Clarissa Parker
Associate Professor of Psychology & Neuroscience

- Office
- McCardell Bicen Hall 274
- Tel
- (802) 443-5673
- Office Hours
- Spring 2025: Mondays 4:00pm - 5:30pm; Wednesdays 2:00pm - 3:00pm; Fridays 12:30pm - 2:00pm; and by appointment
Clarissa Parker is an Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Middlebury College. She arrived at Middlebury in 2013, after completing a post-doctoral fellowship in the Department of Human Genetics at the University of Chicago. Clarissa received a B.A. in Psychology (with a minor in Philosophy) from Colorado College, and a Ph.D. in Psychology (with a concentration in Neuroscience and a certificate in Behavioral Genetics) from the University of Colorado.
Psychiatric disorders affect millions of individuals, and disrupt some of the most fundamental human attributes such as thought, perception, mood, and even sense of self. The relative genetic contribution to psychiatric disorders is well known, yet identifying the underlying molecular mechanisms has proven difficult. Clarissa’s research uses the relative simplicity of mouse models to develop concepts, test neurobiological hypotheses, and identify genes that underlie traits with relevance to human psychiatric disorders. Her recent work has focused on behaviors that can be measured in both mice and humans; including conditioned fear (a model of anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder), pre-pulse inhibition (a neurological phenomenon associated with schizophrenia) and methamphetamine sensitivity (a trait indicative of drug reward). This approach has provided fundamental insights into the neurobiology underlying these traits and a better understanding of the mechanisms by which genes influence behavior. In her free time, Clarissa enjoys yoga, fly fishing, and splitting wood.
Courses Taught
MBBC 0700
Senior Independent Research
Course Description
Senior Independent Research
Seniors conducting independent research in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry under the guidance of a faculty mentor should register for MBBC 0700 unless they are completing a thesis project (in which case they should register for MBBC 0701). Additional requirements include attendance at all MBBC-sponsored seminars and seminars sponsored by the faculty mentor’s department, and participation in any scheduled meetings and disciplinary sub-groups and lab groups. (Approval required).
Terms Taught
MBBC 0701
Senior Thesis
Course Description
Senior Thesis
This course is for seniors completing independent thesis research in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry that was initiated in BIOL 0500, CHEM 0400, MBBC 0500, or MBBC 0700. Students will attend weekly meetings with their designated research group and engage in one-on-one meetings with their research mentor to foster understanding in their specialized research area. Students will also practice the stylistic and technical aspects of scientific writing needed to write their thesis. (BIOL 0500, CHEM 0400, MBBC 0500, MBBC 0700) (Approval required).
Terms Taught
NSCI 0252
Behavioral Neuroscience
Course Description
Fundamentals of Behavioral Neuroscience
Behavioral neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field that combines approaches and knowledge from psychology, biology, and chemistry to further our understanding of human and non-human animal behavior. In this course, you will study the interrelationships among elements of the nervous systems, co-functioning bodily systems, and behavioral output such as emotions, sex, memory, consciousness, sleep, and language. You will be given an opportunity to apply your knowledge from NSCI 0251 of the nervous system at the micro and macro levels and will revisit the basic concepts of behavioral genetics and psychopharmacology. This cumulative knowledge base will serve as your foundation for advanced study of neural systems and their relative roles in progressively more complex behaviors such as basic reflexes, motivation, rational thought, neural disorders, and therapeutic efficacy. (PSYC 0105 and NSCI 0251; open to NSCI majors only, others by approval) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab.
