Health and Premed Programs
Middlebury students are encouraged to meet with an advisor for health professions in the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Research for guidance on preparation for a career in health professions.
*Note that Middlebury financial aid does not transfer to externally sponsored programs (with a few exceptions, see our website for details)
Science courses are available at many of the Middlebury Schools Abroad in the language of the host country.
English-Speaking University Options
There are many direct enrollment opportunities for premed students at U.K. and Irish universities, as well as institutions in Australia and New Zealand.
The following are several examples of study abroad programs geared toward premed students and students who are interested in global health and/or public health:
Middlebury School in Chile
- The Middlebury School in Chile offers course work and practicum experience in a Chilean public health clinic.
- Program students have access to clinical simulations, both with computer-based scenarios and in laboratories, carried out with a cohort of Chilean students.
- This is a rare opportunity for guaranteed access to clinical experience in the Chilean public health system. More information
Middlebury School in Argentina
- The Public Health track allows students to explore public health within the Argentinian context through a social science lens.
- Students will learn about public health and the social determinants of health from an Argentine perspective, incorporating knowledge of Argentine history, present-day governance and service provision in Argentina, contemporary social challenges, and theories specific to academic disciplines.
- In addition to coursework, students will have the opportunity to apply classroom learning in a real world setting through a credited academic internship within their specific field of interest, addressing issues such as access to public services, public policy, and private and public programs for disadvantaged communities, taking advantage of the Middlebury School in Argentina’s network of partner organizations in Buenos Aires. More information
Denmark: DIS Study Abroad in Scandinavia, Copenhagen: Medical Practice and Policy Program
- Gain an insider view of university hospitals and clinics in Copenhagen and exposure to the daily practice of physicians, including recording patient history and solving clinical cases.
- Perform physical examinations and procedures on medical phantoms, such as blood drawing, IV entry, suturing, and ultrasound.
- Compare and contrast health care and medical practice in newly reformed countries versus welfare state systems by visiting hospitals, clinics, and research institutions on study tours in Denmark and Western and Eastern Europe. More information
Denmark: DIS Study Abroad in Scandinavia, Copenhagen: Biomedicine
- Get hands-on experience through the Drug Development Project by interviewing and researching a Scandinavian biomedical company about their products and technology.
- Gain insight into world-leading biotechnology research and development while on faculty-led study tours.
- Visit leading biotechnology companies and research institutions to learn about new-generation biopharmaceuticals. More information
Denmark: DIS Study Abroad in Scandinavia, Copenhagen: Public Health
- Examine what determines the setting of priorities for healthcare provision and the relationship between the many stakeholders involved in policy making and delivery of health services.
- Access real-life and current debates within the Danish healthcare system by presenting a semester long research project in collaboration with a Danish public health institution.
- While on course-integrated study tours, compare and contrast national healthcare systems in Eastern and Western Europe. More information
Sweden: DIS Study Abroad in Scandinavia, Stockholm: Medical Practice and Policy
- Explore case studies that bridge research and clinical breakthroughs within acute and chronic diseases, and investigate how diagnostic tools and treatment strategies are developed through the dynamic relationships between clinicians, physicians, and scientists.
- Perform physical examinations and procedures on medical phantoms, such as blood drawing, IV entry, and suturing at clinical training centers in Stockholm.
- Travel with DIS on course-integrated study tours to visit clinical and diagnostic hospital departments and research institutions, and gain insight into clinical practices, translational research, and the lives of research doctors. More information
Sweden: DIS Study Abroad in Scandinavia, Stockholm: Public Health
- Analyze the challenges and opportunities that migration presents to the Swedish healthcare system.
- Travel with your classmates and DIS faculty on course-integrated study tours to compare and contrast Swedish and European approaches to migration and health.
- Engage in debate on the burning issues surrounding integration of asylum seekers, refugees, and other migrant groups and its impact on health care and other social services in Europe. More information
Multiple Countries: SIT Study Abroad IHP Health and Community
- SIT’s IHP Health and Community study abroad programs offer a comparative perspective on some of the most challenging health issues around the world. These intellectually stimulating and experientially rich programs can jump-start your graduate education or career in public health, medicine, anthropology, international development, or a related field.
- Compare strategies of health and community across four radically different country contexts and at global and local scales, through case studies, ethnographic research, and visits with a diverse array of health practitioners and local activists. Countries/itineraries vary. More information
SIT Study Abroad Kenya: Global Health and Human Rights
- This program examines health and human rights in Kenya through a complex constellation of urban issues including housing, urban infrastructures, land tenure, informal settlements, food (in)security in the city, and evictions.
- Students consider demographics, public health education, HIV/AIDS, health issues of orphaned and vulnerable children, women’s healthcare needs, differential access to healthcare, and mental healthcare, among other topics, in various cultural contexts.
- Students examine Kenya’s healthcare challenges, practices, and systems, in both rural and urban contexts, together with analyses of locally informed debates surrounding human rights. More information
CIEE Botswana: Community Public Health
- With one of Africa’s most vital health care systems, Botswana is an ideal place to explore regional social and scientific health issues.
- Learn from successes and failures as you visit and assist at clinics, public health nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and hospitals.
- Course work, community outreach, language learning, homestays, and more will open this inspirational country to you and stay with you always. More information
Stacey Thebodo, Associate Director International Programs and Off-Campus Study, Sunderland 129, 802-443-5898
Mary Lothrop, Assistant Dean, Director of Health Professions & Science Advising, The CTLR, Davis Family Library, 802-443-5077
Hannah Benz, Assistant Dean, Associate Director of Health Professions & Science Advising,
The CTLR, Davis Family Library, 802-443-5804