Jennifer Crodelle
Warner 204
(802) 443-3122
Office Hours
On leave 2024/2025

I am an applied mathematician interested in using mathematical modeling to explore problems in neuroscience and propose plausible mechanisms underlying biological phenomena that may not be uncovered through experiment. 

Courses Taught

Course Description

Calculus II
A continuation of MATH 0121, may be elected by first-year students who have had an introduction to analytic geometry and calculus in secondary school. Topics include a brief review of natural logarithm and exponential functions, calculus of the elementary transcendental functions, techniques of integration, improper integrals, applications of integrals including problems of finding volumes, infinite series and Taylor's theorem, polar coordinates, ordinary differential equations. 4 hrs. lect/disc.

Terms Taught

Fall 2021, Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Spring 2023



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Course Description

Topics in Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
Topics may include diagonalization of matrices, quadratic forms, inner product spaces, canonical forms, the spectral theorem, positive matrices, the Cayley-Hamilton theorem, ordinary differential equations of arbitrary order, systems of first-order differential equations, power series, and eigenvalue methods of solution, applications. (MATH 0200 or by waiver) 3 hrs. lect./disc.

Terms Taught

Spring 2021



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Course Description

MATH 0226, Differential Equations
This course provides an introduction into ordinary differential equations (ODEs) with an emphasis on linear and nonlinear systems using analytical, qualitative, and numerical techniques. Topics will include separation of variables, integrating factors, eigenvalue method, linearization, bifurcation theory, and numerous applications. In this course, we will introduce MATLAB programming skills and develop them through the semester. (MATH 0122 and MATH 0200 or by waiver) (formerly MATH 0225) 3 hrs. lect./disc.

Terms Taught

Fall 2021, Spring 2024



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Course Description

Introduction to Numerical Analysis
We will study the development, analysis, and implementation of numerical methods for approximating solutions to mathematical problems. We will begin with applications of Taylor polynomials, computer representation of numbers, and types of errors. Other topics will include polynomial and spline interpolation, numerical integration and differentiation, rootfinding, and numerical solutions of differential equations. Accuracy will be quantified by the concept of numerical error. Additionally, we will study the stability, efficiency, and implementation of algorithms. We will utilize the software MATLAB throughout to demonstrate concepts, as well as to complete assignments and projects. (MATH 0122)

Terms Taught

Spring 2024



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Course Description

Mathematical modeling
An introduction into the process of developing and interpreting mathematical models within the framework of numerous applications. In this course, we will utilize discrete, continuous, and probabilistic approaches to explore applications such as population dynamics, epidemiology, and neuron activity. Time permitting, we may also introduce the derivation of spatiotemporal models. MATLAB will be used to implement and analyze several of these models. (MATH 0200 and MATH 0225 or MATH 0226, or by instructor approval) 3 hrs. lect./disc

Terms Taught

Spring 2021, Fall 2022



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Course Description

Partial Differential Equations
An introduction to partial differential equations (PDEs) with an emphasis on first and second-order linear equations. Using analytical, qualitative, and numerical techniques, we will study the Laplace, heat, and wave equations, as well as their applications. MATLAB will be used where applicable. (MATH 0223 and either of MATH 0225 or MATH 0226) 3 hr lect.

Terms Taught

Spring 2022



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Course Description

Advanced Study
Individual study for qualified students in more advanced topics in algebra, number theory, real or complex analysis, topology. Particularly suited for those who enter with advanced standing. (Approval required) 3 hrs. lect./disc.

Terms Taught

Winter 2022, Winter 2023, Spring 2023, Winter 2024, Spring 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025, Winter 2026

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Course Description

Advanced Mathematical Modeling Seminar
A tutorial on advanced mathematical model building and analysis for students who have completed work in Differential Equations and Probability. We will study deterministic and stochastic models of interacting populations with a focus on mathematical ecology and epidemiology. Working independently and in small groups, students will gain experience reading advanced sources and communicating their insights in expository writing and oral presentations. Fulfills the capstone senior work requirement for the mathematics major. (Approval Only) 3 hrs. Sem.

Terms Taught

Spring 2023



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Course Description

Data Science Across Disciplines
In this course, we will gain exposure to the entire data science pipeline—obtaining and cleaning large and messy data sets, exploring these data and creating engaging visualizations, and communicating insights from the data in a meaningful manner. During morning sessions, we will learn the tools and techniques required to explore new and exciting data sets. During afternoon sessions, students will work in small groups with one of several faculty members on domain-specific research projects in Sociology, Neuroscience, Animation, Art History, or Environmental Science. This course will utilize the R programming language. No prior experience with R is necessary.
ENVS: Students will engage in research within environmental health science—the study of reciprocal relationships between human health and the environment. High-quality data and the skills to make sense of these data are key to studying environmental health across diverse spatial scales, from individual cells through human populations. In this course, we will explore common types of data and analytical tools used to answer environmental health questions and inform policy.
FMMC: Students will explore how to make a series of consequential decisions about how to present data and how to make it clear, impactful, emotional or compelling. In this hands-on course we will use a wide range of new and old art making materials to craft artistic visual representations of data that educate, entertain, and persuade an audience with the fundamentals of data science as our starting point.
NSCI/MATH: Students will use the tools of data science to explore quantitative approaches to understanding and visualizing neural data. The types of neural data that we will study consists of electrical activity (voltage and/or spike trains) measured from individual neurons and can be used to understand how neurons respond to and process different stimuli (e.g., visual or auditory cues). Specifically, we will use this neural data from several regions of the brain to make predictions about neuron connectivity and information flow within and across brain regions.
SOCI: Students will use the tools of data science to examine how experiences in college are associated with social and economic mobility after college. Participants will combine sources of "big data" with survey research to produce visualizations and exploratory analyses that consider the importance of higher education for shaping life chances.
HARC: Students will use the tools of data science to create interactive visualizations of the Dutch textile trade in the early eighteenth century. These visualizations will enable users to make connections between global trade patterns and representations of textiles in paintings, prints, and drawings.

Terms Taught

Winter 2022



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