Anne Goodsell
Associate Professor of Physics

- Office
- McCardell Bicen Hall 532
- Tel
- (802) 443-5940
- Office Hours
- F'24 OFFICE HOURS (drop-in): Tu/Th 9:45a-10:45a, Fri 11a-noon -- or e-mail or schedule an appointment -- -- available by Zoom via arrangement
Courses Taught
FYSE 1471
Light: Metaphors & Models
Course Description
Metaphors, Models, and Measurement of Light
We perceive, imagine, explain, produce, use, measure, absorb, and even slow down light. It is pervasive in our human experience and our scientific understanding of the universe. Represented in all kinds of ways, from discrete measurements to evocative metaphors, light appears in literature, in science, and in our daily lives, and we will use each of these contexts as a lens for critical thinking. We will employ methods from the humanities and from the sciences to explore concepts of light in fiction, poetry, essays, and scientific writing, and we will incorporate our own observations and experimental activities into our consideration of this material. 3 hrs. sem.
Terms Taught
PHYS 0108
The Physics of Motion
Course Description
The Physics of Motion
This calculus-based course examines fundamental topics in motion and mechanics, including inertia, force, Newton's laws of motion, work, energy, linear momentum, collisions, gravitation, rotational motion, torque, and angular momentum, emphasizing applications in physics, engineering, the life sciences, and everyday life. Laboratory explorations of topics covered in lecture will build students’ physical intuition and problem-solving skills. Students who have taken a high-school course in physics should consider enrolling in PHYS 0109. (MATH 0121 concurrent or prior; students may not receive credit for both PHYS 0108 and PHYS 0109) 3 hrs. lect/3 hrs. lab.
Terms Taught
PHYS 0109
Introductory Mechanics
Course Description
Introductory Mechanics
This calculus-based course examines fundamental topics in motion and mechanics, including inertia, force, Newton's laws of motion, work, energy, linear momentum, collisions, gravitation, rotational motion, torque, angular momentum, and oscillatory motion, emphasizing applications in physics and engineering. Laboratory explorations of topics covered in lecture will build students’ physical intuition and problem solving skills. (MATH 0121; students may not receive credit for both PHYS 0108 and PHYS 0109) 3 hrs. lect/3 hrs. lab.
Terms Taught
PHYS 0111
Waves, Optics & Thermodynamics
Course Description
Oscillatory Motion, Waves, Optics, and Thermodynamics
This calculus-based course covers oscillations, wave motion, sound, geometrical optics, physical optics, and thermodynamics. Other physics topics may be added at the discretion of the instructor. Lab experiments will explore these topics and develop skills in experimentation and data analysis. (PHYS 0108 or 109) And (MATH 0121) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab.
Terms Taught
PHYS 0221
Electronics For Scientists
Course Description
Electronics for Scientists
An introduction to modern electronic circuits and devices, emphasizing both physical operation and practical use. Transistors and integrated circuits are considered in both analog and digital applications. Examples and laboratory experiments stress measurement and control applications in the physical and biological sciences. Students will gain hands-on familiarity with the design, use, and troubleshooting of electronic instrumentation. (PHYS 0110) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab.
Terms Taught
PHYS 0321
Experimental Physics II
Course Description
Experimental Techniques in Physics
This course will cover the design and execution of experiments, and the analysis and presentation of data, at an advanced level. Laboratory experiments will be chosen to illustrate the use of electronic, mechanical, and optical instruments to investigate fundamental physical phenomena, such as the properties of atoms and nuclei and the nature of radiation. Skills in computer-based data analysis and presentation will be developed and emphasized. This course satisfies the College writing requirement. (PHYS 0201 OR PHYS 0214) AND (PHYS 0202 OR PHYS 0218) AND PHYS 0222) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab/1 hr disc. (Approval required)
Terms Taught
PHYS 0500
Ind. Study & Special Topic
Course Description
Independent Study and Special Topics
(Approval required)
Terms Taught
PHYS 0705
Senior Thesis
Course Description
Senior Thesis
For a student who has completed PHYS 0704 and, by agreement with his or her advisor, is continuing the senior project as a senior thesis. (PHYS 0704 and approval required)
Terms Taught