Peter Nelson
McCardell Bicen Hall 637
(802) 443-3247
Office Hours
Spring '24- Mon. 11:00am-1:00pm, Wed. 1:00- 3:00pm

Courses Taught

Course Description

Place and Society: Local to Global
This course is an introduction to how geographers view the world and contribute to our understanding of it. Where do the phenomena of human experience occur? Why are they there? What is the significance? These questions are fundamental for explaining the world at different scales from the global to the local. Throughout, we will focus on the spatial basis of society, its continual reorganization through time, and how various human and environmental problems can be usefully analyzed from a geographic perspective. (Open only to first-year students and sophomores) 3 hrs. lect./1.5 hr. lab

Terms Taught

Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Fall 2024



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Course Description

Urban Geography
Urban landscapes are the expression of economic, political, and socio-cultural processes layered on top of each other in particular time-space contexts. In this course, students will theoretically and empirically examine the complex and dynamic urban landscape. Students will gain a theoretical understanding of the location of cities within a larger global economic system of cities, along with the internal organization of economic, cultural, and social functions within cities. We will also examine the processes behind contemporary urban issues such as homelessness, boosterism, urban renewal, gentrification, poverty, and crime. 3 hrs. lect.

Terms Taught

Fall 2020, Spring 2023



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Course Description

Population Geography
Through a combination of lectures, readings, and exercises, this course provides background and analytical experience in the spatial dimensions of population dynamics. Students will theoretically and empirically examine geographic variations in natural increase, domestic and international migration, infant mortality, disease, and hunger. Topics will include the intersection of settlement-environment-disease, circular migration systems, cultural influences on demographic processes, and linkages between international and domestic migration flows. We will also assess various policy options and their effectiveness in addressing important demographic issues. The exercises will expose students to the vast amount of population data publicly available and introduce them to techniques used to examine and assess population related issues.

Terms Taught

Spring 2021, Spring 2024



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Course Description

Rural Geography
This course explores the intersection between demographic, economic, cultural, and environmental forces on the rural landscape in both advanced economies and LDCs. Students will be exposed to theoretical and empirical approaches to rural development in different international and regional contexts, as well as problems associated with these development paradigms. Particular attention will be paid to neoliberal economic policies and their impacts on rural areas, and the course will frequently draw on examples from New England and North America. Additionally, the world is becoming increasingly urbanized, so we will examine the ways people come to know rural areas through the media, literature, and travel. This course includes opportunity for service learning. (Formerly GEOG 0221) 3 hrs. lect.

Terms Taught

Fall 2023



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Course Description

Seminar in Population Geography: Migration in the Twenty-first Century
On average, 20 percent of the U.S. population changes residence in any given year, yet the scale, geography, motivations, and impacts of these movements are highly variable, making migration an incredibly pervasive and complex phenomenon. Furthermore, international immigration continues to attract considerable academic, political, and media attention. This course will explore contemporary approaches to migration studies emphasizing the important insights and contributions of geographers. How have geographers examined migration, and how have geographical approaches changed over time? In what ways has technology influenced the motivations, frequency, and implications of migration behavior? What are the different impacts of migration on individuals, households, and communities? And, what are the new innovations in scholarly approaches to migration? Through a combination of readings from contemporary migration literature, discussions, and analyses, students in this seminar will gain an appreciation for and understanding of this incredibly rich and complex phenomena of migration. (Open to second semester juniors and seniors only; others by waiver) 3 hrs. sem.

Terms Taught

Fall 2020, Fall 2022, Fall 2024

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Course Description

Independent Study
A one-credit intensive research project developed under the direction of a faculty member. Junior majors only. (Approval Required)

Terms Taught

Fall 2020, Winter 2021, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Winter 2022, Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Winter 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Winter 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025

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Course Description

Senior Research
A one-credit intensive research project developed under the direction of a faculty member. Senior majors only. (Approval Required)

Terms Taught

Fall 2020, Winter 2021, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Winter 2022, Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Winter 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Winter 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025

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Course Description

Senior Thesis
Students with a departmental GPA of 3.3 or higher are eligible to complete a two-credit senior thesis. In order to complete a senior thesis, students must have a proposal approved by a primary thesis advisor and a secondary departmental reader prior to registering for the first 0701 credit. Upon completion of the thesis, thesis students will present their work in a public seminar and defend the thesis in front of the departmental faculty. Thesis presentations and defenses will typically take place during the final week of classes or the examination period. Upon completion of the presentation and defense, the primary advisor and secondary departmental reader will be responsible for evaluating and grading the thesis. It is strongly encouraged that students considering a thesis discuss their ideas with an advisor during the semester prior to registering for formal thesis credits. (Approval only)

Terms Taught

Fall 2020, Winter 2021, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Winter 2022, Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Winter 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Winter 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025

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Course Description

Data Science Across Disciplines
In this course, we will gain exposure to the entire data science pipeline—obtaining and cleaning large and messy data sets, exploring these data and creating engaging visualizations, and communicating insights from the data in a meaningful manner. During morning sessions, we will learn the tools and techniques required to explore new and exciting data sets. During afternoon sessions, students will work in small groups with one of several faculty members on domain-specific research projects in Geography, Political Science, Restorative Justice, or Healthcare. This course will use the R programming language. No prior experience with R is necessary.

