Local Resources and Laws - Puerto Rico
Go to a safe place: your room/residence, a friend’s room/residence, or anywhere you will feel safe.
If your safety is in immediate jeopardy, call 911.
For emotional and legal support and guidance,
Call the helpline (“Línea de Ayuda”) of the Center for the Support of Sexual Assault Victims/
“Centro de Ayuda a Víctimas de Violación” (CAVV), 24/7, 787-765-2285.
For more information on CAVV, visit https://www.salud.gov.pr/CMS/104.
You may also call:
Oficina para el Desarrollo Integral de las Mujeres. Municipio Autónomo de San Juan (ODIM). Línea de Ayuda: 939-CONTIGO (266-8446), 24/7
Centro Salud y Justicia de Puerto Rico. Línea de Orientación y ayuda: 787-337-3737. Call or text message. https://centrosaludjusticia.org/
Proyecto Matria: 787-489-0022, https://www.proyectomatria.org/
Taller Salud: 787-697-1120, https://www.tallersalud.com/conecta
For additional support, you may also contact:
Siempre Vivas Metro: shttps://www.instagram.com/siemprevivasmetro/. For more information on Siempre Vivas Metro see, https://cie.uprrp.edu/siempre-vivas-metro/, siemprevivas.metro@upr.edu, fb: @siemprevivas metro
Siempre Vivas (UPRM-Mayagüez) https://www.facebook.com/siemprevivasrum/, siemprevivas@uprm.edu, (787) 832-4040, Ext 6203.
A person, older than 18 years of age, who believes to have been sexually assaulted, he/she/they have the right to:
- Visit an Emergency Room (“Sala de emergencias”) to get medical attention, receive treatment for STDs and/or receive emergency contraception (Plan B). If you go within 72 hours of the sexual assault, and you choose to, you may receive a procedure known as a “Safe Kit” which would potentially be used to obtain evidence that may identify or be used against an agressor in court. (See more information on “Safe kits” in the next section- Immediate Medical Care)
NOTE: Should you choose NOT to report the crime to the police, you may still make the choice to seek medical attention; go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital or a local doctor or local family planning center.
- Go to the nearest police station (“cuartel de la policía”) to make a claim (“hacer una denuncia/querella”) against the agressor. *
- Visit a municipal court of law (“tribunal de primera instancia”), to ask for a protection order (“orden de protección”) against the agressor. *
*If you would like to go to the police station and/or visit a municipal court of law we suggest you first call CAVV, 787-765-2285, so they can assist you in the process.
If you would like to make a legal complaint, you may also call the following helpline, “Línea de orientación a víctimas de delitos sexuales”, 787-343-0000, or go directly to the nearest police station (“cuartel de la policía”) to report.
If you want to be accompanied either the police station, to the hospital, or both (you may opt to go to the hospital without filing a complaint), please call the Middlebury School in Puerto Rico Director (787-464-6719). Please know that it is NOT common practice for the police to escort individuals who have been harmed to the hospital, but people from CAVV may accompany you if you wish. You may also wish to contact one of the local support organizations (found below on pages 10-12), as well as any personal contacts you have in your host city.
We encourage you to contact someone you trust: no matter how late it is, you do not have to be alone. Call the Director, a close friend, or your roommate.
We encourage you to seek immediate medical attention, even if you’re not sure if you have any physical injuries. At the emergency room, you may be treated for injuries, be given prophylactic treatment for sexually transmitted infections, and emergency contraception. Even if you decide not to file a report and/or press charges with the police, you will be given the option to have a forensic medical examination, known as a “safekit”.
If the incident occurred within the last 24 hours, if possible, and you choose to have a “safe kit” procedure, try to preserve any evidence before your medical exam by not washing or changing clothes, brushing teeth or hair, eating, or taking other actions that might compromise evidence. Even if more time has passed, it may still be possible to collect evidence, and it is certainly possible to receive medical care and testing. Collecting evidence in no way obligates you to make a report to Middlebury or file a complaint with local law enforcement authorities, but it preserves this information if you decide to do either of those things, or seek a protection order, at a later date. In Puerto Rico, the first seven days after an incident are considered as an emergency period. Emergency rooms may provide medication to prevent infections or a pregnancy (Emergency contraception, PLAN B).
If you go within 72 hours from the incident, a SAFE KIT (exam to collect forensic evidence) will be done to identify the aggressor or obtain evidence against the aggressor in a court of law.