Terms Taught
NSCI 0500
Independent Research
Course Description
Independent Research
Students enrolled in NSCI 0500 complete individual research projects involving laboratory or extensive library study on a topic chosen by the student and approved in advance by a NSCI faculty advisor. This course is not open to seniors; seniors should enroll in NSCI 0700. (Approval required)
Terms Taught
NSCI 0700
Senior Research
Course Description
Senior Research
This course is for senior NSCI majors who plan to conduct one or more semesters of independent research, or who plan to complete preparatory work toward a senior thesis, such as researching and writing a thesis proposal as well as, if appropriate, collecting data that will form the basis for a senior thesis. Senior NSCI majors who plan to complete a senior thesis should register initially for NSCI 0700. Additional requirements may include participation in weekly meetings with advisors and/or lab groups and attending neuroscience seminars. (Approval required, open to seniors only)
Terms Taught
NSCI 0701
Senior Thesis
Course Description
Senior Thesis
Senior NSCI majors who have completed one or more terms of NSCI 0700, who have a GPA of 3.3 in their major courses, and who plan to complete a senior thesis should register for NSCI 0701 for the final semester of the senior thesis process. Students enrolled in NSCI 0701 write a thesis, give a public presentation of their research, and present an oral defense of the thesis before a committee of at least two Neuroscience faculty members. Faculty may recommend High honors in Neuroscience after considering the quality of these components of a student’s thesis and the student’s GPA in major courses. Additional requirements may include participation in weekly meetings with advisors and/or lab groups and attending neuroscience seminars. (NSCI 0700, Approval required)
Terms Taught
PSYC 0105
Introduction To Psychology
Course Description
Introduction to Psychology
This course will provide a general introduction to the field of psychology. The most central and important theories, concepts, findings, controversies, and applications in the following areas will be considered: biological bases of behavior, learning, perception, thinking, development, personality, psychological disorders, and social behavior. (Open to Juniors and Seniors by waiver only) 3 hrs lect./1 hr. disc.
Terms Taught
PSYC 0201
Psychological Statistics
Course Description
Psychological Statistics
This course will examine statistical methods used in the behavioral and biological sciences. Students will learn the logic underlying statistical analysis, focusing primarily on inferential techniques. They also will become familiar with the application and interpretation of statistics in psychological empirical research, including the use of computer software for conducting and interpreting statistical analyses. (PSYC 0105; open to psychology and neuroscience majors, others by waiver. Not open to students who have taken MATH 0116 or ECON 0210) 3 hrs. lect./1.5 hr. lab
Terms Taught
PSYC 0343
Behavioral Genetics
Course Description
Behavioral Genetics
Why are some people shy while other people are very outgoing? Why do some people do well at school while others struggle just to pass? This course examines the roles that genes and the environment play in creating individual differences among us humans. In order to answer these questions, this course will cover topics including molecular genetics, Mendelian genetics, metabolic disorders, chromosomal disorders, linkage and association designs, and the genetics of complex disorders. (PSYC 0226 or BIOL 0145 or NSCI 0251; Open to psychology or neuroscience majors only, others by approval) 3 hrs lect.
Terms Taught
PSYC 0350
Directed Research
Course Description
Directed Research in Psychology
Directed research provides opportunities for advanced students to become familiar with and participate in ongoing research projects under the direction of a faculty member. The student will first read background literature on the content area to be investigated and experimental methodologies to be used. Procedures involved in conducting psychological research will then be learned through firsthand experience. Potential activities include the design of research and the defining of conceptual variables and the gathering, analyzing, and interpretation of data. Finally, students will learn how to write technical articles in psychology by preparing a paper describing the project, using APA style. (Approval required; not open to first-year students) 3 hrs. lect.
Terms Taught
PSYC 0434
Genes, Brain, Behavior
Course Description
Genes, Brain, and Behavior
What we experience—and how we experience it—is influenced by our unique combination of genes. For better or worse, the gene variants we inherit from our parents contribute to our predispositions to psychological disorders, our personalities, and even the way in which we perceive the world around us. To be clear, anything that you can do or think is in some way influenced by your genes. However, this statement comes with a large caveat: except in the case of (relatively) rare single gene mutations, your genes do not determine but rather contribute to who you are. Working within the field of behavior genetics, we will cover topics such as social behavior, sexual promiscuity, drug abuse, language, intelligence, and psychopathology. (PSYC 0226 or BIOL 0145 or NSCI 0251; Open to junior and senior psychology or neuroscience majors only, others by approval) 3 hrs. sem.
