Byers, Jeff.  “Radical Reactions of Arene-Metal Complexes” NSF-RUI, 2009, $225,000.

M.S. Costanza-Robinson. RUI: Measurement and Microtomographic Imaging of the Air-Water Interface in Unsaturated Porous Media Supplement. National Science Foundation Geosciences Hydrology Program, November 2009-2010, $9,700.


Trubek, A. (PI, University of Vermont) with Almena-Aliste, M. (UVM); Costanza-Robinson, M. S. (Middlebury); Elder, J. (Midd); Munroe, J. (Midd). “The Taste of Place-Maple Syrup Project”. Cornelius King Charitable Trust, January-December 2008, $20,000.

Larrabee, James. “Acquisition of Spectropolarimeter for Circular Dichroism and Magnetic Circular Dichroism”, NSF/MRI, 2008, $76,748.


Bunt, Rick. “Hammett Studies of P,N-Chiral Ligands.” American Chemical Society-Petroleum Research Fund, September 2007-2010, $55,000.

Bunt, Rick. “Hammett Studies of P,N-Chiral Ligands.”

National Science Foundation (NSF-RUI, CHE-0714541), August 2007-2010, ($146,000)

M. S. Costanza-Robinson. “RUI: Measurement and Microtomographic Imaging of the Air-Water Interface in Unsaturated Porous Media.” National Science Foundation, September 2007-2010, $200,000.

M. S. Costanza-Robinson. “Microtomographic Imaging of the Air-Water Interfacial Area in Unsaturated Porous Media.” American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund, Type GB, September 2007-2009, $40,000.


Costanza-Robinson, Molly. “Xe-enhanced Synchrotron X-ray Computer-assisted Microtomography of Porous Media”. Vermont Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research, June 2006-February 2007, $9,383.

Costanza-Robinson, Molly.  Menking, Kirsten (project coordinator), and 14 participating faculty members. “A Watershed Research Consortium for Undergraduate Institutions”. Mellon Cluster Awards, Inter-institutional Initiative. May 2006 - September, 2007, $44,675.

Larrabee, Jim.  NSF/RUI, CHE-0554083, “Determination of  

Magnetic Exchange Coupling in Carboxylate-Bridged Binuclear Co(II) by Magnetic Circular Dichroism”, 2006-2009, $180,000

Cluss, Robert.  NIH IDeA Network of Research Excellence   (INBRE) proposal (through the University of Vermont) -          6/1/06-5/31/07  ( $74,650) “Cytopathic Effect of Borrelia burgdorferi Exoproteins Oms28 and Enolase” (in review).

Sandwick, Roger.  American Chemical Society-Petroleum 

Research Fund 09/1/06 - 8/31/09 ($50,000) “A Characterization of the Kinetics and Mechanisms of 

the Reaction of Ribose 5-Phosphate and Amino Acids”


Bunt, Rick, Byers, Jeff. Vermont-EPSCOR 1/1/05 ($24,900)  “Purchase of a solvent purification system”

Byers, Jeff. NSF-MRI 2005 ($200,000) “Acquisition of an LC/MS System”

Choi, Sunhee. NSF-RUI (#0450060) 3/1/05-6/30/08 ($200,000) “Mechanism and Kinetics of Oxidation of Guanosine Derivatives by Pt(IV) Complexes”

Choi, Sunhee. Vt Genetics Network 6/1/05-5/31/06 ($50,916) 

“Mechanism of Oxidation of DNA by Pt(IV) Compelxes”

Sandwick, Roger.  NIH-NCRR-INBRE VGN Program 06/01/05 - 

05/01/06 ($71,666)  “The Maillard Reaction between 

Ribose 5-Phosphate and Cellular Amines”

Costanza-Robinson, Molly (Senior Collaborator), M.L. Brusseau (PI). “Measurement and Three-dimensional Imaging of Air-Water Interfacial Areas in Unsaturated Porous Media”. USDA National Research Initiatives. September 1, 2004 - September 1, 2007: $307,812.


Byers, Jeff. Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Central Research 4/1/04 ($5000) “Support of an undergraduate summer research assistant”

Choi, Sunhee. Mellon Foundation Career Advancement Award 9/1/04-8/31/05 ($25,000) Joint with Kerry Kraukstis (Havery Mudd), Miriam Rossi (Vassar), Laura Wright (Furman) and Bridget Gourley (De Pauw) “Advancing the Careers of Senior Women Chemistry Faculty through a Horizontal Peer Network”

Choi, Sunhee. Vt Genetics Network (#1003) 5/15/04-6/30/04 ($10,000) “Mechanism of Oxidation of 8-Oxo-G by Pt(IV) Complexes”

Cluss, Robert.  NIH BRIN award (through the Vermont Genetics Network, The University of Vermont). To Brooke Gardner (‘06) - “Biochemical Characterization of the Enolase Secreted by Borrelia burgdorferi” $5,000.

