Hometown: Orlando, Florida

Major: English (Creative Writing)

Minor: Theater

Main extracurricular activities: Language tables, CAT (Creating Art Together), PALANA, working in the library, theater productions

Why did you choose to attend Middlebury? As a FGLI student, Middlebury was one of the few schools out there that could provide me with the resources that I would need to have a successful college experience. Plus, I fell in love with the gorgeous campus!

Favorite study spot? I’d say Davis library. I’ve been working there for a while, so I’ve discovered all the little nooks and crannies that are perfect for quiet studying.

Favorite food in the dining hall? I adore the fried ravioli at Ross!

Where did you study abroad, or where would you study abroad if you could? This past spring, I studied abroad in Florence, Italy. It was an absolutely amazing experience, and Italy was so beautiful.

Favorite Vermont spot? Honestly, I just love being on campus. It’s beautiful and there’s always something new to do.

One fun fact about you or unknown talent you have: I love to cook (and sometimes bake), and am pretty good at it!