Terms Taught
PSYC 0500
Advanced Research
Course Description
Advanced Research
A program of research arranged to meet the needs of advanced students majoring in psychology. (Approval required)
Terms Taught
PSYC 0700
Senior Research
Course Description
Senior Research
A program of research arranged to meet the needs of advanced senior majors in psychology. (PSYC 0201 and PSYC 0202; Approval required)
Terms Taught
PSYC 0701
Senior Thesis Proposal
Course Description
Senior Thesis Proposal
Students hoping to be considered as candidates for departmental honors must enroll in PSYC 0701 under the sponsorship of a department faculty member. Their semester’s work will culminate in the submission of a formal, written research proposal by the due date as specified by the department. If the proposal is approved, the student will enroll in PSYC 0702 during the winter term and PSYC 0703 during the spring term of their senior year. (Feb graduates should consult with their advisors about the appropriate semester in which to begin a thesis.) (PSYC 0201 and PSYC 0202; Approval required)
Terms Taught
PSYC 0702
Senior Thesis Second Semester
Course Description
Senior Thesis Second Semester
Students whose honors thesis proposal (PSYC 0701) has been approved will collect, analyze, and interpret their data. This is the second semester of the 3-semester senior thesis. (PSYC 0201, PSYC 0202, and PSYC 0701; Approval required)
Terms Taught
PSYC 0703
Senior Thesis
Course Description
Senior Thesis*
This is the third and final semester of the senior thesis. Students will finish analyzing and interpreting their data. This process culminates in a written thesis to be submitted by the due date as specified by the department, a presentation, and an oral defense. The decision about awarding departmental honors will be made after the student submits the thesis. (PSYC 0201, PSYC 0202, and PSYC 0702; Approval required)
Terms Taught
#Middlebury student coauthor
Parker CC, Philip VM, Gatti DM, #Kasparek S, #Kreuzman AM, Kuffler L, #Mansky B, Masneuf S, #Sharif K, Sluys E, #Taterra D, #Taylor WM, #Thomas M, Polesskaya O, Palmer AA, Holmes A, Chesler EJ (2022). Genome-wide association mapping of ethanol sensitivity in the diversity outbred mouse population. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research,
Zou J, Gopalakrishnan S, Parker CC, Nicod J, Mott R, Cai N, Lionikas A, Davies RW, Palmer AA, Flint J (2022). Analysis of independent cohorts of outbred CFW mice reveals novel loci for behavioral and physiological traits and identifies factors determining reproducibility. Genes, Genomes, Genetics 12: jkab394. doi: 10.1093/g3journal/jkab394.
Palmer RHC, Johnson EC, Won H, Polimanti R, Kapoor M, Chitre A, Bogue MA, Benca-Bachman CE, Parker CC, Verma A, Reynolds T, Ernst J, Bray M, Kwon SB, Lai D, Quach BC, Gaddis NC, Saba L, Chen H, Hawrylycz M, Zhang S, Zhou Y, Mahaffey S, Fischer C, Sanchez-Roige S, Bandrowski A, Lu Q, Shen L, Philip V, Gelernter J, Bierut LJ, Hancock DB, Edenberg HJ, Johnson EO, Nestler EJ, Barr PB, Prins P, Smith DJ, Akbarian S, Thorgeirsson T, Walton D, Baker E, Jacobson D, Palmer AA, Miles M, Chesler EJ, Emerson J, Agrawal A, Martone M, Williams RW (2021). Integration of evidence across human and model organism studies: A meeting report. Genes, Brain, Behavior 20: e12738.
Parker CC, Lusk R, Saba LM (2020). Alcohol sensitivity as an endophenotype of alcohol use disorder: Exploring its translational utility between rodents and humans. Brain Sciences 10, 725; doi:10.3390/brainsci10100725.
Hernandez Cordero AI, Gonzales NM, Parker CC, Sokoloff G, Vandenbergh DJ, Cheng R, Abney M, Skol A, Douglas A, Palmer AA, Gregory JS, Lionikas A (2019). Genome-wide associations reveal human-mouse genetic convergence and novel modifiers of myogenesis, CPNE1 and STC2. American Journal of Human Genetics 105: 1-15.
