Grace Spatafora
Dean of Curriculum; Heinz/Given Professor of Biology and Pre-Medical Sciences

- Office
- Old Chapel 205
- Tel
- (802) 443-5431
- Office Hours
- by appointment
Streptococcus mutans is the principal causative agent of dental caries in humans. A major research objective in the Spatafora laboratory centers on identifying genes belonging to the S. mutans SloR metalloregulome and defining their potential involvement in the caries-forming process.
Homologs of the SloR metalloregulator in other pathogenic bacteria are known to modulate gene expression upon binding DNA in the presence of a metal ion co-repressor. We propose that SloR, in response to metal ion availability in the human oral cavity, modulates metal ion transport and virulence gene expression in such as way as to promote S. mutans persistence and pathogenesis in dental plaque. The results of microarray and real-time qRT-PCR experiments revealed SloR as a pleiotropic global regulator in S. mutans. Our work is presently focused on a subset of S. mutans virulence genes that we identified are subject to both manganese and SloR control and that are preceded by a SloR recognition element (SRE) that binds the metalloregulator. One of our research goals is to explore and compare the mechanisms by which SloR regulates S. mutans gene expression and so reveal the complexities of SloR metalloregulation in this important oral pathogen. We also plan to reveal the constituency and structural organization of the SREs that precede SloR-regulated virulence genes in S. mutans, and to investigate the structure of the purified SloR protein so that the details of the SloR:SRE interaction under conditions of physiological relevance to the plaque environment can be elucidated. Taken together, we propose that manganese-dependent SloR binding to specific palindromic SREs facilitates S. mutans virulence gene expression and cariogenesis. This research is important not only because it will advance our understanding of S. mutans gene regulation but also because it will reveal a basis for designing novel therapeutic agents that can target SloR-modulated virulence gene expression and so alleviate the S. mutans-induced cariogenic process.
Courses Taught
BIOL 0145
Cell Biology and Genetics
Course Description
Cell Biology and Genetics
In this introduction to modern cellular, genetic, and molecular biology we will explore life science concepts with an emphasis on their integral nature and evolutionary relationships. Topics covered will include cell membrane structure and function, metabolism, cell motility and division, genome structure and replication, the regulation of gene expression and protein production, genotype to phenotype relationship, and basic principles of inheritance. Major concepts will be illustrated using a broad range of examples from plants, animals, and microorganisms. Current topics in biology will be integrated into the course as they arise. 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab
Terms Taught
BIOL 0280
Course Description
In this course we will explore the human immune system and how it works to protect the body from infection. Students will be introduced to the cells and molecules of the immune system and how they work together to protect the host from foreign invaders. We will focus on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of innate immunity before exploring the cellular and genetic principles that underlie the adaptive immune response. Finally, we will investigate how innate and adaptive immunity work together to combat infection and how disease can arise from inadequacies in this coordinated host response. (BIOL 0145)
Terms Taught
BIOL 0500
Independent Study
Course Description
Independent Study
In this course students complete individual projects involving laboratory and/or field research or extensive library study on a topic chosen by the student and a faculty advisor. Prior to registering for BIOL 0500, a student must have discussed and agreed upon a project topic with a member of the Biology Department faculty. Additional requirements include attendance at all Biology Department seminars and participation in any scheduled meetings with disciplinary sub-groups and lab groups. This course is not open to seniors; seniors should enroll in BIOL 0700, Senior Independent Study. (BIOL 0211. Approval required) 3 hrs. disc.
Terms Taught
BIOL 0700
Senior Independent Study
Course Description
Senior Independent Study
In this course students complete individual projects involving laboratory and/or field research or extensive library study on a topic chosen by the student and a faculty advisor. Prior to registering for BIOL 0700, a student must have discussed and agreed upon a project topic with a member of the Biology Department faculty. Additional requirements include attendance at all Biology Department seminars and participation in any scheduled meetings with disciplinary sub-groups and lab groups. (BIOL 0211. Approval required; open only to seniors) 3 hrs. disc.