Sandwick, Roger. NIH-NCRR-BRIN VGN Program 5/15/04 - 6/30/04 ($10,000) “The Maillard and Amadori Reactions of Ribose 5-Phosphate”

Sandwick, Roger.  5/15/04 - 6/30/04 ($7,800) NIH-NCRR-BRIN VGN Program “A Stability Study of Phosphoribosamine”


Bunt, Rick.  National Institutes of Health (NIH-AREA), 2003-2006 ($137,971) “Mechanism of Base-Flipping by DNA Modifying Enzymes”

Bunt, Rick.  Pfizer Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship for Sarah S. Goodwin 2003 ($5,000)

Byers, Jeff. NSF-RUI 7/03-6/06 ($300,000) “Transition Metal Templated Radical Reactions”

Byers, Jeff. Vermont-EPSCOR 6/03-8/03 ($8,900) “Radical Chemistry of Cyclobutadiene Iron Tricarbonyl”


Bunt, Rick.  Vermont Genetics Network (NIH-BRIN) 2002-2003, ($20,000)  Partial Sabbatical Leave Support for “Altering the Rate of Base Flipping in DNA”

Byers, Jeff. Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Central Research 3/02($5000) “Support of an undergraduate summer research assistant”

Choi, Sunhee. ACS-PRF (37874-B3) 7/02-6/05 ($50,000) “Mechanism of Oxidation of DNA by Pt(IV) Complexes”

Choi, Sunhee. Vt Genetics Network (#3038) 6/02-8/03 ($20,000) “Mechanism of Oxidation of DNA by Pt(IV) Complexes”

Cluss, Robert.  AAAS/Merck Chemical Foundation -  To Middlebury College. “New Frontiers in the Molecular Sciences” Support for Undergraduate Research in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and a Summer Visiting Scientist Lecture Series $60,000 over three years.

Cluss, Robert.  NIH BRIN award (through the Vermont Genetics Network, The University of Vermont). “Characterization of the Predicted 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA Reductase of Borrelia burgdorferi, the Lyme Disease Spirochete”.  $10,000.


Bunt, Rick.  American Chemical Society-Petroleum Research Fund, Type G, 2001-2004 ($25,000) “Probing the Electronic Origins of Chiral Ligand Asymmetry in Palladium-Catalyzed Allylic-Alkylation Reactions”

Bunt, Rick.  Cottrell College Science Award from Research Corporation, 2001-2005 ($41,381) “Probing the Electronic Origins of Chiral Ligand Asymmetry in Palladium-Catalyzed Allylic-Aklylation Reactions”

Byers, Jeff. ACS Organic Division 6/01 ($600) “To Attend the 37th National Organic Symposium, Bozeman, MT.


Bunt, Rick.  Pfizer Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship for Agnes Makingwe 2000 ($5,000)

Bunt, Rick.  VT EPSCoR Award, 2000 ($5,000)  “Electronic Control of Chiral Ligand Asymmetry”

Byers, Jeff. Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Central Research 3/00 ($5000) “Support of an undergraduate summer research assistant”


Choi, Sunhee. NIH-AREA (1R15 CA82145-01) 7/99-6/03 ($101,920) “Mechanistic Study of Pt(IV) Anticancer Complexes”


Bunt, Rick.  Camille and Henry Dreyfus Faculty Start-up Grant, 1998-2003 ($20,000) “The Mechanism of Base-Flipping in DNA Repair Enzymes,”

Byers, Jeff. Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Central Research 3/98 ($5000) “Support of an undergraduate summer research assistant”

Byers, Jeff. NSF-RUI. 4/98-5/01 ($139,400) “Radical Aromatic Substitution via Atom-Transfer Addition”

Byers, Jeff. ACS-PRF Type B. 4/98 ($30,000) “Radical Aromatic Substitution via Atom-Transfer Addition”


Byers, Jeff. Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Central Research 3/96 ($5000) “Support of an undergraduate summer research assistant”

Choi, Sunhee. NIH-AREA (1R15 CA67217-01A1) 6/96-5/99 ($122,197) “Mechanistic Study of Pt(IV) Anticancer Complexes”


Choi, Sunhee. ACS-PRF (28563-B3) 6/95-8/98 ($ 25,000) “Kinetic and Mechanistic Studies on the Antitumor Activity of Pt(IV) Complexes”

Byers, Jeff. VT-EPSCOR 9/95 ($10,000) “Partial support of sabbatical during 1995-96 academic year”