#Yuan JT, Gatti DM, Philip VM, #Kasparek S, #Kreuzman AM, #Mansky B, #Sharif K, #Taterra D, #Taylor WM, #Thomas M, Ward JO, Holmes A, Chesler EJ, Parker CC (2018). Genome-wide association for testis weight in the diversity outbred mouse population. Mammalian Genome 29: 310-324.
Parker CC, Dickson PE, Philip VM, #Thomas M, Chesler EJ (2017). Systems genetic analysis in Current Protocols in Neuroscience 79: 8.39.1 – 8.39.20.
Parker CC, Gopalakrishnan S, Carbonetto P, Gonzales NM, Leung E, Park YJ, Aryee E, Davis J, Blizard DA, Ackert-Bicknell CL, Lionikas A, Pritchard JK, Palmer AA (2016). Genome-wide association study of behavioral, physiological and gene expression traits in outbred CFW mice. Nature Genetics 48: 919-926.
Castro-Gomes V, Bergstrom HC, McGuire JL, Parker CC, Coyner J, Landeira-Fernandez J, Ursano RS, Palmer AA, Johnson LR (2016). Dendritic organization of lateral amygdala neurons in fear susceptible and resistant mice. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 127: 64-71.
Yazdani N, Parker CC, Shen Y, Guido MA, Kole LA, Kirkpatrick SL, Lim JE, Sokoloff G, Cheng, R, Johnson WE, Palmer AA, Bryant CD (2015). Hnrnph1 is a quantitative trait gene for methamphetamine sensitivity. PLoS Genetics 11(11): e1005713.
Pallares LF, Carbonetto P, Gopalakrishan S, Parker CC, Ackert-Bicknell CL, Palmer AA, Tautz D (2015). Mapping of craniofacial traits in outbred mice identifies major developmental genes involved in shape determination. PLoS Genetics 11(11): e1005607.
Parker CC, Carbonetto P, Sokoloff G, Park YJ, Abney M, Palmer AA (2014). High-resolution genetic mapping of complex traits in a combined analysis of an F2 intercross and an advanced intercross. Genetics 198: 103-116.
Carbonetto P, Cheng R, Gyekis JP, Parker CC, Blizard DA, Palmer AA, Lionikas A (2014). Discovery and refinement of muscle weight QTLs in B6 x D2 advanced intercross mice. Physiological Genomics 46: 671-582.
Coyner J, McGuire JL, Parker CC, Ursano RR, Palmer AA, Johnson, LR (2014). Mice selectively bred for High and Low fear behavior show differences in the number of pMAPK (p44/42 ERK) expressing neurons in lateral amygdala following Pavlovian fear conditioning. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 112: 195-203.
Parker CC, Chen H, Flagel SB, Geurts AM, Richards JB, Robinson TE, Solberg Woods LC, Palmer AA (2014). Rats are the smart choice: Rationale for a renewed focus on rats in behavioral genetics. Neuropharmacology 76B: 250-258
McGuire JL, Bergstrom HC, Parker CC, Le T, Morgan M, Tang H, Selwyn R, Silva AC, Choi K, Ursano RJ, Palmer AA, Johnson LR (2013). Traits of fear resistance and susceptibility in an advanced intercross line. European Journal of Neuroscience 38: 3314-3324.
Cheng R, Parker CC, Abney M, Palmer AA. (2013). Practical considerations regarding the use of genotype and pedigree data in the context of genome-wide association studies. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 3: 1861-1867.
Parker CC, Sokoloff G, Leung E, Kirkpatrick SL, Palmer, AA (2013). A large QTL for fear and anxiety mapped using an F2 cross can be dissected into multiple smaller QTLs. Genes, Brain and Behavior 12: 714-722.
