Profile of <span>Philip Caplan</span>
75 Shannon 219
(802) 443-5000
Office Hours
Fall 2024: Monday 9:30am - 10:30am, Tuesday 11am - 11:30am, Thursday 1:30pm - 3:30pm, Friday 2pm - 2:30pm, and by appointment.

Courses Taught

Course Description

Introduction to Computing
In this course we will provide a broad introductory overview of the discipline of computer science, with no prerequisites or assumed prior knowledge of computers or programming. A significant component of the course is an introduction to algorithmic concepts and to programming using Python; programming assignments will explore algorithmic strategies such as selection, iteration, divide-and-conquer, and recursion, as well as introducing the Python programming language. Additional topics will include: the structure and organization of computers, the Internet and World Wide Web, abstraction as a means of managing complexity, social and ethical computing issues, and the question "What is computation?" (Juniors and Seniors by waiver) (formerly CSCI 0101) 3 hr. lect./1 hr. lab

Terms Taught

Spring 2021



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Course Description

Mathematical Foundations of Computing
In this course we will provide an introduction to the mathematical foundations of computer science, with an emphasis on formal reasoning. Topics will include propositional and predicate logic, sets, functions, and relations; basic number theory; mathematical induction and other proof methods; combinatorics, probability, and recurrence relations; graph theory; and models of computation. (CSCI 0145 or CSCI 0146 or CSCI 0150) (Juniors and Seniors by waiver) 3 hrs. lect./lab

Terms Taught

Fall 2021, Spring 2024



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Course Description

Data Structures
In this course we will study the ideas and structures helpful in designing algorithms and writing programs for solving large, complex problems. The Java programming language and object-oriented paradigm are introduced in the context of important abstract data types (ADTs) such as stacks, queues, trees, and graphs. We will study efficient implementations of these ADTs, and learn classic algorithms to manipulate these structures for tasks such as sorting and searching. Prior programming experience is expected, but prior familiarity with the Java programming language is not assumed. (CSCI 0145 or CSCI 0146 or CSCI 0150) (Juniors and Seniors by waiver) 3 hrs. lect./lab

Terms Taught

Fall 2024



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Course Description

Geometric Modeling
The ability to describe three-dimensional geometric objects is fundamental for computer-aided design, scientific computing, and computer graphics. In this course we will investigate common methods for building and manipulating digital representations of three-dimensional curves, surfaces, and solids using polygonal and polyhedral meshes. This includes topics in mesh parameterization, adaptation, and registration, as well as surface reconstruction and deformation. We will also review common numerical methods used in scientific computing, including the finite element method, and study techniques for visualization, analysis, and design. Students will implement labs and projects using C++, within a framework provided by the instructor. (CSCI 0202 and MATH 0200) 3 hrs. sem

Terms Taught

Spring 2022



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Course Description

Computer Graphics
Computer graphics is the study of how computers represent, manipulate, and ultimately display visual information. In this course we will focus primarily on three-dimensional graphics, touching on topics such as modeling (meshes, hierarchical models, and transformations), rendering (lighting, texturing, rasterization, and clipping), animation, and GPU programming. We will look at the mathematical foundations of these techniques as well as implementation techniques using WebGL. (CSCI 0200 and CSCI 0202) 3 hrs. lect./lab

Terms Taught

Winter 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2023, Spring 2025



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Course Description

Advanced Study
Individual study for qualified students in more advanced topics in computer science theory, systems, or application areas. Particularly suited for students who enter with advanced standing. (Approval required) 3 hrs. lect.

Terms Taught

Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022, Winter 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025, Fall 2025, Winter 2026, Spring 2026

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Course Description

Senior Seminar
The senior seminar provides a capstone experience for computer science majors at Middlebury College. We will discuss strategies for conducting research and developing large-scale software while effectively communicating technical concepts through writing and presentations. In teams, students will identify a research question or software development project and then design, develop, test and analyze their final products. Lectures will be complemented by readings and discussions related to the impacts of computing on society. This course fulfills the Responsible Computing requirement for the Computer Science major. (Approval only)

Terms Taught

Fall 2023, Spring 2025, Spring 2026

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Course Description

Senior Thesis
The senior thesis is recommended for students interested in pursuing graduate study in Computer Science. Students will spend the semester researching and writing, and developing and experimenting as appropriate for their topic. All students will be expected to report on their work in the form of a written thesis, a poster, and an oral presentation at the end of the semester. In addition, throughout the semester, students will meet as a group to discuss research and writing, and will be expected to attend talks in the Computer Science lecture series. Before approval to join the class is granted, students are expected to have chosen a thesis adviser from the CSCI faculty, and determined a thesis topic with the guidance and approval of that adviser. (Approval required) 3 hrs. lect./disc.

Terms Taught

Winter 2022, Spring 2022

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