Summer Programs
Middlebury offers several opportunities for students to take field-based and experiential learning courses that might otherwise be difficult to accommodate during the regular academic year.
These programs do not have a language element and are taught entirely in English.
Middlebury School of the Environment
This six-week environmental studies program is based in Monterey, California, at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies. The program includes three college courses within a specially designed immersive curriculum that integrates core work, electives, leadership training, and field experiences.
Learn more about the School of the Environment.
Middlebury Museum Studies in Oxford
Spend five weeks in the heart of Oxford, England, with access to world-renowned museum collections at the Compton Verney, Ashmolean Museum, Natural History Museum, and Museum of the History of Science. Gain unparalleled insight into the structure, management, and activities of museums, as well as the British approach to historic preservation.
Learn more about Museum Studies.