For Parents
Soon your student will be embarking upon what is often a life-changing, academic, social, and cultural experience with one of the Middlebury C.V. Starr Schools Abroad.
The information on these pages will help you better understand the philosophy of our programs as well as the emotions and challenges your student might encounter.
Authentic, Immersive, Independent
The Schools Abroad stress independence, self-reliance, and immersion by encouraging students to take responsibility for their time abroad—from the application process to the transfer of credit back to the their home institution.
This approach does not preclude families from helping in any way. Involved families can provide sound advice and guidance, helping students adjust more smoothly before, during, and after the study abroad experience. However, students who begin the study abroad process in an independent manner (i.e. researching the different sites available, completing their own paperwork, getting their own visa, making their own travel arrangements, arranging their own housing) tend to transition more easily into their host culture.
Contact Us
Please feel free to contact us at any time during the process with your questions or concerns.