After 72 hours you may still visit the hospital, to receive treatments against Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
If you become pregnant because of a sexual assault, know that abortions in Puerto Rico are legal. For additional information you may call CAVV, who may help you get access to an abortion at the Hospital Universitario de Adultos, where the cost should be covered by the state, via Medicaid. You may also consider going to a private clinic, where you can have access to a safe abortion for a cost, such as Darlington Medical Associates (Río Piedras) (787) 692-5511], Clínica IELLA Profamilias (Reparto Metropolitano), (787) 751-0820.
To find the hospital closest to you:
In the San Juan area:
- Hospital Auxilio Mutuo (Hato Rey), https://www.auxiliomutuo.com/servicios/sala-emergencias
- Hospital Pavía (Santurce), https://hospitalpaviapr.com/sala-de-emergencias/
- Hospital Pavía (Hato Rey), https://hospitalpaviahr.com/salas-de-emergencias/
- Hospital Universitario de Adultos (Centro Médico de Río Piedras), https://www.asem.pr.gov/servicios_medicos/sala_emergencia
- Hospital Municipal de San Juan (Centro Médico de Río Piedras), (787) 480-2700
In the Mayagüez area:
- Hospital Perea (Mayagüez pueblo, “town center”), https://hospitalperea.com/procesos-de-sala-de-emergencias/
- Mayagüez Medical Center (Centro Médico de Mayagüez), https://mmcw.azurewebsites.net/
Línea PAS, the country’s 24/7 mental health crisis and information line. Línea PAS provides crisis counseling, evaluation, and referral services. You can reach Línea PAS by dialing 1-800-981-0023. You can also find a live chat feature and more information on their website, https://lineapas.assmca.pr.gov/.
Confidential counselors are available to you. You have complete control over what information you do or do not choose to share. You may or may not feel ready to talk about what happened, but in either case, counselors can provide a confidential and safe space to explore any feelings or challenges that have arisen for you after your experience. They can also provide you with information and support as you consider your needs, and can help you to connect with other resources, such as a victim’s advocate or counselor (contact information is below).
If you are not sure what you need right now, but you would like some confidential information and/or support while exploring your options, in addition to CAVV (See above), you may consider contacting:
Coordinadora Paz para las Mujeres: (787) 281-7579, (787) 777-0378, Sexual Assault Coalition, (787) 767-6843, info@pazparalamujer.org
Help directory, in English (The following link has a “Recite me” function. You may want to mute your computer before you click): https://pazparalasmujeres.org/directorio-ayuda/#reciteme
In Spanish: https://pazparalasmujeres.org/directorio-ayuda/
For a longer list of resources, mental health clinics, and more information visit, https://blog.opencounseling.com/public-mental-health-pr
If you are a USC/ Sagrado student, at Centro Sofía you may find psychological and spiritual support at the College’s Centro Sofía, https://insagrado.sagrado.edu/servicios-de-apoyo-emocional-en-sagrado/. For more information, you may also write to centrosofia@sagrado.edu
If you are a UPRRP student, you may consult with DECODE (UPR). Send an email with your name, student number and cell phone number to dcode.consejeria@upr.edu, to ask for an appointment. A mental health professional should contact you in the next 24 working hours. For more information: http://dcode.uprrp.edu/
Facebook: Dcode Upr; Departamento de Consejería para el Desarrollo Estudiantil (DCODE)
Twitter: DCODE UPRRP / @DcodeU
Instagram: dcodeuprrp
If you are a UPR-Mayagüez student, you may contact Departamento de Consejería y Servicios Psicológicos, https://www.uprm.edu/dcsp/
In the San Juan area, regardless of where you study, you may also get receive free psychological services at UPR’s Centro Universitario de Servicios y Estudios Psicológicos (CUSEP), 787-764-0000, ext. 87680, 87681, cusep.rp@upr.edu, or at a reduced price at Community Mental Health Clinic (Universidad Carlos Albizu), 787-725-6500, exts. 1566, 1575, 1201, 1203 o 1117.
In the Mayagüez area, regardless of where you study, you may also receive psychological services ar a reduced price, at Albizu Clinic- Mayagüez (MYZ), https://www.albizu.edu/clinic/albizu-clinic-mayaguez/. Contact Information: Dra. Melissa Bezares, Clinical Director, 787-838-7272, ext. 7146, Monday to Thursday, 8am-9am; Friday and Saturday, 9am-5pm.
Contacting one or more of these or other confidential resources in no way precludes you from also choosing to make a report or a formal complaint with Middlebury or with local law enforcement. More information on making a report or filing a formal complaint with Middlebury and/or local law enforcement can be found below.
