Internships in Paris
Students in the MA in Applied Languages conduct an internship for credit during the spring semester.
Through internships, students enhance and strengthen their foreign language skills, deepen their immersion in a foreign culture, and gain in-depth experience within a foreign work environment. This experience can also provide participants with new knowledge and skills that may lead to greater career advancement, graduate school, and other opportunities in the future. Interns will earn credit (one unit) equal to that of a regular course for the internship and take one less class that semester compared to the normal course load. Internships will receive a letter grade based on performance as well as an internship report and presentation.
Credit Internships
Interns will be required to fulfill a variety of work-related and academic assignments:
- Interns will participate in workshops organized on topics such as how to prepare for the interview in French, how to market their internship experience on their CV, etc.
- Interns will work 35 hours a week for a 5-6 work period.
- Interns will complete an independent research paper in the target language that will be graded by a faculty member on site.
- Interns will keep a daily journal in the target language of their activity at the internship that should record assignments given, tasks completed, personal impressions (of the field of employment and host site’s role in it), etc.
- Interns must write a short description of their internship in English, to be submitted at the end of the semester. This description should address a diverse public and should convey knowledge, skills, and attitudes learned during the professional experience.
- Interns must complete an evaluation form at the end of their internship.
- Important note: Interns are not permitted to receive any salary or other financial support from their internship hosts.