 3 hr sem/1 hr lab

Terms Taught

Fall 2024



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Course Description

Social Entrepreneurship and Global Health
Social and structural determinants of health create barriers to availability, accessibility and uptake of health services in many countries. We will take a case study approach to examining how social entrepreneurs develop and scale up responses to help clients overcome these barriers. We will explore factors including: human rights, poverty, disenfranchisement of women, government health care systems and infrastructure, human resources for health, task shifting, the politics of sexual/reproductive health, and infectious diseases. We will draw on articles and online materials. This course mixes theory and case study, and will count as an elective towards the Global Health minor. (not open to students who have taken INTD 1213 or INTD 0235) 3 hrs. lect.

Terms Taught

Fall 2021, Fall 2022, Fall 2023, Fall 2024



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Course Description

Global Health
This course provides an introductory survey of the basic issues and initiatives in contemporary global public health, demonstrating the inextricability of public health problems from the social, cultural, economic, political, and environmental issues that exist in an era of globalization. Examining these connections will enable us to critically evaluate the goals and strategies of public health interventions, and discuss factors impacting their success or failure. To do this, we must also examine the lens through which the West views public health problems as they relate to our cultural beliefs, biomedical views of health, sense of justice, and strategic interests. (Not open to students who have taken INTD 0257 or SOAN 0267) (GHLT minors, others by waiver.) 3 hrs. lect./disc.

Terms Taught

Spring 2022, Spring 2023, Spring 2024



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Course Description

The US Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Global Health Context
This course will examine the COVID-19 Pandemic experience in the United States. The class will focus on the US healthcare system capacity and response, differential health outcomes for marginalized and other communities, the politics of COVID-19, and the reasons behind different morbidity and mortality results in the US and in other countries. Source material will include articles from news media, journals, periodicals, online social media accounts.

Terms Taught

Winter 2023



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Course Description

Social Entrepreneurship and Global Health
Social and structural determinants of health create barriers to availability, accessibility, and uptake of health services in many countries. We will take a case study approach to examining how social entrepreneurs develop and scale up responses to help marginalized communities overcome these barriers. Most of the social enterprise cases we review in this course focus on healthcare work across Sub-Saharan Africa. We will explore factors at play in the region, including human rights, poverty, disenfranchisement of women, government health care systems and infrastructure, human resources for health, task shifting, the politics of sexual/reproductive health, and infectious diseases. We will also draw on articles and online materials that engage healthcare in sub-Saharan Africa as it compares to that in the US and Southeast Asia. This course combines theory with a case study approach and will count as an elective towards the Global Health minor. 3 hrs. lect. (not open to students who have taken INTD1213).

Terms Taught

Fall 2020



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Course Description

Global Health
This course provides an introductory survey of the basic issues and initiatives in contemporary global public health, demonstrating the inextricability of public health problems from the social, cultural, economic, political, and environmental issues that exist in an era of globalization. Examining these connections will enable us to critically evaluate the goals and strategies of public health interventions, and discuss factors impacting their success or failure. To do this, we must also examine the lens through which the West views public health problems as they relate to our cultural beliefs, biomedical views of health, sense of justice, and strategic interests. (Not open to students who have taken SOAN 0267) 3 hrs. lect./disc.

Terms Taught

Spring 2021



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Course Description

MiddCORE 2024
MiddCORE’s mentor-driven leadership and innovation immersion program builds skills and confidence through collaborative, experiential, and impact-focused learning. Through daily, weekly, and month-long challenges, students gain experience in leadership, strategic thinking, idea creation, collaboration, persuasive communication, ethical decision-making, cross-cultural understanding, conflict resolution, empathy, and crisis management. Acceptance into MiddCORE is by approval only. To learn more about this January's MiddCORE curriculum and to apply to the program, please visit go/MiddCOREwinter. (Pass/Fail; Approval Required)

Terms Taught

Winter 2021



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