Graduate Courses in Vermont

Review a listing of graduate courses at the School of French session in Vermont. Course descriptions and required texts are subject to change.
Explore our course catalog. The following courses have been offered in past years.
FREN 6511 - Applied Stylistics
FREN 6514 - Applied Phonetics
FREN 6522 - Sociolinguistics of French
FREN 6524 - Introduction to Linguistics
FREN 6525 - Methodology:Literature
FREN 6526 - Methodology:Culture & Modern Society
FREN 6527 - Methodology:History, Political Sciences, Philosophy
FREN 6532 - Intro: Teaching Methodologies
FREN 6572 - Teaching Practicum; 2nd Language Class Room
FREN 6587 - Francophone Literature of Mahgreb
FREN 6594 - Linguistics & Foreign Language Teaching
FREN 6604 - Historical Phonetics of French
FREN 6612 - Language & Theater
FREN 6613 - Textual Linguistics
FREN 6615 - Women, Literature & Identity in Africa
FREN 6620 - Literature and Politics
FREN 6626 - Teaching Language & Culture
FREN 6627 - Evaluation & Testing in FSL
FREN 6630 - Language Teaching: Approaches
FREN 6631 - Intro to Children’s Literature
FREN 6632 - Level 2 Language Teaching & Learning
FREN 6633 - Globalized France
FREN 6635 - Issues of Global Health: Africa
FREN 6641 - Taste and Social Trends
FREN 6644 - The History of Québec
FREN 6648 - French Quebecois
FREN 6651 - French Political Issues
FREN 6654 - French Culture & Civilization
FREN 6655 - Teaching FSL Grammar
FREN 6656 - 17-19C Theater & Politics
FREN 6660 - Literature and Censorship
FREN 6663 - Colonial Africa & Literature
FREN 6664 - Europe: Past, Present & Future
FREN 6666 - Fiction, Media & Democracy: Africa
FREN 6667 - Image of Machine in 19-20th Century Literature
FREN 6668 - History of Europe:16th-21st Century
FREN 6670 - Writing & Painting: 20th & 21st Century
FREN 6671 - History of Quebec Literature
FREN 6674 - Journalism, Media & French Sociology
FREN 6675 - Literary Theory and Criticism
FREN 6676 - Scientific Anthropology Novel 1860-1940
FREN 6677 - Literature Representations: Mediterranean
FREN 6678 - Individual & Collective Memory
FREN 6679 - Contemporary France
FREN 6682 - Representations:17 Century Versailles
FREN 6684 - French Cultural Identities
FREN 6686 - Women’s Empowerment & Knowledge
FREN 6694 - Second Language Acquisition
FREN 6696 - Communication Skills: 2nd Language
FREN 6697 - Children’s Literature: Text to Film
FREN 6698 - Task-Based Teaching in FSL
FREN 6706 - France & Europe: A Long Story
FREN 6707 - Black Populations in France
FREN 6710 - Emmanuel Macron’s France
FREN 6723 - Writing Postcolonial Childhood
FREN 6726 - Quebec Identities
FREN 6727 - Contemporary Quebec Literature
FREN 6735 - Postcolonial Theory
FREN 6738 - Women on Stage in the 17th Century
FREN 6755 - Baudelaire
FREN 6756 - Neoclassical French Drama
FREN 6758 - Family: Recent Evolution
FREN 6763 - Populism in France & in Europe
FREN 6765 - Radical Attitudes; Modern Society
FREN 6782 - 2017 French Presidential Election
FREN 6800 - Independent Study
FREN 6900 - Research Paper