Paul Hess
Assistant Professor of Physics
- Office
- McCardell Bicen Hall 529
- Tel
- (802) 443-5860
- Office Hours
- On Leave: AY 2024 - 2025
Courses Taught
PHYS 0108
The Physics of Motion
Course Description
The Physics of Motion
This calculus-based course examines fundamental topics in motion and mechanics, including inertia, force, Newton's laws of motion, work, energy, linear momentum, collisions, gravitation, rotational motion, torque, and angular momentum, emphasizing applications in physics, engineering, the life sciences, and everyday life. Laboratory explorations of topics covered in lecture will build students’ physical intuition and problem-solving skills. Students who have taken a high-school course in physics should consider enrolling in PHYS 0109. (MATH 0121 concurrent or prior; students may not receive credit for both PHYS 0108 and PHYS 0109) 3 hrs. lect/3 hrs. lab.
Terms Taught
PHYS 0109
Introductory Mechanics
Course Description
Introductory Mechanics
This calculus-based course examines fundamental topics in motion and mechanics, including inertia, force, Newton's laws of motion, work, energy, linear momentum, collisions, gravitation, rotational motion, torque, angular momentum, and oscillatory motion, emphasizing applications in physics and engineering. Laboratory explorations of topics covered in lecture will build students’ physical intuition and problem solving skills. (MATH 0121; students may not receive credit for both PHYS 0108 and PHYS 0109) 3 hrs. lect/3 hrs. lab.
Terms Taught
PHYS 0218
Quantum Physics
Course Description
Quantum Physics
Classical theories of physics fail to adequately explain the behavior of the smallest and most fundamental objects in nature. In this course we introduce quantum theory, which makes accurate predictions by describing fundamental particles as wave-like and measurements as inherently probabilistic. Students will utilize prior knowledge of wave behavior to explore the foundational principles of quantum theory, including the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, the Schrödinger wave equation and wave-particle duality. These principles and techniques are then applied to explain the properties of elementary particles, atoms, molecules, and nuclei. (PHYS 0212 or PHYS 0216) (Students cannot receive credit for both PHYS 0218 and PHYS 0202) 3 hrs. lect.
Terms Taught
PHYS 0225
Computational Physics
Course Description
Computational Physics
The laws of physics provide a beautiful mathematical framework for describing the universe. Yet it’s rare that exact solutions to the resulting equations can be found with pen and paper. In this course we will explore a range of powerful computational methods that allow us to solve physical problems, primarily using the Python programming language. Applications of these methods will include problems in Newtonian mechanics, electricity and magnetism, statistical and thermal physics, quantum mechanics, and relativity. No prior experience with programming is required. Students who meet the prerequisites for PHYS 0325 must register for that course instead. (Not open to students who have taken PHYS 0230 or PHYS 0202, or CSCI 0145 or CSCI 0150) (PHYS 0109; MATH 0122)
Terms Taught
PHYS 0230
Computational Physics
Course Description
Computational Physics
The laws of physics provide a beautiful mathematical framework for describing the universe. Yet it’s rare that exact solutions to the resulting equations can be found with pen and paper. In this course we will explore a range of powerful computational methods that allow us to solve physical problems, primarily using the Python programming language. Applications of these methods will include problems in Newtonian mechanics, electricity and magnetism, statistical and thermal physics, quantum mechanics, and relativity. No prior experience with programming is required. (PHYS 0109; MATH 0122)
Terms Taught
PHYS 0301
Intermediate Electromagnetism
Course Description
Intermediate Electromagnetism
The unified description of electricity and magnetism is one of the greatest triumphs of physics. This course provides a thorough grounding in the nature of electric and magnetic fields and their interaction with matter. Mathematical techniques appropriate to the solution of problems in electromagnetism are also introduced. The primary emphasis is on static fields, with the full time-dependent Maxwell equations and electromagnetic waves introduced in the final part of the course. (PHYS 0110; PHYS 0201 or by permission; PHYS 0212) 3 hrs. lect./1 hr. disc.
Terms Taught
PHYS 0302
Electromagnetic Theory
Course Description
Electromagnetic Waves
Maxwell's theory of the electromagnetic field provides the basis of our understanding of the nature of light, radio waves, infrared radiation, X-rays, and other forms of electromagnetic radiation. This course examines the behavior of electromagnetic waves starting from Maxwell's equations, the fundamental laws of electromagnetism. Topics include wave propagation in different materials; reflection and refraction at interfaces; applications in space communications, optics, and other fields; and relativistic electrodynamics. (PHYS 0301) 3 hr. lect.
Terms Taught
PHYS 0321
Experimental Physics II
Course Description
Experimental Techniques in Physics
This course will cover the design and execution of experiments, and the analysis and presentation of data, at an advanced level. Laboratory experiments will be chosen to illustrate the use of electronic, mechanical, and optical instruments to investigate fundamental physical phenomena, such as the properties of atoms and nuclei and the nature of radiation. Skills in computer-based data analysis and presentation will be developed and emphasized. This course satisfies the College writing requirement. (PHYS 0111 concurrent or prior or PHYS 0216, and PHYS 0201 or PHYS 0214, and PHYS 0202 or PHYS 0218) 3 hrs. lect./3 hrs. lab/1 hr disc. (Approval required)
Terms Taught
PHYS 0325
Computational Physics
Course Description
Computational Physics
The laws of physics provide a beautiful mathematical framework for describing the universe. Yet it’s rare that exact solutions to the resulting equations can be found with pen and paper. In this course we will explore a range of powerful computational methods that allow us to solve physical problems, primarily using the Python programming language. Applications of these methods will include problems in Newtonian mechanics, electricity and magnetism, statistical and thermal physics, quantum mechanics, and relativity. Prior programming experience or physics coursework at 200 level is required to enroll in this course; students without this background may be eligible to enroll in PHYS 0225 (not open to students who have taken PHYS 0230). (PHYS 0109 and MATH 0122 and PHYS 0202 or CSCI 0145 or CSCI 0150 or equivalent).
Terms Taught
PHYS 0500
Ind. Study & Special Topic
Course Description
Independent Study and Special Topics
(Approval required)
Terms Taught
PHYS 0704
Senior Project
Course Description
Senior Project
Independent research project incorporating both written and oral presentations.
Terms Taught
PHYS 0705
Senior Thesis
Course Description
Senior Thesis
For a student who has completed PHYS 0704 and, by agreement with his or her advisor, is continuing the senior project as a senior thesis. (PHYS 0704 and approval required)
Terms Taught