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Warner 214
Office Hours
Math 310: M 2-4pm, R 3-4pm; Stat 412: T 2-4pm

Courses Taught

Course Description

Introduction to Data Science
In this course students will gain exposure to the entire data science pipeline: forming a statistical question, collecting and cleaning data sets, performing exploratory data analyses, identifying appropriate statistical techniques, and communicating the results, all the while leaning heavily on open source computational tools, in particular the R statistical software language. We will focus on analyzing real, messy, and large data sets, requiring the use of advanced data manipulation/wrangling and data visualization packages. Students will be required to bring alaptop (owned or college-loaned) to class as many lectures will involve in-class computational activities. (formerly MATH216) 3 hrs lect./disc. (Not open to students who have taken BIOL 1230, ECON 1230, ENVS 1230, FMMC 1230, HARC 1230, JAPN 1230, LNGT 1230, NSCI 1230, MATH 1230, SOCI 1230, LNGT 1230, PSCI 1230, WRPR 1230, or GEOG 1230.)

Terms Taught

Fall 2022



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Course Description

Statistical Learning
This course is an introduction to modern statistical, machine learning, and computational methods to analyze large and complex data sets that arise in a variety of fields, from biology to economics to astrophysics. The theoretical underpinnings of the most important modeling and predictive methods will be covered, including regression, classification, clustering, resampling, and tree-based methods. Student work will involve implementation of these concepts using open-source computational tools. (MATH 0118, or MATH 0216, or BIOL 1230, or ECON 1230, or ENVS 1230, or FMMC 1230, or HARC 1230, or JAPN 1230, or LNGT 1230, or NSCI 1230, or MATH 1230 or SOCI 1230) 3 hrs. lect./disc.

Terms Taught

Fall 2022, Spring 2023



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Course Description

An introduction to the concepts of probability and their applications, covering both discrete and continuous random variables. Probability spaces, elementary combinatorial analysis, densities and distributions, conditional probabilities, independence, expectation, variance, weak law of large numbers, central limit theorem, and numerous applications. (concurrent or prior MATH 0223 or by waiver) 3 hrs. lect./disc.

Terms Taught

Fall 2023



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Course Description

Statistical Inference
An introduction to the mathematical methods and applications of statistical inference using both classical methods and modern resampling techniques. Topics will include: permutation tests, parametric and nonparametric problems, estimation, efficiency and the Neyman-Pearsons lemma. Classical tests within the normal theory such as F-test, t-test, and chi-square test will also be considered. Methods of linear least squares are used for the study of analysis of variance and regression. There will be some emphasis on applications to other disciplines. This course is taught using R. (MATH 0310) 3 hrs. lect./disc.

Terms Taught

Spring 2023



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Course Description

Statistical Inference
An introduction to the mathematical methods and applications of statistical inference using both classical methods and modern resampling techniques. Topics will include: permutation tests, parametric and nonparametric problems, estimation, efficiency and the Neyman-Pearsons lemma. Classical tests within the normal theory such as F-test, t-test, and chi-square test will also be considered. Methods of linear least squares are used for the study of analysis of variance and regression. There will be some emphasis on applications to other disciplines. This course is taught using R. (MATH 0310) 3 hrs. lect./disc.

Terms Taught

Spring 2024



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Course Description

Bayesian Statistics (formerly MATH 0412)
In this course, we will learn about the Bayesian paradigm of statistics, in which one’s inferences about parameters or hypotheses are updated as evidence accumulates. The goals of the course include understanding basic concepts of Bayesian inference; deriving posterior distributions; assessing the adequacy of Bayesian models; and effectively communicating results. Topics covered include one-parameter models, conjugacy, and Gibbs samplers. Real-world data and applications will feature heavily in this course. (MATH 0311 or STAT 0311) 2.5 hr. lect.

Terms Taught

Fall 2023



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Course Description

Advanced Hierarchical Modeling (formerly MATH 0712)
Hierarchical or multilevel models provide a principled way to model data that are naturally grouped in order to take advantage of the relationship between observations in the same group, but also allow for borrowing of information across groups. In this senior seminar, we will introduce a variety of multilevel models, with a balance between the theoretical and conceptual foundations, as well as implementation and interpretation of the results. This seminar will focus on multilevel linear and logistic models. Every student will write a senior capstone paper. (MATH 311 or STAT 0311; MATH 412 or STAT 0412 suggested)

Terms Taught

Spring 2024

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