Nicole Anderson
Stewart Hall
(802) 443-2589

My name is Nicole. I am new to the college and a recent addition to MiddCARES, the CARE Management Office (Team). I attended MUHS and graduated from UVM with a focus on education and psychology. My professional background is in behavioral mental health and management. I spent many years with Youth and Family Services at the Counseling Service of Addison County and more recently worked for Addison Central School District as a behavioral consultant.

Working collaboratively with people in support of others has been my calling and my honor. I am so grateful for the work I have done and for the opportunity to continue that work here at Middlebury College. Central to my beliefs is the importance of belonging; our place in the world, how we belong to ourselves and each other, and how we promote a sense of belonging in others.

I grew up in Middlebury and moved back after time living in the mountains of VT, coastal Massachusetts, and southern California. I have raised two children here and we all very much appreciate and enjoy the beauty and connection to nature that this area of the world has to offer. 

Great food, music, LIVE music, reading, being next to a body of water or in the mountains, soaking in the sun, trying new things and spicy dark chocolate are among the many things that evoke joy for me.