Terms Taught
BIOL 0701
Senior Thesis
Course Description
Senior Thesis
Seniors majoring in Biology who have completed one or more semesters of BIOL 0500 or BIOL 0700 and who plan to complete a thesis should register for BIOL 0701. In this course students will produce a written thesis, deliver a public presentation of the research on which it is based, and present an oral defense of the thesis before a committee of at least three faculty members. Additional requirements include attendance at all Biology Department seminars and participation in any scheduled meetings with disciplinary sub-groups and lab groups. Open to Biology and joint Biology/Environmental Studies majors. (BIOL 0211 and BIOL 0500 or BIOL 0700 or waiver; instructor approval required for all students) 3 hrs. disc
Terms Taught
FYSE 1107
Shaping the Future
Course Description
Shaping the Future
The release of genetically engineered organisms into the environment has great potential for agriculture and industry; however, the consequences posed by the transfer of genetic material from one organism to another on the inter-relationships within an ecosystem remain largely uncertain. Gene therapy represents a major molecular-genetic advancement for medical science, yet there is much controversy regarding its safety and whether its use for the purpose of “enhancement” constitutes an ethical application for this technology. New reproductive technologies use genetic engineering to conceive life in a petri dish and select against embryos with inherited disease, which has had considerable social, political, and ethical impacts. This course will use writing, in-class discussion, and hands-on experiences in the laboratory as tools to explore these and other biotechnological advances and their social implications. Writing exercises will emphasize the ethical considerations brought about by the Human Genome Project, DNA fingerprinting, and the introduction of edible vaccines to grocery store shelves to name a few. 3 hrs. sem.
Terms Taught
MBBC 0500
Independent Research
Course Description
Independent Research
This course is for non-seniors wishing to conduct independent research in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Additional requirements include attendance at all MBBC-sponsored seminars and seminars sponsored by the faculty mentor’s department, and participation in any scheduled meetings and disciplinary sub-groups and lab groups. (Approval required).
Terms Taught
MBBC 0700
Senior Independent Research
Course Description
Senior Independent Research
Seniors conducting independent research in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry under the guidance of a faculty mentor should register for MBBC 0700 unless they are completing a thesis project (in which case they should register for MBBC 0701). Additional requirements include attendance at all MBBC-sponsored seminars and seminars sponsored by the faculty mentor’s department, and participation in any scheduled meetings and disciplinary sub-groups and lab groups. (Approval required).
Terms Taught
MBBC 0701
Senior Thesis
Course Description
Senior Thesis
This course is for seniors completing independent thesis research in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry that was initiated in BIOL 0500, CHEM 0400, MBBC 0500, or MBBC 0700. Students will attend weekly meetings with their designated research group and engage in one-on-one meetings with their research mentor to foster understanding in their specialized research area. Students will also practice the stylistic and technical aspects of scientific writing needed to write their thesis. (BIOL 0500, CHEM 0400, MBBC 0500, MBBC 0700) (Approval required).
Terms Taught
NSCI 0700
Senior Research
Course Description
Senior Research
This course is for senior NSCI majors who plan to conduct one or more semesters of independent research, or who plan to complete preparatory work toward a senior thesis, such as researching and writing a thesis proposal as well as, if appropriate, collecting data that will form the basis for a senior thesis. Senior NSCI majors who plan to complete a senior thesis should register initially for NSCI 0700. Additional requirements may include participation in weekly meetings with advisors and/or lab groups and attending neuroscience seminars. (Approval required, open to seniors only)
Terms Taught
NSCI 0701
Senior Thesis
Course Description
Senior Thesis
Senior NSCI majors who have completed one or more terms of NSCI 0700, who have a GPA of 3.3 in their major courses, and who plan to complete a senior thesis should register for NSCI 0701 for the final semester of the senior thesis process. Students enrolled in NSCI 0701 write a thesis, give a public presentation of their research, and present an oral defense of the thesis before a committee of at least two Neuroscience faculty members. Faculty may recommend High honors in Neuroscience after considering the quality of these components of a student’s thesis and the student’s GPA in major courses. Additional requirements may include participation in weekly meetings with advisors and/or lab groups and attending neuroscience seminars. (NSCI 0700, Approval required)
Terms Taught
Select Publications:
*Indicates a Middlebury College student
Spatafora, G., Li, Y., He, X., Cowan, A., and Tanner, A. 2023 (under review). The Evolving Microbiome of Dental Caries. Microorganisms (Special Issue: Microbiome in Infectious Diseases).
Drummond, I., DePaolo, A., Kreiger, M., Driscoll, H., Ekstrom, K., and Spatafora, G. 2023. Small regulatory RNAs are mediators of the Streptococcus mutans SloR regulon. J. Bacteriol. 205(9): e0017-23. doi: 10.1128/jb.00172-23.
