Middlebury students who are interested in studying abroad can choose from the Middlebury CV Starr Schools Abroad or from many externally sponsored programs and locations. Domestic off-campus study is also an option, including Study Away at Monterey or other domestic programs

We recommend that you watch the video below, watch the program-specific information session (where available) and then schedule an appointment with the appropriate advisor (see below) before you complete an application for any program.

Study Abroad 101 Video

In this 12-minute video you will learn about study abroad program options, applications, requirements, and processes. If you are interested in studying abroad next year, please watch this video before you attend info sessions or meet with a study abroad advisor.

Alessandra Capossela

Assistant Director, International Programs

Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Italy

Sunderland Language Center 124

Nicole Chance

Assistant Director, International Programs

Brazil, Cameroon, Germany, Spain

Sunderland Language Center 125

Bill Mayers

Assistant Director, International Programs

China, India, Jordan, Morocco

Sunderland Language Center 123B
Office Hours:
M - F, 8:30-4:00

Susan Parsons

Assistant Director, International Programs

France, Japan, and Russia

Sunderland 123A

Phyllis Stinson

Program Manager, Conflict Transformation Abroad and Study Away at Monterey

Study Away at Monterey 

Sunderland Language Center 129

Stacey Thebodo

Associate Director, International Programs

United Kingdom and all externally sponsored programs

Sunderland Language Center 126

Middlebury Schools Abroad

Middlebury C.V. Schools Abroad operates 37 schools in 16 countries. Students in all majors can apply and should have a level of proficiency that supports a commitment to language and cultural immersion. Visit Schools Abroad for more detailed information.

Completed applications are due by February 1 for the following academic year, fall semester, and spring semester. Summer programs are due by March 1 for the School of the Environment and April 1 for Museum Studies in Oxford and Summer Studies in Oxford. See the Schools Abroad admissions page for application details.

Externally Sponsored Programs

Each year a significant number of Middlebury students choose to study abroad through externally sponsored programs in countries such as Australia, Botswana, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Ghana, Greece, Ireland, Kenya, Madagascar, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Peru, South Africa, Tanzania, Thailand, and the United Kingdom, to name only a few.

If you apply to an externally sponsored program, you must apply according to the program’s deadline and be aware of rolling admissions as many programs fill before their deadlines. Students applying to externally sponsored programs and universities must also complete the Middlebury Study Abroad Application by February 1.


International Programs Mission Statement

International Programs supports Middlebury’s commitment to immersive learning. A student’s study abroad experience should be an integral and coherent part of the academic program at Middlebury, enhancing the on-campus curriculum and supporting a liberal arts education. To achieve these ends, Middlebury students study abroad on academically substantive programs that foster cultural engagement.