It is not necessary to file a formal complaint with Middlebury, participate in a Middlebury adjudication process, or file a criminal complaint with local law enforcement to request help from Middlebury.
Middlebury will provide assistance to help you access support services and accommodations, which include but are not limited to the following:
Academic Accommodations: If your experience is compromising your ability to meet your academic obligations, Middlebury may be able to provide you with support options. These may include but are not limited to assignment deadline extensions, work group adjustments, course changes or late drops, incompletes, or other arrangements as appropriate.
No Contact Orders and No Trespass Notices: No Contact Orders (NCOs) are Middlebury’s nondisciplinary measures to prevent two or more individuals from communicating directly or indirectly with each other. In most cases, NCOs are put in place at the request of one or both parties, but in some circumstances, Middlebury may put one in place to preserve the safety of both parties and other community members. A No Trespass Notice (NTN) prohibits the presence of an individual on Middlebury property, and on properties on which Middlebury programs are occurring. Violating an NTN or an NCO is a violation of Middlebury policy. NTNs are legally enforceable; a violation may therefore also lead to arrest and prosecution.
In Puerto Rico, Protection Orders or “órdenes de protección” are rendered by Municipal Court judges (“jueces municipales”). Legal representation is not required, and you don’t need to have issued a previous legal complaint against the agressor. Contact the School’s Director for support during this process. If the government issues a protection order, the person against whom it was issued cannot come near the “protected” person and may be arrested if he/she/they does not follow the court’s order. To ask for a “protection order” you will need to fill out some of the following forms:
In case of “domestic violence”: https://poderjudicial.pr/documentos/formularios/OAT-996-Formulario-de-orden-de-proteccion.pdf
In case of “sexual violence”: https://poderjudicial.pr/documentos/formularios/OAT-996-Formulario-de-orden-de-proteccion.pdf
Once filled you will need to send the forms to the following email address: presentaciones@ramajudicial.pr. These forms may also be found in the “Salas especializadas de Violencia de Género”, “Salas especializadas en Violencia Doméstica” o “Salas de investigaciones”. You may find other relevant forms, in the following link from Puerto Rico’s Judicial Branch (Rama Judicial de Puerto Rico): https://poderjudicial.pr/index.php/formularios/
If you have any question on how to fill out these forms, you may call (787) 641-6263 Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm, or write to buzon@poderjudicial.pr
Residential Accommodations: It is sometimes possible to relocate students on a temporary or permanent basis when two students’ residential proximity feels unsafe or disruptive.
Visa and Immigration Assistance: If you have questions or concerns about how your experience and needs may intersect with your visa and/or immigration status, please contact the Director (tpenajordan@middlebury.edu) of the School in Puerto Rico, the Civil Rights and Title IX Coordinator, Butterfly Blaise Boire (knowyourrights@middlebury.edu), or International Student & Scholar Services for more information.
Student Financial Aid Assistance: If you have questions or concerns about the impact of your experience on your student financial aid, please contact the Civil Rights and Title IX Coordinator, Butterfly Blaise Boire (knowyourrights@middlebury.edu) or Student Financial Services for more information.
Disability-Related Needs: If you have a disability and have related concerns about your needs regarding your experience, please share them with any of the resources listed above, as well as with the Civil Rights and Title IX Coordinator or Disability Resource Center (students-ada@middlebury.edu) or Human Resources (employees-hr@middlebury.edu).
If you would like to request these or any other accommodations or assistance, please contact the Civil Rights and Title IX Coordinator (knowyourrights@middlebury.edu). Students may also reach out to the Director of the School in Puerto Rico (tpenajordan@middlebury.edu). All employees may also contact Human Resources. Each request will be evaluated and responded to after appropriate consultation, as needed. Factors to be considered may include the following:
- the specific need expressed by the party;
- the severity and/or pervasiveness of the allegations;
- any continuing effects on the party;
- whether the parties share the same residence hall, dining hall, class, extracurricular activities, transportation and/or job location;
- whether other judicial measures have been taken to protect a party or the parties; and whether other measures are reasonably available to support the individual.
When an individual reportedly subjected to sexual assault, domestic or dating violence, or stalking makes a request for accommodations like those described above, Middlebury will consider the request and provide those supportive measures which are reasonably available and reasonably allow for the preservation or restoration of access to or participation in Middlebury programs. Middlebury will maintain as confidential any services, accommodations, or protective measures provided to complainants, to the extent that maintaining such confidentiality would not impair Middlebury’s ability to provide them.