GEOG 1230: In this section, students will use data science tools to explore the ways migration systems in the United States changed during the COVID-19 pandemic. We will draw on data collected from mobile phones recording each phone’s monthly place of residence at the census tract level. The dataset includes monthly observations from January 2019 through December 2021 allowing the analysis to compare migration systems pre-pandemic with those during the pandemic.

INTD 1230A: Data is a powerful tool for improving health outcomes by making programmatic choices to support justice. In this afternoon section of Data Across the Disciplines, students will be working with Addison County Restorative Justice (ACRJ) on understanding patterns in the occurrence of driving under the influence. ACRJ has over 1,000 cases and would like to better understand their data and come up with ways to access information. We will explore how identity, geography, and support impact outcomes from DUI cases. Using statistical analysis and data visualizations, along with learning about ethical data practices, we will report our findings.

INTD 1230B: Let’s dive into the minutes and reports of local towns to develop an accessible news and history resource. Could this be a tool for small newspapers to track local news more easily? Can we map this fresh data for a new look across geographies? Do you want to help volunteer town officials make decisions and better wrangle with their town’s history and data?
In this course we will develop a focused database of documents produced by several municipal boards and commissions. We will engage in conversation with local officials, researchers, and journalists. This course aims to introduce students to making data from real world documents and the people that make them to generate useful information that is often open but frequently difficult to sift through.

MATH/STAT 1230: Students will explore pediatric healthcare data to better understand the risks correlated with various childhood illnesses through an emphasis on the intuition behind statistical and machine learning techniques. We will practice making informed decisions from noisy data and the steps to go from messy data to a final report. Students will become proficient in R and gain an understanding of various statistical techniques.

PSCI 1230: How do candidates for U.S. national office raise money? From whom do they raise it? In this section we will explore these questions using Federal Election Commission data on individual campaign contributions to federal candidates. Our analysis using R will help us identify geographic patterns in the data, as well as variations in funds raised across types of candidates. We will discuss what implications these patterns may have for the health and functioning of democracy in the U.S.

Terms Taught

Winter 2024



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Academic Degrees

Ph.D., University of Washington, Seattle
MA, University of Washington, Seattle
BA, Dartmouth College


Nelson, P. 2018. Spatial and temporal scale in comparative approaches to rural gentrification. Dialogues in Human Geography 8(1): 40-46.

Nelson, L., L. Trautman, P. Nelson. 2015. Latino Immigrants and Rural Gentrification: Race, “Illegality,” and Precarious Labor Regimes in the United States. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 105:4, 841-858.

Nelson, P. and J. Cromartie. 2014. Subprime lending and its impacts on rural housing markets. Housing and Society 41(2): 145-176.

Nelson, P., L. Nelson and L. Trautman. 2014. Linked migration and labor market flexibility in rural amenity destinations of the United States. Journal of Rural Studies 36(1): 121-136.

Nelson, P. 2011. Commentary: Special Issue of GeoJournal on Amenity Migration, Exurbia, and Emerging Rural Landscapes. GeoJournal 76, 445-446.

Nelson, L. and P. Nelson. 2011. The global rural: Gentrification and linked migration in the United States. Progress in Human Geography. 35, 441-459.

Nelson, P. A. Oberg, L. Nelson. 2010. Rural gentrification and linked migration in the United States.  Journal of Rural Studies. 26:4, 343-352.

Nelson, P.B. and J. Cromartie. 2009. Baby boom migration and its impact on Rural America.  USDA, Economic Research Report #79.

Nelson, P. A. W. Lee, L. Nelson. 2009. Linking Baby Boomer and Latino Migration into rural America – a multi-scaled approach.  Population, Space and Place. 15, 277-293.

Nelson, P. 2008. Life course influences on nonearnings income migration in the United States. Environment and Planning A 40, 2149-2168.

Book Chapters and other Published Reports

Nelson, P. (forthcoming). The geography of rural aging in regional context. In Rural Aging in the 21st Century. Edited by Nina Glasgow and Edna Berry. Springer.

Barker, D. , A. Bonds, J. Devine, L. Jarosz, V. Lawson, L. Nelson, and P. Nelson. 2011. Rural Geographies. In Seattle Geographies, edited by Richard Morrill and Michael Brown. Seattle : University of Washington Press, 71-86.

Nelson, Peter B. 2006. Geographic perspectives on amenity migration across the United States: national, regional, and local perspectives.  In The Amenity Migrants: seeking and sustaining mountains and their cultures.  Edited by Lawrence Moss. Wallingford, UK: CABI press.

Book Reviews

Localist Movements in a Global Economy: Sustainability, Justice, and Urban Development in the United States, by David J. Hess. 2009. Series: Urban and Industrial Environments. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. In Journal of Regional Science 51,1: 210-211. 2011.

Amenities and Rural Development: Theory, Methods, and Public Policy, by Gary Green , Steven Deller, and David Marcouiller.  In Growth and Change 38, 2: 332-336. 2007.

Grants and Fellowships

National Science Foundation with Lise Nelson (no relation) (2009-2012) – Linked migration and changing labor markets in the rural United States - $340,000 to study labor market change in rural areas attracting large numbers of retiring baby boomers and Latino immigrants.

USDA Cooperative Agreement with John Cromartie (2006-2008) – Department of Agriculture. $50,000 to study the effects of baby boom migration on the size and characteristics of rural populations.

Recent Press