Celebrating the Class of 2024.5

We are preparing for the big event and look forward to welcoming families!

If you are unable to attend in person, please watch our live stream of the ceremony and Ski Down (link to come). Video recordings will be available on this website within a week of the event.  

Please revisit this website for developing details and announcements.

February Celebration Schedule

January 31, 2025



Febs and Families Ski Free!

Immediate family members (parents and siblings) of Feb graduates are welcome to ski free all day Friday. Equipment rentals will be full price. 

Febs can rent skis for the week before Feb Celebration for only $5. Some opt to take a lesson prior to the Ski Down. Find a few friends and make it a group lesson!

February 1, 2025


Proctor Dining Hall

Feb Grad Breakfast

Bring your skis to Woodstove Lounge and head to the dining room for a special breakfast.


Hepburn Road in front of Proctor

Board Buses

Febs board buses for transport to the Bostwick Family Squash Center Lobby at Virtue Field House.
No food or beverages allowed on the buses.

Bostwick Family Squash Center Lobby

Feb Check-in and Lineup

All Febs must check in to verify attendance at the ceremony and receive a tassel. PLEASE BE PROMPT! Febs will line up in alphabetical order. Staff will be there to assist.

Virtue Field House

Procession Begins

Please note: No food or beverages are allowed in Virtue Field House.

Virtue Field House

February Celebration Ceremony Begins

Ceremony Concludes

Febs process out and immediately board buses to the Middlebury Snowbowl for the Ski Down.


Ski Down

Febs gather for a class photo, then ski, sled, snowshoe, or hike down the mountain, applauded by friends and family.

Proctor Woodstove Lounge

Ski Down Live Stream Location

Guests who prefer to remain on campus may watch the ski down live streamed in Woodstove Lounge, adjacent to Proctor Dining Hall. 

A recording of the Ski Down will be posted to the Feb Celebration website the week following the event.

Proctor and Ross Dining Halls

Celebratory Luncheon for Febs and Their Guests

Proctor Dining Hall will open at noon with beverage service for those who prefer to remain on campus and view the Ski Down livestream. Both Proctor and Ross Dining Halls will open at 1:00 p.m. for lunch service. Grads, and guests who attend the Ski Down in person are welcome to have lunch at either Proctor or Ross.

February 2, 2025


Graduate Departure

Graduates are required to vacate their dormitory rooms no later than noon on Sunday. This deadline must be enforced so that rooms may be prepared for the incoming Feb class.


Undergraduates who complete their academic requirements during the winter term can participate in one of Middlebury College’s unique and most special traditions: February Celebration. Though not a formal graduation ceremony – Febs and their families are invited back to campus in May to participate in Commencement – the February Celebration is a beloved tradition recognizing the contributions of the College’s midyear graduates.

Lodging and Amenities

We encourage you to make reservations now for lodging and restaurants. Please click here for local restaurant and lodging options.

The College Store:
Patrons receive a 15% discount on Saturday. Saturday store hours are noon to 4:00 p.m.

Graduate Photos:
GradImages photographs each Feb as they cross the stage and receive their cane. Portraits will be available a few days after the ceremony. Febs may register in advance and include friends and family to receive a discount offer and notification when photos are ready.  Please contact GradImages’ customer service department at (800) 261-2576, online at www.gradimages.com, or email ecc.giservice@gradimages.net with any questions regarding their offerings.

The class photo and candid shots of Feb Celebration day can be downloaded for free from Middlebury College’s SmugMug site. The Feb Celebration file is found within the 2025 folder.