Preserving Evidence
In addition to trying to preserve any of the physical evidence referenced above (“Medical Care”), you may want to preserve all evidence related to an incident or incidents, including any electronic information, text messages, social media posts, phone records, emails, clothing, or other documentation or materials. Even if you don’t wish to pursue a complaint with Middlebury or local law enforcement or seek an order of protection at this time, it may be a good idea to preserve the evidence in a safe place in case you change your mind, at a later date. You may also want to consider writing down and preserving all of the details you remember about your experience(s), as well as the names of individuals you believe may possess relevant information and/or evidence.
As you consider your choices and resources, you may have concerns about maintaining your privacy. Middlebury will handle information in a sensitive manner and will endeavor to protect your privacy to the extent we can do so and still meet our obligations to respond to reports of sexual misconduct, domestic and dating violence, stalking, and/or related retaliation. Although the Clery Act (a federal statute) requires Middlebury to report annually the number of sexual misconducts, dating and domestic violence, and stalking reports we receive, and to issue public campus warnings as appropriate, Middlebury will not include the names of reporting individuals or other personally identifying information in either disclosure. However, if there is an independent investigation, lawsuit, or criminal proceeding related to sexual misconduct, domestic or dating violence, stalking, or related retaliation, those involved or others may be required by law to provide testimony or documents (e.g., reports, witness statements, and any other information gathered or obtained by Middlebury in a particular matter).
You may want clarification about which resources are confidential (individuals who are legally and ethically bound to keep confidential all information shared with them in the course of providing counsel and support, except under certain unusual circumstances), and which resources are not (individuals who are required to report any incident they learn of that may involve sexual misconduct, domestic or dating violence, or stalking to an HRO or the Civil Rights and Title IX Coordinator):
- Confidential Resources: In general, communications between a person seeking care and a medical or mental health professional, religious advisor, or trained sexual assault advocate are confidential. The medical, mental health, and religious professionals at Middlebury, and their off-campus counterparts, respect and protect confidential communications from students, faculty, and staff to the extent they are legally able to do so. These professionals may have to breach a confidence, however, when they perceive a serious risk of danger or threat to any person or property. They may also be required by law to report certain crimes (e.g., any allegation of sexual or physical abuse of a person under 18).
- Nonconfidential Resources: All faculty and staff members, including residential life staff and ombudspersons, who are not medical or counseling professionals, or clergy, are not permitted to honor requests for confidentiality. Nonconfidential faculty or staff who learn of an incident of alleged sexual misconduct, domestic or dating violence, stalking, or related retaliation involving a student are required to report that information to an HRO or the Civil Rights and Title IX Coordinator, all of whom are responsible for ensuring that individuals who may have experienced this prohibited conduct receive information about their rights, resources, and support options.
Additional Sexual Violence Resources and Information in Puerto Rico
For individuals of all gender identities and sexual orientations:
The Middlebury School in Puerto Rico
Director: Teresa Peña Jordán, 787-464-6719
Centro de Apoyo para Víctimas del Crimen (CAVIC): 787-763-3667
Oficina para el Desarrollo Integral de la Mujer (ODIN), Municipio de San Juan: 787-480-6832, (787) 480-6831.
Ayuda Legal: Non-profit organization committed to providing legal assistance, education, and support, https://www.ayudalegalpuertorico.org/.
For a directory (IN SPANISH) for victims of sexual violence, see https://ayudalegalpr.org/resource/violencia-domstica-a-dnde-llamar#iB04ECC09-594B-4333-8B52-5A90147F2491
There are several additional resources for female- and/or LGBTQI+- identified individuals:
Proyecto Matria, https://www.proyectomatria.org/, Línea de ayuda, 24/7: 787-704-2222
Puerto Rico Trans Youth Coalition: Community-based organization that serves as a support network for trans, intersex and non-binary gender youth in Puerto Rico. It is an inclusive space where the self-management of these communities is supported. Likewise, it serves as a first response network that manages contacts with professionals to meet the needs of this community ethically. You can read about their claims and resources at Puerto Rico Trans Youth Coalition, https://www.facebook.com/PRTransYouthCoalition/
Centro Comunitario LGBTTPR, https://www.centrolgbttpr.org/
Centro Ararat: Non-profit organization with centers in Ponce, San Juan, and Juana Díaz. They offer educational workshops, case management, medical care for trans persons, hormone therapy, nutrition, psychological services, labs, PrEP, VIH tests, etc. You may find more information at https://centroararat.org/
Directorio de Servicios LGBTQ de Puerto Rico: This initiative arises from the need to group providers that are sensitive to LGBTQ communities, https://servicioslgbtpr.com/
We are always deeply concerned when behavior that may constitute sexual misconduct, dating or domestic violence, or stalking comes to our attention, and we would very much like to gather more information.
