Katherine Wang
Lecturer in Chinese
- Office
- Voter Hall 101
- Tel
- (802) 443-3402
- ywang@middlebury.edu
- Office Hours
- SPRING 2022: Tuesdays 3-4:30pm and Thursdays 3:30-5:00pm and by appointment.
A graduate of Nanjing Normal University in China, Katherine Youhui Wang has been with the Chinese Department at Middlebury College since the fall of 2000. She teaches first-year to third-year Chinese language classes. She also taught third-year Chinese at the Chinese Summer School of Middlebury College from 2002 to 2011. Since summer 2012 she has been the lead instructor in charge of the teaching of Level 2.5 (between second and third-level) Chinese class at the Chinese Summer School.
Besides teaching, she conducts Chinese placement tests, organizes and coordinates the Chinese Language Table for the Chinese Department. She has been the faculty advisor to the Chinese Society organized by Chinese and Asian students at Middlebury College since 2011, and the faculty advisor to the Chinese House since spring 2013.
Courses Taught
CHNS 0101
Beginning Chinese
Course Description
Beginning Chinese
This course is an introduction to Mandarin (guoyu or putonghua). The course begins with simple words and phrases, the pronunciation and cadences of Mandarin, romanization, Chinese characters, and simple vocabulary items, all taught in the context of practical communication. Sentence patterns and other fundamentals of speaking, reading, and writing will be taught, including both traditional characters (used everywhere before the 1950s and still used in Taiwan and Hong Kong) and simplified characters (used in China). Students should have achieved active command of more than 600 Chinese characters and more than 800 compounds by the end of the sequence CHNS 0101, CHNS 0102, and CHNS 0103. 5 hrs. lect., 1 hr. drill
Terms Taught
CHNS 0102
Continued Beginning Chinese
Course Description
Beginning Chinese
An intensive continuation of CHNS 0101, this course is required of those wishing to take CHNS 0103 in the spring. Students may anticipate learning a significant amount of new vocabulary, sentence patterns and idiomatic expressions. Skits, oral presentations, writing assignments, and cultural activities are also part of this course. (CHNS 0101)
Terms Taught
CHNS 0103
Beginning Chinese
Course Description
Beginning Chinese
This course is a continuation of the fall and winter terms with accelerated introduction of vocabulary, grammar, and sentence patterns designed to facilitate speaking and reading. Toward the end of this semester students will read Huarshang de meiren (Lady in the Painting), a short book written entirely in Chinese. (CHNS 0102 or equivalent) 5 hrs. lect., 1 hr. drill
Terms Taught
CHNS 0202
Intermediate Chinese II
Course Description
Intermediate Chinese
This course is a continuation of the first term's work, with the class conducted primarily in Chinese. (CHNS 0201 or equivalent) 5 hrs. lect., 1 hr. drill
Terms Taught
CHNS 0302
Advanced Chinese
Course Description
Advanced Chinese (Modern Chinese)
This course is a continuation of CHNS 0301 with continued practice in conversational Chinese and a greater emphasis on reading works of a literary nature. (CHNS 0301 or equivalent) 4 hrs. lect.
Terms Taught