Erik Fofack, professor in Cameroon

Éric Wilson Fofack holds a Ph.D in History of International Relations from Yaoundé I University and a Secondary High School Teacher’s Diploma Grade II (DIPES II); he is a researcher and a teacher. His fields of expertise are international relations, crises and armed conflict in Africa, child soldiers, UN-AU, and peacekeeping. He is an expert member of the Peace Operation Network (ROP), an associate researcher at GRIP (Bruxelles), and a teacher at the Middlebury School Abroad in Cameroon, where he lectures about the History of Africa and Cameroon.  He is also an Assistant Professor at the University of Dschang (Cameroon), where he gives lectures about the History of Africa and Cameroon, History of International relations, and Geopolitics, etc. Since 2011, he has been an associate researcher at l’Université évangélique du Cameroon. The subject of his doctoral dissertation was The UN and post-Cold War armed conflicts resolution in Central Africa: 1990-2004. He is the author of many scientific articles. His current research is on the UN actions in Africa and especially in Central Africa.