Sexual misconduct (including sexual assault and sexual exploitation), domestic and dating violence, stalking, and related retaliation are strictly prohibited under Middlebury’s Non-Discrimination Policy. We encourage you to file a complaint with Middlebury by contacting the Civil Rights and Title IX Coordinator or a Human Relations Officer (HRO).
Our policies are designed with the needs of students and employees in mind, and we make every effort to conduct investigations with care and sensitivity. If you are considering filing a complaint but want to learn more about the investigation and adjudication process before doing so, we encourage you to request an informational meeting with the Civil Rights and Title IX Coordinator.
You do not need to share any information about your experience during this conversation, and you are welcome to bring a support person with you if that would be helpful.
If you have concerns that you may be retaliated against by anyone at Middlebury for filing a complaint, please know that retaliation by any member of the Middlebury community against someone because they have reported an incident or participated in an investigation is explicitly prohibited. Middlebury will take steps to prevent retaliation and will take strong responsive action if retaliation occurs.
It is important to know that you have options in how you report. There are three ways to report at Middlebury:
- Anonymously (the link to report can be found here: https://forms.gle/UQGTr8GboWYq2oan7)
- Confidentially (as shared above)
- Officially (the link to report can be found here: https://forms.gle/7pcic8GYYuYt9EJ29).
Universidad del Sagrado Corazón (USC)
For information on Student Rights and Course of Action within USC/Sagrado, see https://www.sagrado.edu/en/title-ix/
University of Puerto Rico (Río Piedras campus)
For information on Student Rights and Course of Action within UPRRP, see https://tituloix.uprrp.edu/
For additional support, you may also contact Siempre Vivas Metro: siemprevivas.metro@upr.edu, fb: @siemprevivas metro, https://www.instagram.com/siemprevivasmetro/
Register for a support group with Siempre Vivas Metro,
For more information on Siempre Vivas Metro see, https://cie.uprrp.edu/siempre-vivas-metro/,
University of Puerto Rico (Mayagüez campus)
For information on Student Rights and Course of Action within UPRM, visit https://www.uprm.edu/tituloix/que-es-titulo-ix/
For additional support, you may also contact Siempre Vivas RUM (Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez): Phone: 787-833- 8242, siemprevivas@uprm.edu, www.facebook.com/siemprevivasrum, twitter: @siemprevivasrumLuisa R. Seijo Maldonado
For more information on Siempre Vivas UPRM, see http://siemprevivas.uprm.edu/
Law Enforcement in Puerto Rico
You also have the right to report the incident to law enforcement (“cuartel de la policía”) and/or seek a protective order (“orden de protección”), from a court (or to choose not to do so). These options are available to you regardless of whether you choose to file a complaint with Middlebury. If you would like to request such assistance or would just like to learn more about these options, please contact the Director of the School in Puerto Rico (tpenajordan@middlebury.edu)
For more detailed information on filing a report with Puerto Rico law enforcement, in the following Guía Informativa Comunitaria de Violencia de Género, https://poderjudicial.pr/Educo/pdf/Guia-Violencia-Genero.pdf (shorter version)
You may also find more detailed information in the following Guía Violencia de Género, https://poderjudicial.pr/Documentos/Educo/Guia-Violencia-Genero.pdf (longer version)
Informal resolution is a voluntary option that does not involve a hearing process or other determination about whether or not a violation of Middlebury policy occurred. This is not an option when the person who caused harm is not affiliated with Middlebury. At any time prior to reaching a determination regarding responsibility, Middlebury may facilitate an informal resolution process where requested by one party and agreed to by the other party. If a party requests the initiation of an informal resolution process and the Civil Rights and Title IX Coordinator agrees that the matter is appropriate for informal resolution, both parties will be given information about Middlebury’s informal resolution options.
A party may withdraw from the informal resolution process at any time prior to their execution of a written informal resolution agreement. After a final informal resolution is agreed to in writing between the parties, neither party may initiate a formal resolution process regarding substantially the same factual allegations. Agreement to participate in an informal resolution does not prevent you from filing a complaint with the police.
