Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Major: International and Global Studies (w/ concentrations in Global Security Studies & Chinese)

Minor: Religion 

Main extracurricular activities: Student Ambassador Admissions Fellow; Middlebury College Access Mentors (MiddCAM); CTLR Chinese Tutor; Charter House Coalition (Co-President); Middlebury Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (Co-President)

Why did you choose to attend Middlebury? Growing up in California, I always dreamed of going to college on the East Coast because I wanted to be in a completely different environment. Also, my highschool had small class sizes, so I knew early on that I learned better when I was able to form one-on-one relationships with my peers and teachers through discussion-based learning. The global and immersive nature of Middlebury really made the college stand out from other liberal arts institutions. I was very attracted to learning new languages and getting a more hands-on learning experience that extends beyond the classroom.

Favorite study spot? Crossroads Café & Munroe Hall classrooms

Favorite food in the dining hall? Black Pepper Tofu & Raspberry Cheesecake Ice Cream 

Where did you study abroad, or where would you study abroad if you could? I wasn’t able to study abroad due to the pandemic, but I would’ve loved to go to either Beijing, China or Taiwan!

Favorite Vermont spot? I love watching sunsets at the Knoll!

One fun fact about you or unknown talent you have: I wake up without an alarm clock. No, I don’t wake up at the same time every morning. If I have a class at 8:00 a.m., I get up at around 7:00. If I have a class at 12:15 p.m., I get up at around 11:15. My friends don’t believe me, but I’m serious! Is anyone else like this, or do I have a supernatural power?