Photo of Germán Reyes. Person with dark hair and beard in a dark blue suit with red necktie on a grey background.
Warner 014
Office Hours
Mondays: 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm. Wednesdays: 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm.

Germán Reyes is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics and an Associate Member of the IZA Institute of Labor Economics. He joined Middlebury College in 2024, after receiving his Ph.D. in Economics from Cornell University and completing a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the briq Institute on Behavior & Inequality in Bonn, Germany.

Prior to graduate school, Germán worked as a research analyst at the World Bank in Washington D.C. and as an analyst at the Ministry of Economics in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Germán’s research interests lie primarily in behavioral economics and labor economics. He focuses on the economic consequences of cognitive limitations, the impact of fairness views on redistributive preferences, and the links between access to higher education and inequality.

When he’s not in Warner Hall teaching or analyzing data, Germán enjoys hiking the Green Mountains, watching River Plate soccer games, and listening to podcasts (Freakonomics and This American Life are among his favorites). He is always up for an espresso or some mate (Argentinean tea).