River running through the center of Florence.

The capital of the Tuscany region, Florence is the birthplace of Renaissance culture and is home to some of the greatest treasures of the art world. 

Experience firsthand the beauty of historic sites such as the Duomo and Palazzo Vecchio. Discover the influence of artists and thinkers such as Michelangelo, Ghiberti, Dante, and Galileo at every turn. Centuries of scholarship and tradition have made Florence a center for students of Italian art and architecture, language, science, and history.


You will study at the Università degli Studi di Firenze and Middlebury’s Sede Capponi. Numerous libraries, archives, and academies offer graduate students all the resources necessary to deepen their knowledge in their chosen field of study. Master’s students select courses based on their specializations in either the Master in Italian or the Master in Applied Languages in Italian.

Each semester you will enroll in semester-long courses in language, linguistics, literature, history and other disciplines at the Sede and take classes at the Università degli Studi di Firenze. You will choose your university courses after consultation with the director and according to the distribution requirements indicated for the specialization that you have chosen.

See more about Florence courses.


Graduate students receive one unit of credit for each course at the Sede and for those taken at the Università degli Studi di Firenze. The independent project is worth two units of credit.

Guidelines and Handbook

Please review Middlebury’s Schools Abroad General Handbook and the School in Italy Handbook.