Middlebury’s process for addressing reports of sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, stalking, and related retaliation is summarized below. In the event of any differences between this summary and the more detailed terms in the Middlebury Handbook, the language in the Middlebury Handbook prevails over the language of this summary. Middlebury’s procedures:
- are prompt, fair, and impartial from the initial investigation to the final result
- are conducted by professionals who receive, at a minimum, annual training on issues related to sexual misconduct, dating and domestic violence, and stalking, and on how to conduct a prompt, fair, and impartial investigation and adjudication process that protects the safety of complainants and promotes accountability
- where applicable, provide both parties with the same opportunities to have others present during any related meeting, including the opportunity to be accompanied to any related meeting or proceeding by an advisor of their choice
- provide for simultaneous notification, in writing, to both parties of:
- the result of Middlebury’s disciplinary proceedings, Middlebury’s procedures for the complainant and the respondent to appeal the result of our disciplinary procedures, if available,
- any change to the result before it becomes final, and
- when the result becomes final
- are conducted in a manner that is consistent with Middlebury’s policies and transparent to both parties
- include timely notice of meetings at which the complainant and respondent may be present
- provide timely and equal access to both parties and appropriate officials to any information that may be used during the process; and
- are conducted by professionals who do not have a conflict of interest or bias for or against the complainant or the respondent.
Middlebury utilizes trained, experienced investigators to conduct investigations into complaints of sexual misconduct, domestic and dating violence, and stalking. When hearings are required, Middlebury utilizes trained, experienced administrators (Middlebury’s Human Relations Officers or HROs) to serve as hearing officers and make the official determination as to whether the policies under investigation were violated.
Sanctions for students found to have violated the Non-Discrimination Policy could include written reprimands, probationary status, an official letter of discipline, or suspension or expulsion from any or all Middlebury program(s) in which the student is enrolled or participating. Other non disciplinary actions deemed appropriate may also be implemented (e.g., remedies applied to the respondent to address the needs of the complainant, including but not limited to room changes, class changes, building restrictions, extracurricular activity restrictions, modification of No Contact Orders to favor the reporting individual, and other actions to preserve the rights of the reporting individual to a safe environment). Although sanctions for violation(s) of this policy can include any form of discipline as stated in this section, students found to have committed sexual assault will most likely receive a sanction of suspension or expulsion.
Middlebury may also provide notice of the matter to the appropriate supervisory authority of any Middlebury program in which the respondent intends to participate, who may consider this information in determining admission and/or other program participation parameters. Notification may also be provided to the home institution of non-Middlebury undergraduate and graduate students or any other program in which the student is enrolled or to which the student is pursuing enrollment.
Sanctions for employees found to have violated the Non-Discrimination Policy may include written reprimands, or suspension or termination of employment. Non disciplinary measures (e.g., No Contact Orders or reassignment of duties or work areas) might also be taken as deemed appropriate under the circumstances.
Middlebury’s Civil Rights and Title IX Coordinator (knowyourrights@middlebury.edu) is available to answer any additional questions you may have. Please contact the coordinator to arrange for a connection in person or by phone or email.
If you have experienced sexual misconduct, domestic or dating violence, or stalking, you are not alone. There are many resources at Middlebury on campus and off campus that can offer support, information, and care.
Non-Discrimination Policy or go/nondiscrimination
Director of the School in Puerto Rico: Teresa Peña Jordán, 787-464-6719, tpenajordan@middlebury.edu
Deputy Civil Rights & Title IX Coordinator: Taryn Moran, (802) 443-5840, tarynm@middlebury.edu
Civil Rights and Title IX Coordinator: Butterfly Blaise Boire, knowyourrights@middlebury.edu
Senior Human Relations Officer: Thaddeus Watulak, twatulak@middlebury.edu
Human Relations Officer: Cameron Connah, cconnah@middlebury.edu
For more contact information from Midd CRTXI Office: https://www.middlebury.edu/title-IX/about
Dean of International Programs: Carlos Vélez-Blasini, velezbla@middlebury.edu, +1.802.443.5035
Class Deans: https://www.middlebury.edu/college/student-life/dean-students/class-deans
Office of the Dean of Students: dos@middlebury.edu
Dean of the Faculty: Jim Ralph, ralph@middlebury.edu , +1.802.443.5320.
International Student & Scholar Services: isss@middlebury.edu
Student Financial Services: sfs@middlebury.edu, +1.802.443.5158
Human Resources: hr@middlebury.edu, +1.802.443.5465
If you choose to make a report with a Title IX Coordinator from Sagrado or the UPR, please inform the Director of MSiPR as well as Middlebury’s Title IX Coordinator.