Ruxin, T.R., Schwartman, J.A., Davidowitz, C.R., Peters, Z., Holtz, A., Haney, R.A. and Spatafora, G.A. 2021. Regulatory involvement of the PerR and SloR metalloregulators in the Streptococcus mutans oxidative stress response. J. Bacteriol. 203 (11). doi: 10.1128/JB.00678-20
O’Brien, J.*, A. Pastora,*, A. Stoner* and G. Spatafora. 2020. The S. mutans mntE gene encodes a manganese efflux transporter. Mol. Oral Microbiol. 35 (3): 129-140.
Kajfasz, J., C. Katrak, T. Ganguly, J. Vargas, L. Wright*, Z. Peters*, G. Spatafora, Abranches, J. and Lemos, J. 2020. Mangnaese uptake, mediated by SloABC and MntH, is essential for the fitness of Streptococcus mutans. mSphere 5:300764. (featured article, “editor’s pick”).
Monette, P.*, R. Brach*, A. Cowan*, R. Winters*, J. Weisman, F. Seybert, K. Goguen*, J. Chen, A. Glasfeld, and G. Spatafora. 2018. Autoregulation of the Streptococcus mutans SloR metalloregulator is constitutive and driven by an independent promoter. J. Bacteriol. June 2018, 200 (14) e00214-18; DOI:10.1128/JB.00214-18 (spot-lighted article).
Wenderska, I.B., A. Latos, B. Pruitt*, S. Palmer, G. Spatafora, D.B. Senadheera, and D.G. Cvitkovitch. 2016. Transcriptional profiling of the oral pathogen Streptococcus mutans in response to competence signaling peptide XIP. mSystems 2:e00102-16.
Crepps, S.C.*, E.E. Fields*, D. Galan*, J.P. Corbett*, E.R. Von Hasseln* and G. Spatafora. 2016. The SloR metalloregulator is involved in the Streptococcus mutans oxidative stress response. Mol. Oral Microbiol. DOI:10.1111/omi.12147 (epub ahead of print).
Spatafora, G., J. Corbett*, L. Cornacchione*, W. Daly*, D. Galan*, M. Wysota*, P. Tivnan*, J. Collins*, D. Nye, T. Levitz, W.A. Breyer, and A. Glasfeld. 2015. Interactions of the metalloregulatory protein SloR from Streptococcus mutans with its metal ion effectors and DNA binding site. J. Bacteriol. 197:3601-3615 (spotlighted article).
Downey, J.S., L. Mashburn-Warren, E. A. Ayala, D.B. Senadheera, W.K. Hendrickson*, L.W. McCall*, J.A. Godfrey*, D. C. Cvitkovitch, G. Spatafora#, and S.D. Goodman. 2014. In vitro manganese-dependent cross-talk between Streptococcus mutans VicK and GcrR: implications for overlapping stress response pathways. PLoSOne. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0115975 (#co-corresponding author with S.D. Goodman).
Merchant, A.* and G. Spatafora. 2014. A role for the DtxcR familhy of metalloregulators in gram positive pathogenesis. Molec. Oral Microbiol. 29:1-10.
Haswell, J.R.*, B.W. Pruitt*, L.P. Cornacchione*, C.L. Coe*, E.G. Smith* and G. Spatafora. 2013. Characterization of the functioinal domains of the SloR metalloregulatory protein in Streptococcus mutans. J. Bacteriol. 195:126-134
Smith, E.G.* and G. Spatafora. 2012. Gene Regulation in Streptococcus mutans: Complex Control in a Complex Environment. J. Dent. Res. (featured as a Critical Review in Oral Biology and Medicine) 91(2):133-141.
O’Rourke, K.P.*, J.D. Shaw*, M.W. Pesesky*, B.T. Cook*, S.M. Roberts*, J.P. Bond and G.A. Spatafora. 2010. Genome-wide characterization of the SloR metalloregulome in Streptococcus mutans. J. Bacteriol. 192:1433-43.
Levine, R.B.*, M.S. Constanza-Robinson and G. Spatafora. 2010. Neochloris oleoabundans grown on anaerobically digested dairy manure for concomitant nutrient removal and biodiesel feedstock production. Biomass and Bioenergy, 35:40-49
Dunning, D.W.*, L.W. McCall*, W.F. Powell*, W. T. Arscott*, E. M. McConocha*, S. D. Goodman, and G. Spatafora. 2008. SloR modulatioin of the Streptococcus mutans acid tolerance response involves the GcrR response regulator as an essential intermediary. Microbiology 154:1132-43.
Rolerson, E*, A. Swick*, L. Newlon*, C. Palmer*, Y. Pan*, B. Keeshan*, and G. Spatafora. 2006. The SloR/Dlg metalloregulator modulates Streptococcus mutans virulence gene expression. J. Bacteriol. 188:5033-5044.