Fitzpatrick CJ, Gopalakrishnan S, Cogan ES, Yager LM, Meyer PJ, Lovic V, Saunders BT, Parker CC, Gonzales NM, Aryee E, Flagel SB, Palmer AA, Robinson TE, Morrow JD (2013). Variation in the form of Pavlovian conditioned approach behavior among outbred male Sprague Dawley rats from different vendors and colonies: sign-tracking vs. goal-tracking. PLoS One 8: e75042.
Choi K, Le T, McGuire J, Xing G, Zhang L, Li H, Parker CC, Johnson LR, Ursano RJ (2012). Expression pattern of the cannabinoid receptor genes in the frontal cortex of mood disorder patients and mice selectively bred for high and low fear. J Psychiatric Res 46: 882-889.
Bartnikas TB, Parker CC, Cheng R, Campagna DR, Lim JE, Palmer AA, Fleming MD (2012). QTL for murine red blood cell parameters in LG/J and SM/J F2 and advanced intercross lines. Mammalian Genome 23: 356-366.
Parker CC, Sokoloff, G, Cheng R, Palmer AA (2012). Genome-wide association for fear conditioning in an advanced intercross mouse line. Behavioral Genetics 42: 437-448.
Parker CC, Cheng R, Sokoloff G, Palmer AA (2012). Genome-wide association for methamphetamine sensitivity in an advanced intercross mouse line. Genes, Brain and Behavior 11: 52-61.
Bryant CD, Parker CC, Zhou L, Olker C, Bolivar VJ, Wager TT, Vitatema MH, Turek FW, Palmer AA (2012). Csnk1e is a genetic regulator of sensitivity to psychostimulants and opioids. Neuropsychopharmacology 37: 1026-1035.
Parker CC, Palmer AA (2011). Dark matter: Are mice the solution to missing heritability? Frontiers in Genetics 2: 32 Jun 13 [Epub ahead of print]
Parker CC, Cheng R, Sokoloff G, Lim JE, Skol AD, Abney M, Palmer AA (2011). Fine-mapping alleles for body weight in LG/J x SM/J F2 and F34 advanced intercross lines. Mammalian Genome 22: 563-571.
Sokoloff G, Parker CC, Lim J, Palmer AA (2011). Anxiety and fear in a cross of C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice: mapping overlapping and independent QTL for related traits. Genes, Brain and Behavior 10: 604-614.
Newman TK, Parker CC, Suomi SJ, Goldman D, Barr CS, Higley JD (2009). DRD1 5’UTR variation, sex and early infant stress influence ethanol consumption in rhesus macaques. Genes, Brain and Behavior 8: 626-630.
Parker CC, Ponicsan H, Spencer R L, Holmes A, Johnson TE (2008). Restraint stress and exogenous corticosterone differentially alter sensitivity to the sedative-hypnotic effects of ethanol in ILS and ISS mice. Alcohol 42: 477-485.
Bennett B, Downing C, Parker C, Johnson TE (2006). Mouse genetic models in alcohol research. Trends in Genetics 22: 367-74.
Barr CS, Newman TK, Shannon C, Parker C, Dvoskin RL, Becker ML, Schwandt M, Champoux M, Lesch KP, Goldman D, Suomi, SJ, Higley JD (2004). Rearing condition and rh5-HTTLPR interact to influence limbic-hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis response to stress in infant macaques. Biological Psychiatry 55: 733-8.
Barr CS, Newman TK, Becker ML, Parker CC, Champoux M, Lesch KP, Goldman D, Suomi SJ, Higley JD (2003). The utility of the non-human primate model for studying gene by environment interaction in behavioral research. Genes, Brain and Behavior 2: 336-40.
Book Chapters
St. Pierre CL, #Sharif K, #Funsten E, Palmer AA, Parker CC. Methods and Theoretical Approaches: Animal Models and Convergence with Human Data. In: Genes, Brain and Emotions: From Resilience to Psychopathology. AC Miu, JR Homberg, & KP Lesch (Eds.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2019.
Parker CC, Palmer AA. (2013). Using intermediate phenotypes to bridge the gap between human and mouse genetics. In J. MacKillop & M. Muñafo (Eds.), Genetic influences on addiction: an intermediate phenotype approach. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.