Shrutarshi Basu
Visiting Assistant Professor of Computer Science
- Office
- 75 Shannon 208
- Office Hours
- Tuesday and Thursdays 12pm to 3pm
Courses Taught
CSCI 0145
Introduction to Computing
Course Description
Introduction to Computing
In this course we will provide a broad introductory overview of the discipline of computer science, with no prerequisites or assumed prior knowledge of computers or programming. A significant component of the course is an introduction to algorithmic concepts and to programming using Python; programming assignments will explore algorithmic strategies such as selection, iteration, divide-and-conquer, and recursion, as well as introducing the Python programming language. Additional topics will include: the structure and organization of computers, the Internet and World Wide Web, abstraction as a means of managing complexity, social and ethical computing issues, and the question "What is computation?" (Juniors and Seniors by waiver) (formerly CSCI 0101) 3 hr. lect./1 hr. lab
Terms Taught
CSCI 0313
Programming Languages
Course Description
Programming Languages
A systematic approach to concepts and features of programming languages. The course focuses on four major programming paradigms: procedural, object-oriented, functional, and logic programming languages. Students will program in several languages representing the different paradigms. Topics include grammars, data types, control structures, run-time organization, procedure activation, parameter passing, higher-order functions, lambda expressions, and unification. (CSCI 0200 and CSCI 0202) 3 hrs. lect./lab
Terms Taught
CSCI 0433
Compiler Design
Course Description
Compiler Design
An introduction to the design and construction of compilers and translators. Topics include context-free grammars, lexical analysis, symbol tables, top-down and bottom-up parsing, parser generators, error recovery, run-time organization, declaration processing, type checking, code generation, and optimization. Through the course of the semester students will implement a complete compiler for a simple programming language. (CSCI 0202 and CSCI 0301) 3 hrs. lect./lab
Terms Taught
CSCI 0500
Advanced Study
Course Description
Advanced Study
Individual study for qualified students in more advanced topics in computer science theory, systems, or application areas. Particularly suited for students who enter with advanced standing. (Approval required) 3 hrs. lect.
Terms Taught
CSCI 0701
Senior Seminar
Course Description
Senior Seminar
This senior seminar provides a capstone experience for computer science majors at Middlebury College. Through lectures, readings, and a series of two to three week individual and group assignments, we will introduce important concepts in research and experimental methods in computation. Examples will include: reading research papers; identifying research problems; dealing with big data; experimental design, testing and analysis; and technical writing in computer science. This course fulfills the Responsible Computing requirement for the Computer Science major. (Approval only).
Terms Taught