Hometown: Boise, Idaho

Major: Economics 

Minor: Computer Science 

Main extracurricular activities: Club Tennis, Research and Investment in Sustainable Equity- Industry Lead, Middlebury College Access Mentors, Skiing 

Why did you choose to attend Middlebury? I chose Middlebury to pursue the countless opportunities, extracurriculars, and academic areas that the school provides. 

Favorite study spot? Davis Library second-floor study rooms. 

Favorite food in the dining hall? Buffalo chicken sandwiches! 

Where did you study abroad, or where would you study abroad if you could? I studied in Prague, Czech Republic during the first semester of my junior year. 

Favorite Vermont spot? Lake Dunmore for the swimming, boating, and sun! 

One fun fact about you or unknown talent you have: I’ve ski instructed out in Sun Valley, Idaho for the past couple of winter breaks.