Registration Waitlist
Course Waitlists
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry Spring 2024
Registering for Chemistry 103, 104, 203, and 204
If you are interested in enrolling in CHEM 0103: General Chemistry I, CHEM 0104: General Chemistry II, CHEM 0203: Organic Chemistry I, OR CHEM 0204: Organic Chemistry II, you should:
- Be sure that you are eligible to enroll. This means that you have completed the pre-reqs for the course. For General Chemistry I and II, this means that you have either provided AP scores of 4 or 5 to the Registrar’s office or you have taken the chemistry placement exam, which you can link to and get more information about here: Chemistry Placement Exam Information
- If you took the placement exam, interpret your scores here: Placement Exam Interpretation
- For sophomores and above: During your assigned Banner window, try to register for your desired chemistry course as quickly as possible.
- For first years: put your desired chemistry course at/near the top of your priority list for the block registration process
- If you tried but were unsuccessful in registering for your desired chemistry course, add your name to the appropriate waitlist below. Waitlists will open after the regular registration process is complete on 11/20/2024.
Course Waitlists
General Chemistry I: Chem 0103
General Chemistry II: Chem 0104
Organic Chemistry I: Chem 0203
Organic Chemistry II: Chem 0204
Further Inquiries
Please see the Chemistry faculty at the Academic Forum or email Prof. Molly Costanza-Robinson at and she will be happy to answer your questions.